Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0514

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:45:25 AM

Chapter 0514

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Participating in countless wars, only one more beheading knife has been added to improve combat skills, but its strength has not been fundamentally improved. It is still not the opponent of natural disaster genetic creatures.

Zhang lie guessed that natural disaster level genetic organisms are more powerful.

Strictly speaking, the natural disaster gene creature in the Shura world has the same strength as the Shura emperor.

However, in terms of combat effectiveness, because they hardly eat physical damage, they are usually stronger than the superior Shura emperor!

But the star falling emperor is also the armor of the soul. That thing can defeat him. It is definitely not an ordinary natural disaster level.

After the Xingluo emperor came back from a serious injury, after a period of rest, he didn't give up and devoted himself to exercise again. As long as he was really close to Asura, he could defeat the natural disaster gene creature.

The closer you are to the gods, the more you will be aware of your smallness.

He knew that he was not close to the strength of Asura, which was far from the strength of Shura gods.

The life of the Shura family has boundaries. Once it reaches the boundaries, it can no longer be promoted. Standing on the boundaries of life, in the words of the human family, it is full of genes.

He didn't know that Asura was also a Shura. Why was he so powerful? In order to find the secret, he tried to put himself into research and wanted to overtake in a curve.

He didn't know whether it was the influence of ten thousand animal soul elements or the madness in his bones. He began to carry out all kinds of research and became worse and worse. Later, he realized that the essence of life was soul elements, which was out of control.

Xingluo emperor began to forget his original purpose and continued to study. As he studied, he found that he had been affected.

During this period, he received several dry sons, gave the knife in his hand to the first son, stripped off the influence of the beheading knife, and distributed some research in order to try other possibilities on his son.

Cut out some souls and transfer the negative emotions of beast soul element.

Theoretically, after that, the Xingluo emperor has not been affected by the beast soul element.

But in fact, the influence has already gone deep into the bones and cannot be dispelled. In short, the Xingluo emperor is poisoned too deeply.

Finally, through research, we want to refine the ten thousand star compass.

He was confident that as long as he refined the ten thousand star compass, he could really get close to Asura and sacrifice a billion creatures.

At that time, the Xingluo Emperor didn't realize that he had forgotten his original intention. The detour was far away, and he couldn't turn back.

After nearly 20 years of preparation, let the two superior Shura countries attack the Xingluo imperial country, and then destroy the two superior Shura imperial countries through a series of preparations. After that, they resolutely sacrificed the two superior Shura countries, and finally successfully refined the ten thousand star compass.

Xingluo emperor succeeded. Then he found Zhang lie, and then he didn't have it. He was killed directly.

On the latest page of the autobiography, with sun Mengmeng turning, a list fell.

Zhang lie picked it up and found that it was what he had always wanted to find, the list of natural disaster level genetic organisms.

Before finding Xingluo emperor's first love, Xingluo Kingdom searched for many ultimate genetic creatures, which cost a lot of human and material resources to find a large number of information about ultimate genetic creatures.

Before, Xingluo emperor had the patience to read all the news before sorting out the data.

The list of super ultimate genetic organisms compiled by xingluohuang has become the benefit of Zhang lie.

In fact, with the ten thousand star compass, the star emperor has the ability to defeat the first love, but he has already forgotten his original intention at that time.

However, on Zhang lie's side, the extreme martial arts school was almost attacked when he swept the Treasury of the upper Shura state.

The news of the decisive battle between renhuangcheng and Xingluo HuangGuo has long been uploaded on the Internet. The soldiers who participated in that war are still in Xingluo Huangcheng. Naturally, the news is not known by the real world.

People who sneak into the extreme martial arts school look at the time. The Imperial City team is almost in contact with the Xingluo emperor country, so they don't wait any longer.

There are a large number of Chinese guards near extreme martial arts school. The longer you stay, the higher the chance of being found.

With an explosion, a group of people in black rushed into the headquarters of extreme martial arts school.

But in the martial arts school, it seems that they have already prepared.

As soon as the crowd rushed in, the wind and thunder made a great deal. Jun jiuxiao split the sky sword and tore a man in black.

When darkness fell, night cilia Chen took the night magic sword in his hand and cut a large number of people in black into two parts.

Hong Xiao drank so much that the light behind the black sun lit up, the moon white field opened, and the people in black fell to the ground one by one under the streamer silver sword.

Behind them, Lin Xiu, Zhang Hong and Arnold, the people around emperor hongtianwu, slowly walked out of the darkness and looked at them as if they were clowns.

Obviously, their whereabouts, as well as the so-called secret operations, have always been under their noses.

Zhang lie is such a sister. She wants to abduct Zhang Hanshuang to check and balance Zhang lie. I have to say that amurong must be mad to do such a dizzy thing.

The people in black didn't expect that the bone of extreme martial arts school was so hard to bite. The crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the martial arts school can't be underestimated at all. The sudden attack team was forcibly blocked.

The leader of the man in black is even more difficult to ride a tiger, because just at this time, he suddenly received the news: "the human imperial city is victorious, evacuate quickly!"

The man in black stared with round eyes and his brain was buzzing for a moment.

He was too surprised to act. A man's Imperial City won the war. It was the superior Shura state, or the most powerful existence in the superior Shura state.

The second is that the operation has begun. Is it still time to evacuate?

Isn't this an obvious pit for me?

It's too late to evacuate now. A group of Chinese soldiers rushed in outside the door and directly surrounded the people in black.

Under the coercion of Lin Xiu and others, the people in black hardly made any resistance and were soon taken down.

For extreme martial arts school, this is just a small episode. They didn't even communicate with Zhang lie.



It took Zhang lie a few days to find the biological data about natural disaster level genes in the database, and the human Imperial City Army also began to take over Xingluo imperial city.

With the "help" of the Xingluo emperor, the Xingluo emperor country has no resistance. Even the two superior Shura emperors around are sacrificed. The people's Imperial City Army does not need to spend time suppressing the surrounding areas, nor do they need to worry about the sudden attack of the nearby Shura country.

They have a lot of time left to search the whole city and suppress and search the surrounding cities.

In the Xingluo Imperial City, the Shura people died, leaving a large number of treasures. Gold and gemstones in the Shura boundary are useless. Special ores and miraculous drugs are treasures. Special ores are the needs of the Yanling people. In the Imperial City, ores have become the best trading items for hiring the Yanling people.

Not to mention the miraculous medicine, take it back to the imperial city and trade it to the Jero family, which can be exchanged for medicine.

The fact that Terrans are not interested in gold and gemstones does not mean that other races are also not interested. There are thousands of races in the Shura world, and they can always trade with other races.

Although Xingluo emperor destroyed a city, he left a large treasure house.

For the search of Xingluo Imperial City, Zhang lie and others are not interested. They have obtained the Treasury of Xingluo emperor. At least half of the treasure of Xingluo imperial city is in the Treasury.

Other piecemeal, spend a lot of time, find less than one thousandth of the Treasury, Zhang lie and others really don't like it.

If you eat meat yourself, you should always let the soldiers who follow you drink soup.

The trusting gene warrior, the chief of Yanling clan and others were sent to guard the Treasury and important database. Zhang lie went to Xingluo emperor's secret library.

The secret storehouse is the biggest treasure house of Xingluo emperor.

Through the memory of the elder, Zhang lie already knows the location of the secret storehouse and even the mechanism clearly

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