Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0600

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:43:25 AM

Chapter 0600

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Then there are the Jero people sitting in the carriage. As a race that created Shura killers, Zhang lie gave them quite high courtesy.

Above their heads, the flying peak Eagle family painted neon lights in the air.

The huge rock spirit family is like a moving castle, and the fluorescent wood spirit family is like an elf.

At the beginning of the establishment of renhuangcheng, they joined the four ethnic groups and were treated with high courtesy. After them, they were the representatives of different ethnic groups.

The Dragon cart finally finished a circle and came to the newly established imperial palace. Yunbing and others built a high platform. On both sides of the high platform are guards wearing gold armor. Zhang lie came down from the Dragon cart.

Zhang lie saw many familiar faces, such as the Lord of apocalypse, Zhou Yi, Xia Na and so on. He looked up at the high platform and walked up step by step.

This high platform is modeled on the Fengchan platform in ancient China. Without changing the specification and structure, coupled with some modern elements, it can be said to have done its utmost.

After Zhang lie arrived, the gold armor guard behind him stepped down and replaced him with someone Zhang lie knew well.

Clan leader Jero, clan leader Muling, extreme team, and other partners who worked together when the human imperial city was established.

Near the top, a thin figure suddenly came forward with a black cloak.

Above the cloak, the dragon and wolf danced wildly, lifelike and with great care.

Zhang lie was surprised: "you come to the limit!

Both words are engraved with Zhang lie's sword light. It seems that they are engraved on the sky of the imperial city forever.

Zhang lie put his sword on the high platform and put his sword on his hands. He made an overbearing declaration: "from now on, the new country, country name - limit!"

The strong source force scattered his voice and echoed over the whole capital, shaking people's hearts.

Everyone remembers Zhang lie's words. His voice is directly branded in his heart. All ethnic groups in the capital firmly remember these two words and Zhang lie's words.

"Limit, limit empire!"

"After a fierce war, we completely conquered the tyrannical and cruel Shura nationality and let the former overlord of the world step down from the stage of history!"

"From today on, the translation of this world is the ultimate world!"

The hegemonic voice once again shocked the world, and the whole extreme creatures and even the will of the world were shocked

The establishment of the new state of Zhang lie and the change of the name of the Shura world soon spread throughout the galaxy, shocking everyone in the Federation.

Of course, in addition to the shock, many lemons on the Internet began to question whether Zhang lie was qualified to change the name of this industry?

"The emperor of a country, who is qualified to change the name of the world and who gives you such power."

"Just be your earth emperor. We have used the name Shura world for so many years. Just because you established a country, we changed the name. I don't care whether others admit it or not. Anyway, I certainly don't admit it."

"Yes, who says that the second world overlord has the right to change the world name at will."

If there are lemon people, there will naturally be supporters of the party.

"In fact, I think Zhang lie makes a lot of sense. Now almost all the Shura are being killed, and there is no Shura in the second world. Why is it called the Shura world?"

"Yes, you are hard black. The world without Shura is still called Shura world. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"No, no, no, I don't think it should be the people of our galactic federation who decide the name, because it should be the second life!"

"They have the power to decide. After all, we are passers-by. We are not born from the second world. In the future, when our genes are full, we will rise to the third world!"

"The life born in the second world will live in that world all their life, and only they are qualified to name it."

"Yes, it makes sense. Zhang lie is not a second born life. Why can he decide his name?"

"If you are not satisfied with eating carrots, you can go to Zhang lie to theory, or become as powerful as Zhang lie."

"People like you, Zhang lie probably disdains to look at you!"

"Where does the name of Shura come from?"

"It is said that it was the first group of people promoted to the Shura world. From the mouth of the original residents, the Shura people were already the overlord of the second world at that time."

"Now the original residents are already Zhang lie's subjects, so Zhang lie's name represents the original residents!"

There are people who question, but there are not no people who understand in the Galactic Federation.

Although not the whole Shura world, it should be said that the extreme world belongs to Zhang lie, the extreme empire is definitely the first force in the extreme world. As the overlord of the extreme world, it naturally has the right of signature.

Just like on the federal network, as long as the original residents accept it, it's no use for them to disagree.

After the founding ceremony, Zhang lie can finally have a good rest in the palace.

But he just sat down and Zhang Hanshuang came again.

"Really, you should inform me in advance before coming to the second world."

"I just want to surprise my brother. He won't tell me that he was crowned king!"

"I'm the only relative of my brother now. You're going to be the emperor. Of course, as a relative, you should come and have a look."

Zhang lie scratched his head in embarrassment: "to tell you the truth, I think the ceremony is very troublesome. If it weren't for the strong request of Yun Bing and others, I wouldn't hold such a troublesome ceremony to show the dignity of our Terran and facilitate the rule of Terran in the future."

Zhang Hanshuang said seriously, "of course it will be held. How powerful my brother is on the stage. If my father and mother are here, I will be proud of my brother."

"Really? If so... It would be good."

Zhang lie stroked Zhang Hanshuang's head in a gentle voice with longing.

Zhang Hanshuang looked up and asked, "my brother is a king now. So, am I a princess?"

Zhang lie rubbed Zhang Hanshuang's head: "if you were a princess, I would not be a king, but a prince."

Zhang Hanshuang remembered and said, "yes, my father is the king and I am the princess. Then I am..."

"It's not wrong to say it's a princess. In ancient Chinese feudal dynasties, you can be a long princess."

"If the Galactic Federation is counted, the of each planet is different. Of course, the most commonly used comparison is Princess and Prince."

Zhang Hanshuang said, "so, am I the long princess? This title seems a little old..."

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