Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0663

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:42:19 AM

Chapter 0663

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Not only them, but also the prince is incredible. This is just the power generated before a person makes efforts.

It's just the source afterwave before the explosion, but it's like the attack has fallen.

The sky is shaking, the earth is shaking, the wind and cloud color changes, the space is swaying, and the picture in front of us is like the power of heaven.

The eldest prince couldn't help sighing: "the ninth brother brought back a wonderful person."

The soldiers were shocked: "who is this man? His strength is so strong!"

The whole military camp has become more chaotic. The only place that has not been shaken is the golden account of the emperor.

The golden tent of the emperor of the world is like a hard stone, standing in the strong wind.

The disturbance of space force and water relative source force affects the whole space. The force is constantly gathering on the arm, and the terrible force is shaking the whole sky.

Zhang lie's fist bombardment, which gathers the power of space and the relative power of water, is obviously still the original wave fist, but it has no shape of wave fist.

Wave fist · towering!

The sea surged and flowed, and the huge force transformed by the force of space and the relative source force of water swallowed up everything in front of us in an instant.

Heaven and earth are eclipsed at this moment, all things remain silent, and all sounds seem to disappear in this second.


Then the sound of destroying heaven and earth broke out, just like the excitation of star destroying weapons. The terrorist tsunami swallowed everything and destroyed the ultimate Genetic Herd in front of us.

All the ultimate gene beasts were defeated at the moment of contact with the surging waves. Just in a moment, a large area of the ultimate gene herd was cleaned up in front of the military camp.

Large areas of land were razed to the ground and the morale of the soldiers soared.

"Ding! Kill the ultimate demon and gobble up its flesh and blood, and you can take 1-10 ultimate genes!"

"Ding! Kill the ultimate star black grey leopard and devour its flesh and blood. You can absorb 1-10 points of the ultimate gene!"

"Ding! Kill the ultimate mountain lion and devour its flesh and blood. You can absorb 1-10 points of the ultimate gene!"


The pressure of the military camp was greatly reduced and the battle on the side of the military camp was immediately much easier.

The prince raised his sword: "foreign heroes clean up the ultimate gene beast for us. The scale Terran soldiers can't lose to them. The soldiers rush with me."

The eldest prince and his soldiers rushed out of the barracks, and other soldiers followed.

It cannot be said that the Grand Prince is reckless. In fact, in the current situation, the Grand Prince has made the most correct choice.

In the military camp, you will always be pressed and beaten by the ultimate genetic beast.

The soldiers don't have much power to resist, but the ultimate gene beast is endless. Zhang lie's fist is not easy to gain an advantage.

The great prince can only take risks, rush out of the barracks and forcibly expand his advantage.

In other words, it is already a time when we have to work hard. Even if the Grand Prince is in danger, he will gain a greater advantage.

Soldiers consume a lot and have little physical strength left. If they can't kill the ultimate gene beast, they will die slowly like frogs in warm water.

If we cannot gain more advantages, we will lose the great opportunity created by Zhang lie.

The great prince took the lead and killed directly with one sword.

The source force surged on the big sword. With strong strength, he cut off an ultimate gene beast.

Then he didn't even blink an eye and ran to the next end again.

Seeing such a brave prince, the morale of the soldiers behind him is naturally high.

"Rush! Rush with the prince!"

It seems that as long as you follow the prince, you can tear the darkness and usher in the glory of victory.

Jindao God of war frowned. Zhang lie's appearance was more than a variable. It was an accident in the accident. Jindao God of war looked at the second prince, but he didn't say what to stop.

The golden sword God of war knew that he would not stop the plan or listen to him anyway.

Sure enough!

Seeing this situation, the second prince said excitedly, "you see, I'm afraid it was the guy's full strength just now, and now he doesn't mean to keep up!"

The golden sword God of war followed the sound, and the eldest prince rushed out with the soldiers, but Zhang lie found a seat to sit down.

Instead of keeping up, I began to put up a barbecue rack leisurely, as if I had tried my best and depended on you.

Simply put: that's rowing!

The golden sword God of war felt that Zhang lie didn't have the power to attack again. Zhang lie didn't mean to do his best at all.

On the contrary, he is very comfortable, just too lazy to rush up.


The second prince followed and looked at the back of the big prince decisively from a distance.

To tell the truth, he would not be as decisive and bold as the prince.

It is because they can't do it that they are more jealous and want the great prince to die.

The golden sword God of war stayed where he was and walked towards the golden tent.

The great prince did it. Under the siege of the ultimate gene beast in front of him, he stubbornly cut off the light of victory.

This is indeed something that the emperor was elected as the next successor.

If there is no accident, the great prince will successfully kill all the ultimate genetic beasts. No one will shake his position if his reputation is higher.

The great prince is very excellent and enviable. He may not be born emperor, but he has the posture of emperor.

After the careful cultivation of the emperor, the eldest prince is definitely the most suitable candidate for succession.

Everyone thinks so, whether it's the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty or the people in the imperial city.

If there is no accident

With the initiative to attack, the prince was overjoyed and turned his head and said, "I'll give it to you behind the second younger brother. We'll kill and wear it out at one go by taking the opportunity created by the teacher of the ninth younger brother..."

However, the accident happened

A sword pierced the prince's chest from his back and penetrated his chest..

The power of this sword directly protected the emperor. The eldest prince saw the sword on his chest and looked back at the man behind him.

Seeing the man who attacked behind him, the prince's face was more ugly and his eyes were more incredible.


The prince asked three words with difficulty, his lips trembling and his voice trembling: "second... Brother."

Second prince!

second younger brother!

The man who attacked himself was the second prince.

The great prince knows the cruelty of the dispute over the throne, has read many history books, and knows that there are 800 or 1000 princes who died because of the dispute over the throne.

However, after his father succeeded to the throne, there was no dispute over the throne. Everyone forgot the cruelty of the dispute over the throne.

The eldest prince knew about the assassination of the ninth prince, but it didn't happen to him or seen it with his own eyes. In his opinion, it was the same as what happened to others and didn't pay much attention.

He knew that several princes wanted to get rid of themselves, but he knew that several brothers would never do it in public, at least not in front of everyone.

In the final analysis, the great prince underestimated the cruelty of the dispute over the throne. He underestimated the people's hearts.

How could he not have imagined that the second prince would attack him and dare to attack him in full view of the public at such a moment!?


There is no point in doing so. Even if he kills himself, he will never get the throne!


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!