Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0684

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:41:51 AM

Chapter 0684

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The two guards opened a huge map, and the emperor flew to the ninth prince with a stroke and a pen.

"Take a fancy to that territory and circle it!"

For the ninth prince to choose the emperor, he did not stop, and even very heroic to let the ninth Prince choose himself.

That is to say, the withdrawal of the ninth Prince is in line with the wishes of the emperor, which will allow the ninth prince to choose at will.

The emperor said, "in addition to the imperial capital itself, there are places around the imperial capital. You can do whatever you want."

The ninth Prince picked up his pen and did not hesitate to draw a circle on the map. The position is the place where Zhang lie came out and the territory connected by the world channel of different wine tribes.

After discussing with Zhang lie last night, the choice made by the ninth Prince and Zhang lie finally.

With the exchange of world channels, both sides can exchange needed goods.

For others, the wind of space is a trouble, but Zhang lie can control a large number of ultimate gene beasts and let the ultimate gene beasts be used as coolie transportation. The wind of space is nothing to say.

There are a lot of different wines and different races in that world. There is no difficulty in developing them.

Finally, when the throne of the world emperor falls into the hands of any prince, the ninth Prince and Zhang lie can organize forces to launch an attack.

Zhang lie has a plan for the development of the territory.

The emperor looked at the location on the map without giving any advice. He nodded and said, "the territory authorization will come down soon."

"Thank your father for his grace."

The emperor asked, "what about you, Mr. Hong?"

Zhang lie stood where he was and didn't respond.

"Mr. Hong?"

Zhang lie didn't respond. The emperor had to increase the volume: "Mr. Hong Qitian!"

Zhang lie gave a pep talk and looked up.

Is Mr. Hong calling himself?

Zhang lie recovered: "Oh, here, here."

The original surname was not Hong. I didn't react for a while.

Jiehuang smiled: "Mr. Hong has done a good job in escorting and saving Jingheng. You can get a reward for feeling and reasoning. Although jieku was finally lost, Mr. Hong did a lot of work. Without Mr. Hong, we can't even catch the golden knife clan."

Zhang lie said directly, "in that case, I'm not polite. I want the kernel of the fifth order monster at that time."

Officials around were shocked.

"You really can speak. How many years have you only had a fifth order monster? Even if there is a fifth order monster, no one can kill without your Majesty's action. You actually want the kernel of the fifth order monster."

"You are too greedy. Why do you want to go to the fifth level monster core."

"Even if you do a good job in escorting, the fifth order monster kernel is too much after all."

But the emperor's answer made all officials pick up lemons.


The officials were shocked.

The emperor of the world disagrees with this. First of all, the corpse of the fifth order monster is not absent in the world library.

It was killed by the emperor many years ago. The second point is the core of the fifth order monster. In addition to being rare, it is just an energy core for aliens, which is not irreplaceable.

The last point, which was also the most important point decided by the emperor of the world, also contributed to the killing of Zhang lie, a fifth order monster.

Even without him, I might be able to kill him, but I'm afraid I'll collapse.

If the kernel of the fifth order monster, the emperor naturally doesn't mind taking it out.

The emperor then said, "the fifth order monster core is not enough to commend your achievements. How about being the emperor's guard?"

Civil and military officials were shocked again.

The fifth level monster core is not enough to commend achievements?

How much credit is this?

The most important thing is jiehuang guards!

Although this position looks like the bodyguard of the emperor of the world, it does go directly to the position of the holy intention. Usually, it follows the emperor of the world closely. Its identity is not good, but its status is the most important.

Since the death of the last jiehuang guard, the jiehuang has no more guards.

Because the emperor doesn't need anyone to protect him, the powerful enemy he can't deal with, and the emperor's guards can't deal with it.

The emperor took the initiative to invite Zhang lie as the close guard of the emperor. In other words, does Zhang lie have the strength to approach the emperor?

Are you kidding?

In the scale human world, the emperor is the symbol of invincibility.

"No interest."

The emperor asked, "what position are you interested in?"

All the civil and military officials looked at Zhang lie.

Isn't this the prince of the lost people?

Can you choose an official position?

But then Zhang lie's answer stunned all civil and military officials.

"I'm not interested in being an official!"

The emperor of other people's world will do it directly for you. You can choose, but you answer that you are not interested?

How disgraceful it is to the emperor.

Are you blind? The emperor of the world just killed Qian's master

Civil and military officials were waiting to see a good play, but the emperor's response was unexpectedly cold.

The emperor said with regret: "is that so? It's a pity. In this case, I can only officially announce you as Taibo, in charge of teaching the ninth prince."

That's soft?

Is it true that you just killed the emperor?

Can't you change people halfway?

Civil and military officials can't understand it at all.

There is no way. Most of the civil and military officials did not participate in Wang hunting. They do not know Zhang lie's strength. If they know Zhang lie's strength, it is easy to understand why the emperor reacted like this.


As for Zhang lie, he is the first emperor of the ultimate empire. How can he fancy an official position in a medium-sized world?

Seeing that Zhang lie promised to be so straightforward, the emperor of the world stopped talking about being an official and turned back to the incident of jieku.

"The second thing is that the Jindao clan broke out in the imperial capital. Three treasures were stolen from the boundary library. We must find them back as soon as possible!"

"I have used the open permission to block the world channel. This field can enter or leave!" The emperor looked angry.

A minister asked, "Your Majesty, I don't know which three treasures are stolen?"

"Burning star flowers, mysterious remnant pictures, half a jade seal."

"What? The jade seal was stolen?"

Civil and military officials were suddenly shocked, and panic appeared in their eyes.

Zhang lie thought for a moment. If he could make all civil and military officials so flustered, the so-called jade seal should be that thing.

"Proof of the emperor?"

To succeed the emperor, you must have the certificate of the emperor.

The certificate of the emperor is given by the world and linked with the will of the world. Without the certificate of the emperor, the next emperor will not be recognized by this consciousness.

The emperor said, "I specially divided the certificate of the emperor into two, one of which is carried with me and the other is put in the library, just to prevent someone from stealing!"

Now the civil and military officials are anxious, and the princes are also anxious. If the certificate of the world emperor can not be found all the time, it is tantamount to losing the position of the world emperor.

The great prince thought and said, "father, I hope you will allow me to get back the certificate of the emperor."

Everyone present was shocked. Unexpectedly, the Grand Prince made this request.

If the great prince succeeds, he will become the next emperor, which is a certainty.

A flash of appreciation flashed in the emperor's eyes: "are you sure?"

The prince said seriously, "I'm sure!"

"The certificate of the emperor of the world is not only the symbol of our scale people, but also the symbol of our scale people royal family. It must not fall into the hands of outsiders!"

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