Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0713

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:41:16 AM

Chapter 0713

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"Your voice is also very good!"

Zhang lie's face was full of banter and spoke slowly with a little enjoyment.

His source force was completely crushed in an instant, changing the completely isolated space here.

be at sb.'s mercy...

But now the fish has become Duan Gen.

He covered his legs with a sharp voice, like a pig just castrated: "I'm the prince of the West and the son-in-law of the East. No matter who you are, if you dare to hurt me, you won't want to leave alive. My father will kill you."

Zhang lie smiled indifferently, walked forward slowly and stepped on Duan Gen's head: "which hand touched her?"

Duan Gen hissed, "you dog slave, you dare to step on the head of the master and don't want to live!"

"In a moment, our people will come and break you to pieces!"

"Your people come here to see you begging for mercy?"

Zhang lie is full of contempt and tramples Duan Gen's right arm off in the frightened eyes of the other party.

Under the source force perfusion, the arm was completely blown open, dark and corroded by the source force, and Duan Gen's whole face was distorted by the pain.

He began to scream like a mad dog: "I must kill you, absolutely kill you, and make you suffer 10000 times and die 10 million times!"

"I'll dig your eyes, let a hundred men poke your chrysanthemum, tear off your Jill, pour oil into your chrysanthemum and light it!"

I have to say that this boy's abnormal level is already quite high.

Ordinary people may be frightened by him, but what he meets is Zhang lie, an autocratic pervert.

As for Li Qianqian, she can't believe her eyes at the moment.

Duan gen, who is unrivalled among the younger generation in the eastern and Western world and is invincible all over the world.

In front of the young man, he was like a baby and had no resistance.

Li Qianqian had to look at the man in front of him carefully. From the other party's appearance, it can be seen that he should not be a person in this world.

Either from other worlds or so-called galactic life.

But he doesn't understand why the other party appears here and why he wants to save himself.

Generally speaking, ordinary people don't want to get into trouble. As Duan Gen said, he is the son-in-law of the west world and the son-in-law of the east world. Moving him is tantamount to offending two world kings at the same time.

In the final analysis, Li Qianqian is duangen's fiancee. Even if outsiders see her, she won't do it. She should only be the mood between husband and wife.

But I have to say, seeing that hateful Duan Gen was ruined, she felt good from the bottom of her heart!

Super cool, cool!!

However, the better still lies ahead.

One foot explodes the other's arm, and Zhang lie returns what Duan Gen once said.

"You just said that you like playing with the guy who resists you most and making him give in most. In fact, I am the same!"

"But unlike you, I like to see perverted guys killed by their own perverted methods!"

"Your eyes are very good now, which is in line with the eyes of psychosis. Don't worry, no matter how sick you are, I can cure you!"

When the voice fell, Zhang lie pointed a little, Duan Gen's eyes burst into pieces, leaving only the empty bird's nest.

Duan Gen covered the empty eye socket, and blood continued to flow out of his fingers.

The other party clearly has the ability to remove his eyes cleanly, but uses the most cruel method to make his eyes burst in his eyes.

Zhang lie continued: "I also like watching perverts struggle, but I can't do anything. In the end, I can only kneel down in front of me. There's nothing more enjoyable than this!"

Zhang lie repeated what Duan Gen said to Li Qianqian, which also made Li Qianqian wake up in an instant.

The man's actions now seem to be retaliating against Duan gen, and even venting his anger for her Li Qianqian.

Li Qianqian began to search his brain, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he had seen Zhang lie.

Otherwise, the other party will definitely not stand out for himself.

But after searching for a long time, he still had no impression of the alien who suddenly appeared in the room.

"After savoring this pleasure once, I have been fascinated. I have lost my Jill, a pair of eyes and a hand. I don't know how you will look when you attend the party later?"

"Endure pain and shame and stand in front of those guys? To tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to it!"

After saying this, he raised his mane and punched the other side heavily.

The sound of broken bones sounded, and Duan Gen suddenly vomited blood.

Zhang lie has no expression on this, reaches out his hand to grasp Duan Gen's lower leg and pulls his whole leg off with a slight force.

By this time, Duan Gen had completely wilted.

"Hey, boy, your appeal has just reached half. Don't die like this!"

By this time, Duan Gen knew that the other party was crazy, and the threat was meaningless.

Immediately began to beg for mercy: "please... Let me go! I'm wrong, I'm really wrong!"

Zhang lie was full of interest: "no, that's wrong. You just said you wanted a hundred men to poke chrysanthemums, where to open holes, pour oil into the chrysanthemums and light them."

"These haven't been practiced yet? That's advice? Where's your crazy strength just now?"

Hearing Zhang lie's words, Duan Gen couldn't help shivering.

Then he began to beat the ground with his forehead while pleading: "please let me go, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, I dare not, absolutely dare not..."

Li Qianqian was surprised that the arrogant Duan gen, who was called the devil of the East and the west, was begging for mercy.

Duan Gen is abnormal. Yes, but abnormal doesn't mean stupid.

Even psychopaths generally have higher IQ than normal people.

At the moment, he was secretly thinking that as long as this guy let himself go, he must pay hundreds or thousands of times the price when he found his father.

And Li Qianqian, he must have something to do with the dog. He must not be let go.

"If you know your mistakes, you can change them. It's great to be good!"

"You are also a good child. I have always been more tolerant to children. Very good. I'll give you a chance to prove yourself."

Zhang lie looked around and finally picked up the precious high-heeled shoes made of crystal from the ground.

"Come on, good boy, put this high-heeled shoe into your chrysanthemum!"


Duan Gen was stunned, and his voice revealed disbelief.

Is this the devil?

Zhang lierou said, "I'm not a devil. If you want to be a good man, you have to prove that you have changed yourself and become a new man!"

"Put this in the chrysanthemum and climb out of here. I believe you know your mistake."

It is clearly the softest voice, but it speaks the cruelest and most abnormal words.

Duan Gen was excited: "put this thing in, and I'll be completely useless. What face will I have in the future!"

"You don't want to?"

Zhang lie's face suddenly turned black

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