Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0763

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:40:28 AM

Chapter 0763

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Xianlong is full of complex evidence of taking over the emperor of the taimeng clan.

The tamong, who had fought with their family for hundreds of years, were finally destroyed.

"Don't be in a hurry. When I bring back the remaining emperor's certificates, I'll integrate at one breath!"

Zhang lie stepped forward and said, "Ren kunjing called the gods of war. I have some arrangements!"

After that, under the arrangement of Zhang lie, each of the four strong gods of war led an army to attack the taimeng nationality and link several worlds.

Blood pays for blood. No one in the world who participates in war wants to run away.

After arranging the work of all the families in the galaxy, Zhang lie appeared on the wall.

Outside the city wall is also a space passage, and at the other end is the world of Heifeng nationality.

As the dragon people and Heifeng people have always been friends, the city wall is just a pose, not as fortress like as the city wall of the tamong people.

It's just a very ordinary wall, but the dragon people never thought that the Heifeng people would turn back one day.

The former alliance has become an enemy, stabbing itself in the back at the most critical time.

Zhang lie suddenly appeared and startled the dragon people and Terrans guarding the city wall. The Terrans recognized Zhang lie and shouted, "emperor Zhang!"

Zhang lie waved his hand and looked up. The troops of Heifeng clan had come.

The sky was dark overhead, covering the blue sky.

Black Firebirds are burning in the sky, and black plumes fall from the sky.

The black flame burned the whole sky, and there were many troops sent by the black phoenix family.

Be submissive to the enemy and strike hard at your own alliance.

Against the enemy, the Heifeng clan showed some skills and spared no effort when supporting too large forces against allies.

Call all the troops of Heifeng clan directly.

The black phoenix clan is headed by a huge black Firebird, which is hundreds of meters long with open wings.

The black fire stays in mid air, and the black flame burns like a laughing devil with a split mouth.

The leader of the troops led by Heifeng nationality shouted: "where's the virtuous dragon? Let the virtuous dragon come out!"

Zhang lie raised his head and asked, "do you have any last words?"

The leader of the black phoenix asked, "little Terran, what qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

"That's your God of war. Chen fan will bow his head and speak when he sees me!"

"Either let your God of war come out or let the virtuous dragon come out. The weak are not qualified to talk to me!"

Zhang lie smiled coldly: "I can't see. You still talk about cards!

Heifeng family immediately laughed at Leng: "my king should be so, but you..."

"Xian long and Chen Fan won't be so badly hurt that they can't get out of the door?"

"Terran, I advise you to submit obediently. If you become a slave of our family, our family will consider giving you a way to live!"

"If you're right, all the other races near the dragon people world have launched an attack!"

"Even if you don't know what means to solve the last round and block the attack of taimeng and several other races!"

"But you can't stop this round of attack. You don't have any chance."

The dragon people guarding the city wall shouted, "Heifeng clan, despicable traitor!"

"Tear up the Centennial covenant and attack the Terran God of war. Even if you win, it will be a humiliating victory!"

The leader of Heifeng family sneered: "what about betrayal? It's just your dragon people idiot. We have to be buried with the people. We Heifeng family are not so stupid."

"Victory is victory, life and death, no shame..."

Obviously, these aliens have been looking for the dragon people a long time ago, but the dragon people will not betray their comrades in arms in their creed.

The flame on the leader of the black phoenix clan soared: "it's good to die obediently. You dare to kill my black phoenix warrior. You dragon people and human people are really bold!"

"I really think it will be safe to stop the wave of taimeng nationality. Today, the Dragon Terran and Terran will be removed from the Xumi world!"

"Is this your last words?"

Seeing the end of the black phoenix performance, Zhang lie's momentum broke out completely.

After death, there are dark blue swimming fish, such as jumping out of the water, jumping up into the sky and circling in the emerald sky.

What kind of fish is this? It's a giant Kun that can handle the sun and moon.

I saw the strong wind on the battlefield, the dust rolling, and the dark blue swimming fish startled everyone.

Zhang lie's momentum was like a strong wind. The dust lifted up and the things behind the city wall were blown upside down.

The attack has not yet fallen, and a storm has set off.

The heavy sense of depression falls on everyone's heart and makes people breathless.

The leader of Heifeng nationality was the first to bear the brunt and immediately felt the threat of death.

When life is threatened, instinct keeps warning.

At this moment, he finally realized that the Terran in front of him was not easy to provoke, and it could even be said that he could never provoke.

If it weren't for the black flame burning all over the Heifeng clan, it is estimated that he would be sweating.

"That... Actually... I think we can still talk!"

Unfortunately, the leader of the Heifeng family realized too late.

"Talk, yes, talk with your fist!"

"Wave fist · towering!"

The space is shocked by the waves, and the momentum is swept away.

The sound is like thunder, the momentum is like galloping horses, and it is like a furious black dragon roaring in the sky.

Like a surging torrent, like a tsunami swallowing the earth, like an angry roaring sea, destroying the sky and crushing everything.

Starting from Zhang lie's fist, he spread all the way to the sky.

It's like countless water walls woven together and pressing against everything.

The swimming fish hovering overhead integrate into the fist strength, create the sea and become a member of the waves.


The earth shook and the whole wall was shaking.

Everything happened so fast that the black phoenix family didn't even have time to react. The terrible air wave exploded like a water tornado.

Spatial fluctuations erupt in circles, and its potential is so great that the void is broken, such as a violent monster swallowing all life.

The phase source force of water and the force of space mix together and turn into chaotic waves, just like an oil rub.

Sweep through the sky and directly wipe off the black phoenix family above your head, leaving a clear sky in front of you.

The dragon people and human people guarding the city wall were stunned. Zhang lie wiped out all the black phoenix people on his head with one blow.

Zhang lie solved the countless black phoenix troops with only one punch.

Just a punch!

Even the number of entering the Dragon world is not exaggerated, and Zhang lie only solved it with one punch.

The eyes of the dragon people and the human people looking at Zhang lie are full of worship.

Zhang lie's attack directly triggered the space channel and erupted a space storm, but Zhang lie didn't care at all.

In the surprised eyes of the dragoons and Terrans, they cross the space storm with their flesh.

On the other side of the battlefield, the battle between Fang Yi and Heiling clan has also begun.

The whole body of the black spirit clan is covered by black cloth, just like a mummy.

From the slit of the bandage, I vaguely saw the darkness of the abyss as if it were nothing. It was more like an ominous hybrid than a creature

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!