Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0772

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:40:18 AM

Chapter 0772

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Years are like wind, time is like electricity, time gun, Tiangang gun, dragon and tiger roar.

Wind and thunder, time and space.

It's like a buff, stacked layer by layer.

Purple lightning is like a dragon, blue storm is like a tiger, and colorless time is integrated into it.

The power of black space is covered up, and Fang Yiyuan's power is continuously poured in. The rotation speed of energy is accelerated, and the storm surrounds the whole body.

Under the pull of the storm, it becomes a space storm. The power of time is integrated into time, a new combination of energy.

It is also an operation that Fang Yi can only complete in the blocked time and space. If the enemy can kill many times in the flowing time.

The white and silver nothingness storm raged around the body, and the black sand rose. Due to the blockade of the world by time, it did not erupt in one breath.

The storm flows, the thunder flashes, and the wind with the power of years surrounds the spear.

Invisible time lightning flashed by, and wisps of time like lightning flowed on the long gun and gathered at the top of the long gun. The wind dragon, thunder and tiger spiral was forcibly pulled into the rotating force of the long gun.

With the operation of powerful and huge force, space is pulled in, and the force of space is mixed with lightning and turned into a mine of nothingness.

The black lightning flashes continuously, and electric light and thunder are constantly emitted around Fang Yi. The black lightning is like a sharp thorn, more like a sharp blade.


The light of void lightning flickers constantly, mixed with the wind of space. The world is torn into pieces. The space around Fang Yi is like broken glass, and the whole space is in danger of collapse.

Space storm and time lightning are intertwined and integrated with each other. Space and time, storm and thunder, space wind and void thunder.

Mix storm and lightning, space storm and void thunder, and even the power of time.

Fang Yi maintained these forces on the long gun and maintained them in a state of high-speed rotation with spiral force. Six different forces were mixed together, such as a tornado circling on the long gun.

The power is accelerating, and the two wheels of time accelerate to rotate, sending out the contention like the sound of drums, and the space begins to fragment inch by inch.

Two natural disaster black armour sand centipedes tightened up and rolled each other into a cage.

Inside the cage, a low drink came out, the tiger roared and the Dragon sounded, and the thunder light and storm overflowed in the cracks of the cage.

At the place where the two natural disaster black armour sand centipedes roll and roll with each other, the storm and thunder light shoot out, and the bodies of the two natural disaster black armour sand centipedes are shaking violently.

Storms and thunder erupted layer upon layer, overflowing with light.


With a roar, the bodies of two natural disaster black armour sand centipedes burst open and split.

However, the two natural disasters black armour sand centipedes have strong vitality. They sprout a head again and grow again under the desert.

Not only that, the body was blown to pieces and divided into several sections. The insect feet trembled as if they were climbing fast, and then the head and tail grew.

The body that has been blown apart for several sections can be independent. The earthworm characteristics of the ultimate black armour sand centipede are still retained on the two natural disasters black armour sand centipedes.

After exploding the body and growing the head and tail, the breath is even stronger than the ultimate gene beast, which is above the ultimate.

Blow up the body and become a small black armour sand centipede. It is said to be a small one. Only compare the two natural disasters black armour sand centipedes.

In fact, the huge body is not too small, at least bigger than the general ultimate gene beast.

Centipede like insect feet crawl rapidly in the sand, exploding several sections of the body and becoming a new enemy.

Plus two natural disasters, black armour sand centipede and black cloth.


There was a roar of wind and thunder.


There was a loud explosion, a long black gun came out, and the wind and thunder danced wildly.

Surrounded by wind and thunder, with the acceleration of the wheel of time, Fang Yi waved a long gun in his hand. The power of wind and thunder was superimposed. Surrounded by wind and thunder, Fang Yi turned into hundreds of gun shadows in an instant. Fang Yi fought and retreated, and the enemy was shot away.

A wheel of time emerged and superimposed behind.

Fang Yi didn't fly, he took the initiative to retreat.

Two natural disaster black armour sand centipedes spit out black sand towards Fang Yi. Black cloth blocks all escape routes of Fang Yi again. The small black armour sand centipede quickly approaches and spits out black sand.

In front of the current difficulties, it is obvious that there is no opportunity to slowly superimpose the wheel of time.

"The route is right."

Fang Yi retreats with the help of black cloth. He is right in front of the Black Pyramid and two natural disaster black armour sand centipedes are just on the same route.

On the long gun in hand, wind and thunder surround it, and the power of time is integrated into it. The wind of years surrounds it, and time flashes like electricity. On the long gun, it rotates at high speed, accelerating at high speed, blue, black and purple

The light of various colors twinkles, like breaking the time tunnel.

Fang Yi opened his mouth and smiled. The light wrapped around the long gun, accelerating the power of time to the future and the power of aging time.

The two forces spiral at a high speed like wind and lightning on the long gun, causing unexpected miracles.

The long gun broke the time limit and entered the gray world again.

In the gray time blockade world, only Fang Yi remains in the color state, and the wheel of time behind him shines with light.

Under the pull of the storm, it becomes a space storm. The power of time is integrated into time, a new combination of energy.

It is also an operation that Fang Yi can only complete in the blocked time and space. If the enemy can kill many times in the flowing time.

The white and silver nothingness storm raged around the body, and the black sand rose. Due to the blockade of the world by time, it did not erupt in one breath.

The storm flows, the thunder flashes, the wind with the power of years surrounds the spear, and the invisible time lightning flashes by.

A series of time like lightning flows on the long gun and converges on the top of the long gun. The wind dragon, thunder and tiger spiral is forcibly pulled into the rotating force of the long gun.

With the operation of powerful and huge force, space is pulled in, and the force of space is mixed with lightning and turned into a mine of nothingness.

The black lightning flashes continuously, and electric light and thunder are constantly emitted around Fang Yi. The black lightning is like a sharp thorn, more like a sharp blade.

Come on

Flickering with the brilliance of void lightning, mixed with the wind of space, the world is torn into pieces. The space around Fang Yi is like broken glass, and the whole space is in danger of collapse.

Space storm and time lightning are intertwined and integrated with each other. Space and time, storm and thunder, space wind and void thunder.

Mix storm and lightning, space storm and void thunder, and even the power of time. Fang Yi maintains these forces on the long gun and in a state of high-speed rotation with spiral force.

Six different forces are mixed together, such as a tornado circling over a long gun.

The power is accelerating, the two wheels of time are rotating faster, and the space begins to break up inch by inch

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!