Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0788

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:40:02 AM

Chapter 0788

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The orc King burns all his power, and the purple light is like a rising sun.

The purple air is like the sea, and the purple clouds are turbulent, which can be transformed into a startling blow.

The world's will power is blessed on the axe, and the purple and golden light rises to the sky.

The power of world will evolved into a small world on the axe of the orc king.

This small world is the orc world.

As the orc King's axe fell, it was like the whole world fell from the sky.

The battlefield shook, and the earth of the whole Orc world was shaking. The sea around the orc world rolled, and the pressure of the whole world fell from the top of its head.

Sun Xiaowu can be sure that this move of the orc King alone has surpassed most of the upper gods of war, and the top gods of war may not be able to block it.

But Sun Xiaowu was not afraid at all.

The God of war Kirin rose into the sky, emitting a blazing white light. The golden light God drove into the world of the orc king, and cracks appeared in the sky.

The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the whole Orc world appeared an abyss like Earth crack, and even the battlefield was affected.

Ground fissures crisscross the battlefield. Many Orc soldiers accidentally fall into the abyss like pouring beans.

The orc world seems to be crumbling, with the collision space crumbling inch by inch.


The purple and gold world condensed by the orc king has indeed collapsed.

The golden light and purple golden light burst out at once, and the battlefield ground collapsed and torn. With the collision, a large number of rocks and soil were lifted up.

The golden and purple light covered the whole battlefield, and the weak orcs were evaporated at once. The orcs built a huge wall and collapsed with the collision.

The crumbling world fragments are like meteorites falling on the battlefield, setting off explosions again and again on the whole battlefield.

The orc King flew out of the explosion and knocked down the cracked wall.

A big pit was blasted on the fortress behind the city wall, and the aftershock of the fall turned into a storm.

At this time, the orc king was seriously injured, lost his feet, his head was broken and bleeding, and his bones were shattered.

The Tomahawk of the world's certificate is hard, which blocks the fatal blow for him. Even so, he is seriously injured.

Sun Xiaowu was protected by the shadow of the God of war. Although the shadow of the God of war was turbulent, at least sun Xiaowu did not suffer any damage in the impact fluctuation.

The battlefield in front of us was in a mess. The golden and purple light turned into a storm and blew across the whole battlefield. Only a few orcs survived.

The ground was torn apart, and the magnificent walls of the orcs collapsed without residue.

After the space was broken, there was a space storm and turbulence, which raged on the battlefield, and the orcs had no power to fight again.

Sun Xiaowu stepped step by step through the broken battlefield and the ruins of the city wall.

At this time, the orc king had sat up from the pit: "will you take my life?"

Sun Xiaowu was silent.

The orc king looked up to the sky and laughed: "hahaha, my life is worth fighting with a strong man like you. Are you the most powerful among the Terrans?"

Sun Xiaowu thought and shook his head: "no, I'm nothing!"

Sun Xiaowu didn't lie. In the third world, he was the peak group among the Terrans.

But except Zhang lie, it's the turn of the extreme team, but he's really nothing in the whole Terran group.

The orc King smiled bitterly and regretted in his eyes: "I want to kill you monsters. I don't know what's wrong with my brain!"

The orc King obviously misunderstood something.

Misunderstanding: the Terran didn't take the world seriously before. In the face of multi-ethnic siege, the Terran took it seriously and sent strong people such as sun Xiaowu.

However, no matter what the orc King misunderstands now, it doesn't matter.

After all, the orc king is the defeated party.

"I hope you can leave a spark for my group."

Sun Xiaowu shook his head: "I can't decide. I can only say to try my best!"

"Here's the emperor's certificate!"

The orc King grabbed the certificate of the emperor around him and threw it directly at Sun Xiaowu.

After throwing out the certificate of the world emperor, the orc King patted the ground with both hands and shot at Sun Xiaowu like a rocket.

Sun Xiaowu caught the certificate of the emperor with one hand and pressed the head of the flying Orc king with the other hand.

Sunxiaowu said, "if you want to die like a soldier, I will help you."


The orc King closed his eyes and said calmly.

Sun Xiaowu threw up the orc King Gao Gao, wiped the axe in his hand, and the orc King fell off.

Sun Xiaowu holds up the head of the orc king, sticks the certificate of the emperor of the upper world, and turns and leaves.

"Soldiers deserve respect. Let the orcs stay!"

"It's a big deal to be scolded by brother lie!"

On the other side of the battlefield, the whole battlefield was filled with white dragon light and shadow.

"Bright dragon shadow war!"

During the explosion, Li Feng's hands suddenly turned into an illusion, and a large white light dragon shadow fell.

However, unlike sun Xiaowu and Yang Ze, Li Feng's battlefield did not win a one-sided victory.

The enemies he faced were the mammoths, each of whom was huge, five meters high, like a hill.

Mammoths are actually intelligent creatures that look like blue star extinct creatures.

The tallest of them is a mammoth with silver hair. It is an eight meter tall mammoth.

The mammoth attacked the city in front of us, just like a team of little giants attacked the city.

The number of mammoths is not as exaggerated as that of orcs and bears, only less than 1000.

However, the team composed of a thousand mammoths made Li Feng have a little toothache.

Each mammoth wears heavy armor. According to the information of the dragon and human race, it is called the heavy armor made of cold iron. Combined with the mammoth's own physique, it is originally a big meat shield.

The most exaggeration is that the mammoth itself has a large physique, and the thickness of heavy armor is full half a meter, which is no different from that of a tank car.

The most important mammoth is actually connected with into a shield array, which is used to defend against Li Feng's rainstorm like attack.

The thickness of the shield is also very exaggerated. A shield three meters high is a meter high.

Dang Dang!

The light and shadow of the white dragon hit the shield, making a continuous knocking sound, and the shield sank.

However, if the mammoth in front can't support it, the mammoth below will replace it and look well-trained.

Li Feng's face showed difficulty: "the mammoth family has more trouble than dealing with other races before."

Before, Li Feng only dealt with the miscellaneous army of the alien race, in which the orc race and the bear race accounted for the majority, and other races mixed in. In front of him, the mammoth race was like the regular army of the alien race.

"If only there were no such shields."

The nearby Terran gene warrior shot arrows one after another. The arrows with source force crossed the sky and inserted them on the mammoth shield. "The shield array is actually taught by the Terran gene warrior."

It's your pot!

The nearby Terran gene warrior explained: "the mammoth is a relatively mild race. It used to associate with Terrans and dragons!"

The mammoth people swung a stone on the ground with their long nose. The huge stone circled in the sky under the source force.

Finally, it hit the wall like a meteor.


The city wall shook, and a corner of the city wall on the side of Terran and dragon Terran collapsed.

Li Feng twitched at the corners of his mouth, turned his head and asked, "gentle?"

It's more violent than a crazy soldier

Even this is a relatively mild race. What's the third violent race like?

To tell you the truth, Li Feng can't imagine

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