Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0824

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:39:29 AM

Chapter 0824

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Mammoths have different identities. They are now a defeated race.

The Golden Elephant sighed: "as the patriarch, I can promise you, but I can't decide it alone. I need to go back and discuss it with the patriarch!"

Zhang lie said, "well, you're tired too. Xiaowu will arrange a residence for the mammoth guests!"

After sun Xiaowu took the Golden Elephant away, sun Mengmeng asked, "give a piece of land to the mammoth family..."

Zhang lie waved his hand and said, "it's all right. After the integration of the eight worlds, the medium-sized world of the dragon people will be promoted to a large world with a large place!"

"It's just a piece of land. It's no big deal. There's a forest over there. It's a good place. Let the mammoth move there!"

The shield array of the mammoth family has amazing defense. In the last World War of the ghost family, relying on the shield array of the mammoth family has repeatedly built miracles.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages in exchanging land of little value for the vassal of the mammoth family.

When Li Feng came back from the bath, Jinxiang had already talked about the discussion.

"Sorry to embarrass brother lie!"

Zhang lie waved his hand and said, "there's nothing difficult. If you don't bring the mammoth people back, I'd like to send someone to talk to the mammoth people!"

"After all, the mammoth is still very strong, and there are a lot of cold iron resources in the ice world. In that ice and snow environment, only the strong body of the mammoth can be exploited."

After the integration of the world, the ice world will be warmer, and the mining will not be too difficult.

"By the way, and this thing."

Li Feng took out the emperor's certificate in the space soul jade and was slightly surprised to see that the emperor's certificate in the ice world was actually a refining furnace.

Yang Ze said: "the certificate of the emperor is the most unique one we have seen."

Zhang lie asked, "how do you feel about this trial?"

Li Feng thought for a moment and said, "it's very interesting. The emperor's strength is good. Fighting with the strong with the same strength can really make progress in the battle."

"That's good!"

Fang Yi covered his face and said, "as a result, I'm really the only one who has bad luck, right?"

Yang Ze patted him on the shoulder and said, "brother Yi, you can't give up treatment. Isn't there Zhou Ying?"

Just after this, Zhou Ying came back.

Sun Mengmeng greeted with a smile: "you're back."

Zhou Ying nodded and said, "I'm back. The emperor has been killed by me. But I haven't found the certificate of the emperor after looking for some time."

Yang Ze said, "I still think you haven't come back for so long. It's because of this!"

"Brother lie didn't say that it's a task to kill the emperor of the world. It's incidental to bring back the certificate of the emperor of the world. It doesn't matter if you don't bring it back!"

Zhou Ying smiled bitterly: "after all, it's brother lie's trial, or try to be perfect. How about you?"

Yang Ze spread his hand: "the emperor of the world has been killed, and the certificate of the emperor of the world has been brought back."

Zhou Ying glanced at everyone and asked, "everyone?"

The extreme team nodded.

Zhou Ying immediately turned back and said, "OK, I'd better find it again. I think I can find it!"

Sun Mengmeng quickly held it and said with a wry smile, "OK, now that you're back, don't go back to find it. We're just lucky to find it. What a trouble this time."

Zhang lie said: "yes, don't go back. I'll arrange someone to find the certificate of the emperor!

"All right."

Hearing Zhang lie speak, Zhou Ying quickly obedient.

"How did the trial feel?"

Zhou Ying said with disgust on her face: "it's disgusting. It's disgusting in all aspects. It's hard to kill that thing by cockroaches!"

"Most importantly, it's more disgusting than cockroaches."

This evaluation was very fresh. Several people in the extreme team were immediately interested and asked, "what kind of emperor did you meet?"

Zhou Ying probably said something about the troll king. After listening to it, everyone couldn't help but marvel.

Li Feng said: "through virus transformation, this should be called virus reproduction."

Sun Xiaowu said: "after death, it will be transformed into other infected bodies and reborn again. It's really disgusting."

Yang Ze said, "the most disgusting thing is that you are full of poison and will explode."

Sun Mengmeng was dissatisfied: "brother lie, how can you let a girl deal with that disgusting thing."

Zhang lie stood up and said, "you smoke it yourself. You can't blame me!"

The extreme team gathered and began to talk and laugh.

Fang Yi said, "Zhou Ying, do you know that Li Feng abducted the prince of a hostile race."

Zhou Ying said excitedly, "what, Li Feng finally bent. I knew he had the potential to bend."

Li Feng said excitedly, "he is a new patriarch, not a prince, and I don't bend!"

Zhou Ying turned her head and said, "isn't it a matter of time?"

Sun Xiaowu said, "Zhou Ying and Li Feng don't know. It's terrible for Fang Yi to come back."

The trial of the extreme team was completed, and the two ares teams also returned.

The God of war team is the elite of all races in the galaxy. It is not easy for one or two gods of war to kill the emperor of the medium-sized world.

However, dozens of war gods shot, and a medium-sized world's world emperor was handy. He not only killed the medium-sized world's world emperor, but also brought back the world emperor's certificate.

Zhang lie returns to the troll world with a group of war gods to find the certificate of the world emperor.

He was stunned by the green forest.

She would like to ask, how did the troll world become like this.

This is too different from the troll world he knows.

Just before Zhang lie asked about the exit, Zhou Ying had explained first.

"In order to find those trolls who don't know where to hide, I have turned the world into my field with my ability."

Zhang lie asked, "even so, have you not found the certificate of the emperor?"

Although I don't know to what extent Zhou Ying observed the forest, Zhou Ying has turned the whole world into a forest.

Coupled with a period of searching, according to the truth, as long as the certificate of the emperor can be found in this world.

Is it out of the world?

Shouldn't the emperor be so stupid?

"Have you ever seen the giant demon king use the authority of the world emperor?"

Zhou Ying nodded: "I've seen it. It's transmitted by the power of space controlled by the authority of the emperor."

"Since you can use the authority of the emperor, in other words, the certificate of the emperor is still in this world."

The emperor's certificate can be brought out of the world. Once the emperor's certificate is brought out of the world, the emperor can no longer use the authority of the emperor.

Conversely, the giant demon king uses the authority of the world emperor, that is to say, the certificate of the world emperor is still in a corner of the world.

Zhang lie asked, "have you found any place?"

Zhou Ying said, "I've looked for all the places I can think of. Even in the poison marsh sea, I've looked for them carefully with trees and vines. There should be no leakage."

"In other words, it's the place you haven't looked for. It's likely that the certificate of the emperor is there."

Zhang lie suddenly had an idea and asked, "where's the center of the earth? Has the center of the earth been found?"

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