Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0906

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:37:58 AM

Chapter 0906

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The dark green source force imitates the force of wind and thunder and turns into an air mass like an electric drill.

"Go to war, go to war!"

"I want to kill a hundred Zerg. Don't rob me."

"Zerg, your nightmare is coming. Remember today and your enemies. We are extreme Wufu!"

All over the sky, members of the extreme martial arts school parachuted Mars to fight the Zerg.

Under the leadership of the extreme team, the combat effectiveness of the extreme martial arts school is instantly full.

The extreme team rushed to the front and acted the fastest.

Suddenly, Zhang lie felt a strong breath and looked up to see millions of strange figures in the insect nest.

The black shell is shiny and shiny, emitting metallic light like black steel.

Compound eyes, muscles surging all over the body, feet standing on the ground, walked slowly towards the extreme martial arts school.

Millions of figures came out of the insect nest.

The so-called bodybuilding champion is a joke.

There used to be a movie called "big guy", which was about the same size as the protagonist.

"Humanoid Zerg?"

Seeing the sudden emergence of the insect nest, neither members of extreme martial arts school nor Zhang lie can sit still.

As mentioned earlier, Zerg gain their excellent genetic evolution by swallowing other races.

What is the best race on Mars?

The answer is not insects, not fish, not birds and animals, but humans.

Because Terrans can enter the genetic world and obtain other genetic forces.

Due to the particularity of human genes, Zerg cannot directly obtain human genes.

So there has been no humanoid Zerg.

But the sudden emergence of Zerg has broken the common sense that everyone has always maintained.

Humanoid Zerg appear on Mars.

Zerg successfully acquired human genes.

In fact, many scholars have guessed that the Zerg will one day get the genes that can enter the galaxy race in the gene world.

But everyone turned a blind eye. The Zerg on Mars got an opportunity and finally succeeded in obtaining genes from the Terran.

This is not good news.

It has been said before that Zerg can obtain their excellent genetic evolution by swallowing other races. If the way that galaxy races obtain genes to become stronger is incorporated into their own genetic chain, Zerg will become a terrible race.

By swallowing other galactic races, we can directly obtain evolutionary genes without entering the gene world.

At this moment, even Zhang lie's face became extremely ugly.

No, they must not get out of Mars!

Not only Zhang lie, the members of the extreme martial arts school immediately felt a sense of urgency.

We must destroy none of the newly evolved Zerg in front of us, and we can't let even one Zerg escape from Mars.

Otherwise, not only the disaster of the solar system, but also the safety of the whole Milky Way universe will be threatened.

At present, it is not as simple as a planetary disaster, but has risen to the disaster of the Milky Way universe.


Members of extreme martial arts school launched a charge. Not all members of extreme martial arts school are aware of the changes of Zerg.

Fang Yi roared: "don't be impulsive!"

The humanoid Zerg shot, just a blow out, like the sound of thunder cutting into the sky, and directly hit a big pit on the ground.

Several members of the extreme martial arts school who rushed to the front were directly knocked down in the pit. Although these humanoid Zerg seem small, their strength is not low. At least they have the same strength as the six-star Zerg.

The members of extreme martial arts school took action. Their eyes showed that they couldn't believe it. Suddenly, these guys were still the original Zerg.

The humanoid Zerg leaped up, crossed a black arc in mid air and landed in front of the members of extreme martial arts school.

A humanoid Zerg reaches out and pinches the head of a member of extreme martial arts school. The members of extreme martial arts school struggle and scream. Their head is like a watermelon. It is directly crushed by the humanoid Zerg with one hand, and the red, white and yellow splash out.

Looking at his companion's body powerless to fall to the ground, members of extreme martial arts school showed fear one after another.

On the other side, the humanoid Zerg just waved their hands. The upper body of a member of the extreme martial arts school was blown away directly, leaving only the lower body. The blood gushed out like Koizumi, the intestines waved in the empty air, and the lower body shook and fell to the ground.

The impact of the picture is too strong. The companions who were just fighting together were suddenly cut off half of their bodies. These impulsive extreme martial arts school members immediately started to retreat.

Unfortunately, it was too late to withdraw at this time.

These humanoid Zerg look tall, but they move surprisingly fast. of

Catch up with the members of extreme martial arts school who escaped in just a moment, and the huge palm will catch the members of extreme martial arts school.

A gust of wind blows and thunder flashes. Fang Yi has appeared in front of the humanoid Zerg.

The humanoid Zerg looked at the position of the chest in surprise. On the muscle bulged chest, there was a black hole. Through the body, they could see the scene of the back.

The humanoid Zerg move quickly, but someone is faster than it.

Just as the thunder flickered, Fang Yi's long gun had penetrated the chest of the humanoid Zerg.

But Mingming's chest was penetrated, but the humanoid Zerg kicked Fang Yi like nothing.

"Dragon and tiger roar!"

With a low cry, the tiger roared and the Dragon chanted. On Fang Yi's long gun, the wind dragon, thunder and tiger appeared and rushed out with great dignity.

The dragon of the storm screams, the tiger of the thunder roars, and the wind dragon Thunder Tiger erupts, tearing the humanoid Zerg in an instant.

Monstrous sword? Dragon whale!

Behind him, Yang Ze, whose whole body is covered by the faint blue light, is an ocean standing here alone.

The sound of waves echoes in the battlefield, and the water phase source force under the wave light circulation is blooming and spreading, and the source force rises like waves one after another.

The huge water belongs to the source force rising into the sky. They erupt like a tsunami and condense into huge whales.

The whale has a slender body with dragon scales and whiskers. The huge whale turns over and runs over the humanoid Zerg battlefield directly.

A large area of humanoid Zerg was crushed by the Dragon whale, and the huge water phase source force was transformed into a wave explosion. The power of the move spread twice, and at least tens of thousands of humanoid Zerg were submerged in it.

The Dragon whale is so powerful that everyone on the battlefield can see it. The frightened soldiers of extreme martial arts school settled down after seeing this scene.

There is no stronger force than our own to crush and make people stable faster.

The soldiers of extreme martial arts school suddenly understand that there is nothing wrong with the Zerg becoming strong, but there is also the combat power that is not lost to the Zerg.

Yang Ze issued an order: "Hong Ruoxi, Hong Xiao, Jun jiuxiao and ye Qianchen, you organize members of extreme martial arts school, Zhou Ying, you are responsible for treating everyone, and others rush with me!"

Li Feng and sun Xiaowu rushed forward at the same time.

"Golden scale fist!"

Sun Xiaowu's breath suddenly changed. His right arm was instantly wrapped in bright golden light. His arm suddenly increased by a circle, and layers of fine golden dragon scales slowly emerged.

A powerful force rose into the sky

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