Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0925

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:37:32 AM

Chapter 0925

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Everything happened so fast that the whole battlefield fell into silence.

The Ares team once again lamented that Zhang lie's strength was too strong for them to understand.

Zhang lie returned to form and came to the side of red gold comet. He noticed the mood of red gold comet and patted the guy immediately.

"Don't worry, there will be powerful enemies. There will be many opportunities in the future."

Red gold comet nodded.

Zhang lie said to the star Eagle God of War: "inform the limit team that there is no need to make things in the rear of others. Come back!"

The rest is left to the God of war team. Zhang lie directly breaks the space and returns to the world of the dragon people.

Just after returning to the world of the dragon people, Xianlong came to Zhang lie through the authority of the emperor of the world: "how's the matter solved?"

Zhang liebai glanced: "are you looking down on me?"

Xianlong said with a wry smile, "you're right. You can do it yourself. There's almost nothing you can't solve!"

Zhang lie asked, "where is the Jero Research Institute?"

Xianlong directly took Zhang lie to carry out space transmission with the authority of the emperor, and came to the Research Institute of the Yelo nationality in the twinkling of an eye.

Xianlong established the elixir Research Institute of the Yelo nationality in the imperial capital of the dragon people, and planted countless elixirs in the Institute.

Among them, the Jero people are constantly shuttling around, busy watering these miraculous drugs.

Zhang lie didn't stop much and went directly to the head of Jero.

Then he took out the bone of Shura: "patriarch, do you think you can use these materials instead of Asura's elbow stab to prepare the medicine I want."

Zhang lie gave the formula of the ultimate ultimate gene medicine and the previously cleaned Shura bones to the head of the Yelo clan.

In the war with the xuluo nationality, Zhang lie collected a lot through Li Chongming.

Unfortunately, the strongest emperor xuluo's family didn't collect it, but the bones of the four heavenly kings in the xuluo world were still collected.

Jero patriarch Si Suo said: "I dare not give you a positive answer. If your majesty doesn't mind, leave the materials here first. If I have any results, I will inform your majesty immediately."

The third world has been solved. The extreme team returns, and Zhang lie and others return to Mars.

Although the third world has passed for nearly a month, and the Galactic universe has only passed for less than two days, Zhang lie arranged things for Hong Ruoxi and took the extreme team back to earth by warship first.

As for the extreme martial arts school members left on Mars, the transmission device has been rebuilt, and they can return to earth directly through the transmission device.

After returning to the earth, Zhang lie immediately returned to Hong Tianqi.

"The matter has been solved!"

Hong Tianqi said, "it's really you. It's done so soon!"

"You can tell me that there are puzzles hidden in the third world. Don't you know the coordinates of the map fragments?"

"No problem!"

Then, the coordinates of the map fragments hidden in the third boundary were sent to Zhang lie through the communicator.

According to the records of the Galactic races, the Galactic universe has a simple map of the third boundary. Zhang lie looks at the world displayed on the map, and there are map fragments on it, hiding the information of the world.

"This message is..."

Zhang lie was shocked. Hong Tianqi hid the map fragments in the world description, but he was so familiar with them.

"Isn't this the world I've been to before?"

Zhang lie found that Hong Tianqi had hidden the map fragments in the world. Unexpectedly, he had been to the world before and fought for the throne.

"Is this fate?"

Or cause and effect?

Returning to the third world again, Zhang lie asked the extreme team to continue to fight outside and be ready to start at the same time.

But just as he pulled up the colorful dragon scale beast and was ready to start, the voice of the virtuous dragon sounded in his ear: "although I don't know where you're going, go to find the head of the Yelo clan before leaving. He said that the research results of the ultimate limit gene medicament have come out!"

"So fast?"

You can go to the previous world later and go to head Jero first.

"According to our research, the materials you brought back can replace the main medicinal materials of the original formula to a certain extent. After many days of research, test article No. 1 was manufactured."

Led by the leader of the Jero clan, he arrived at the drug research room. On the table, there was always medicine, blood red medicine, with golden lines on it, like insects rotating inside.

Zhang lie asked, "how is the effect?"

"We have done several experiments in vivo, and as a result... They are all dead," the head of Jero said


The patriarch of Jero said reluctantly, "according to our research, either the individual can't bear the energy of this medicine, or the substance that can't absorb the medicine. According to my guess, it must be a special individual to bear this medicine."

"Sure enough, like other extreme drugs, is the ultimate gene full and super extreme gene bottom?"

At present, there are more than ten extreme martial arts schools that can meet this condition, but they are all on Mars. In the third world, only extreme gene team, Zhang Hanshuang, Yun Bing, Chu Feng and others can meet this condition.

Zhang lie asked, "will the medicine have an impact on individuals with appropriate conditions?"

"This cannot be estimated."

Chief Jero hesitated to answer.

Next to the side is the medicine researcher of the Jero Nationality: "this medicine is the first time we do it. There is no prescription for your majesty, and we can't help it."

Zhang lie is also a little distressed. Although the outside world says that extreme gene drugs are created by Zhang lie, they are actually the knowledge of the previous life.

In a sense, Zhang lie is just a porter, and his knowledge of potions is not bad, but he is at the level of leader Jero.

Since the patriarch of Jero cannot estimate, he may not be able to draw a conclusion after his research and analysis.

In this way, it is impossible to know the security.

Perhaps, in terms of the understanding of extreme gene medicament, no one in the whole galactic universe can compare with Zhang lie, but in terms of medicament research, Zhang lie is also better than the head of the Yelo clan in a sense.

"If you don't do anything, you can't move forward. I'll call Zhou Ying over."

Zhang lie called Zhou Ying back soon.

Zhou Ying asked, "brother lie, what's important to call me back?"

Zhang lie said, "I want you to be a little white mouse. No! It should be said to experiment with the medicine newly studied by patriarch Yelo."

Zhou Yingqing's spirit fighting body has great vitality. At the second world, she was further promoted to the holy body of the green spirit through the head of the wooden spirit clan, and her vitality was further strengthened.

And it is undoubtedly the best white mouse, which is consistent with most miraculous drugs and medicinal materials.

Zhou Ying asked, "what medicine?"

"Extreme gene medicine - No. 4! Experimental version!"

Zhou Ying was surprised: "brother lie has studied the ultimate limit gene?"

Two days ago, Zhou Ying heard that Zhang lie had studied the gene beast above the natural disaster level, promoted the red comet to the gene beast above the natural disaster level, and became the king gene beast.

Today, I heard that Zhang lie has developed extreme gene medicament No. 4. Both the genes above the natural disaster level and the ultimate extreme gene are a major event that has caused a sensation in the whole Milky Way universe.

It happened continuously for a few days. Zhou Ying was shocked and didn't know what to say.

Zhang lie shook his head: "I haven't studied it yet. It's just an experimental version. I don't know whether it's effective until I've tried it!"

Chief Luo Ying brought the new version of the gene to the lab.

Later explained: "this medicine is only an experimental version. It is the first finished product we have manufactured. We don't know what effect it has. We don't know what risks and dangers it has."

Zhang lie said: "those who can use extreme gene medicine No. 4 must meet two conditions. The first condition is that there is super extreme gene, and the second condition is that the ultimate gene is full!"

"In the whole third world, only the extreme team and a few people meet these two conditions. Among them, only you are the most suitable for drug testing!"

Zhou Ying directly came over and said, "brother lie, needless to say, you prepared extreme gene medicine No. 4 to make us stronger and let us catch up with you!"

"If a person wants to become stronger, how can he not take risks? As a genetic warrior, I can still bear this risk!"

Zhang lie has done enough. As a member of the extreme gene team, she should take this step.

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