Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0944

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:36:59 AM

Chapter 0944

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After Zhang lie's words, he directly broke the void and disappeared from the original place. At the next moment, Zhang lie appeared behind Li Qianqian and Dong Xingming: "where are the two little sisters going?"

Dong Xingming was surprised: "what's the matter with you? How did you suddenly emerge like a ghost?"

Li Qianqian smiled helplessly and said, "there's no shape. Of course there's something to find you!"

Zhang lie tilted his head and asked, "what's the matter?"

Li Qianqian said, "as you said before, the ghost clan has begun to act."

Zhang lie's face coagulated and said, "where did you get the news?"

The ghost clan suddenly began to take action, which was only Zhang lie's guess.

Therefore, Zhang lie will make all kinds of preparations.

Just as Li Qianqian made preparations here, he seemed to get the exact news, and Zhang lie couldn't help asking.

Li Qianqian said: "this is the news from my father. As you estimated, the ghost family took action a few days ago to break through the defense line of the super world, and the army of the ghost family carried out destructive aggression against the surrounding world!"

Zhang lie wanted to understand: "where did your father get the news from the super world?"

Li Qianqian nodded and said, "a few days ago, the envoy of the super world came to ask his father to fulfill his obligations in the super world and must participate in the war."

Zhang lie was a little surprised.

It's not surprising that the super world sent envoys to ask Li Chongming to fulfill his obligations to join the war.

This is a certain thing. The ghost family suddenly breaks through the defense line, and the eternal super world will inevitably involve the whole 3000 world in the war.

In addition to free cannon fodder, but also in order that there will not be a new super world after the war, a threat to their high position.

In particular, the newly promoted Super World - Chongming world will be pulled into the flames of war by the super world that exists forever.

No matter how reluctant the Chongming community is, the super world that henggu exists will try its best to drag the Chongming community into the water.

If the Chongming world has been unwilling, the super world of henggu doesn't mind destroying the Chongming world before dealing with the ghost world.

Zhang lie was surprised at the time of the outbreak of the ghost clan.

The underworld made preparations soon.

Just like what Zhang lie did to trigger the butterfly effect.

Zhang lie can't guess for a moment. The butterfly effect is mysterious. Who knows what he did to make the butterfly flutter its wings and trigger a hurricane.

Zhang lie touched his chin and asked, "what are you going to do with those guys in henggu's super big world who don't participate in the war?"

Li Qianqian spread his hand: "my father didn't ask. He mainly wanted to hear your opinion."

"I'm going to Chongming immediately."

In the Dragon Terran world, Zhang lie determines the location of the red gold comet, and the directly broken space appears around the red gold comet.

To reach Chongming as fast as possible, we need the speed of red gold comet.

Zhang lie came back with red gold comet again.

"Well, let's go now."

With Zhang lie and Li Qianqian, the red gold comet turned into a golden streamer and disappeared in the sky, leaving Dong Xingming in place.

Dong Xingming recovered and shouted, "Hey, you left me here."

The speed of red gold comet is really fast. It has shuttled through three worlds in less than an hour and returned to Chongming world in an instant.

In two years, under the rule of Li Chongming, all aspects of Chongming circles were recovering. Zhang lie directly sent comet Chijin to Li Chongming's palace.

Li Chongming appeared directly at the gate of the palace to meet Zhang lie and Li Qianqian.

"You're back. It's really fast. You came as soon as I released the news."

Li Chongming noticed the red gold comet beside Zhang lie and Li Qianqian: "this is... The red fourth order monster before."

Zhang lie said: "now it has been promoted to the monarch level gene beast. According to your Xumi world, it is a fifth level monster."

Li Chongming looked up and down at the red golden comet and said, "great, son-in-law, it is estimated that there are five order monsters in the whole Xumi world."

Zhang lie said: "let's not talk about the red gold comet, let's go in and talk about the underworld and henggu super world!"

"OK, I also want to hear your opinion." Li Chongming can't wait.

Invited Zhang lie and Li Qianqian to the palace and ordered people to serve tea. Li Chongming sat on the main seat and asked, "I think Qian Qian has told you about the matter."

Zhang lie nodded and said, "the ghost clan finally broke out and broke through the defense line built by henggu's super world. Now henggu's super world sends someone to come to the door, right?"

Li Chongming nodded and said, "as you said, the ghost clan finally broke out."

"I guessed that the ghost clan would break out soon, but earlier than expected," Zhang said

"Exactly as you guessed."

"I saw some changes in the black spirit clan before. I knew that the ghost clan would break out in the near future. I didn't expect it to happen so soon." Zhang lie asked, "what do you say about the super world that exists forever?"

Li Chongming said: "they are going to hold a Super World Conference and invite me to attend. I think it is obvious to discuss how to deal with the ghost clan. In essence, it is to tie our Chongming community directly to the chariot."

"If you don't go, you can't. The super world of henggu will never allow it. An existence that is on an equal footing and doesn't participate in war," Zhang said

"No matter how reluctant the Chongming community is, henggu super world will try its best to drag the Chongming community into the water."

Li Qianqian analyzed: "if the Chongming world has been unwilling, the super world of henggu doesn't mind destroying the Chongming world before dealing with the ghost world!"

"Although there will be some losses for them, compared with the emergence of a fisherman who reaps the benefits of fishermen, this loss is still within the scope of the eternal super world. Am I right?"

Zhang lie gave a thumbs up and said, "they were afraid of a fisherman and a ghost in the eight ancient super worlds. In the end, both sides suffered heavy losses. Suddenly, a powerful existence came out and directly gathered up the rest of the eight ancient super worlds and won the biggest fruit of the final victory."

Li Qianqian said seriously: "after the war between the eight eternal super worlds and the ghost clan, both sides will certainly cause a lot of losses. At that time, a powerful existence will be born in the air and will reap the victorious side."

After the war between the eight eternal super worlds and the netherworld, it is likely that there will not be much power left. The alliance formed by the eight eternal super worlds for the war will not be as solid as when facing the netherworld.

That must be the weakest time of the eight eternal super worlds.

At this time, if there is an equally powerful guy, it will be very simple to harvest the fruits of victory.

This is what the eight eternal super worlds don't want to see

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