Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 0979

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:36:04 AM

Chapter 0979

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In the past, Zhang Hanshuang couldn't jump on the stage to kill the enemy. He can only sit in a wheelchair. Now when his feet are good, he breaks out in one breath.

Zhang lie said bitterly, "if you are the marshal, you should be in the rear. If something happens to you, it will cause a great blow to the team!"

Zhang Hanshuang said, "anyway, I'm a vase marshal. What's the meaning behind me? I want to kill all sides like my brother!"

Zhang lie looked at Hong Ruoxi and said, "why don't you hold cold frost and follow her around."

Hong Ruoxi hurriedly said, "I have something to hold, but I can't hold it."

Zhang Hanshuang looked up: "brother, I also want to fight against the enemy. It's rare to have such a huge battle. It's so boring to have been making vases in the team. You don't want your sister to become a vase?"

Zhang lie thought again and again. It seems to make sense

Always let Zhang Hanshuang experience it, otherwise it's really a little like raising a vase.

"Well, since you insist, I won't say anything. Remember to pay attention to safety and don't be too crazy!" Zhang lie sighed.

Zhang lie didn't say much. After all, he still has a lot to do next.

"Ruoxi, you arrange the team. Next, I want to talk to several other leaders of the super world." Zhang lie left in the void.

Hong Ruoxi nodded and began to arrange alien soldiers.

Just after a great war, the broken zone of the world can no longer be described as broken. The whole broken zone doesn't even have a decent continent. This is the power of war between the super worlds.

Zhang lie stood on the void. General Bingpeng, who had arranged things for him before long, came and said unexpectedly, "I didn't expect you to come first."

Zhang lie spread his hands and said, "I'll leave it to my companions to finish."

Not long after general Bingpeng came, a man with golden light all over his body, wearing gorgeous armor and golden light in his hair floated in mid air and stepped up step by step with divine light.

The divine light left at his feet is like a bridge, a light ladder leading to the sky, which brings people to the front. Zhang lie recognizes that he is the leader of the sun god army.

After the leader of the sun god army came up, he looked at Zhang lie.

"You should be sent by a new super world. Don't you introduce yourself?"

Zhang lie spread his hand and asked, "why don't you introduce yourself first? This is basic politeness!"

The leader of the sun god army sneered: "come and join the war, don't know your teammates first?"

Zhang lie disapproved and said, "I know more or less all the world kings. You... That green onion?"

General bingsoul is laughing.

The leader of the sun god army put his hands on his back and said with great air: "listen up. I'm the right hand of the emperor of the world of wanyang. You can call me the sun god of war."

"God of war?"


The sun god of war nodded proudly.

Zhang lie looked away and said, "the gate valve of the God of war in the scorching sun world is really low. It is estimated that all the dogs in my family can be called the God of war."

General Bingpeng said, "in fact, I also think the God of war in the scorching sun world can be a crooked melon and split jujube."

"God of war? It depends on the back door. What does it have to do with the emperor of wanyang world?"

The sun god of war immediately rose, and his whole body was full of light. The light extended to his hair. His hair fluttered violently behind him, and his hair continued to extend, just like a burning golden flame.

Behind him, a sun wheel lights up. With his left hand outstretched, it is a golden sword emitting light.

The big sword is made of energy, but it has a unique metal texture.

General Bingpeng warned, "Sun Zhanshen, I can warn you that now we are not enemies but teammates. If you fight against your teammates, you will ignore the friendship between the coalition forces. I won't stand on your side at that time."

If Zhang Bing and the sun fight directly, he will show his attitude.

"Oh, what happened that made the sun god of war so angry."

Plump lips, light yellow skin full of thick pores, rough curly hair, and thin and eccentric ears always give people a kind of goat, with tail and tentacles in the lower body, and alien feet in the void.

The sun god of war hummed coldly and put away his weapons.

If the sun god of war starts now, it will be regarded as an accomplice of the ghost family. He wants to reduce the combat effectiveness of the super world. The sun god of war doesn't want to face the siege of several monsters.

Zhang lie asked suspiciously, "you have the smell of the king of the key gate world. Should you be sent by the king of the key gate world?"

The sun god of war sneered: "nouveau riche. It's really nouveau riche. I'm lucky. I happen to meet a big crisis in the xuluo world, so I can be promoted to the super world. I don't even know his Highness the prince."

"Your Highness?"

General Bingpeng said, "he is the son of his majesty keygate."

"That thing can give birth to a son!" Zhang lie was shocked.

The king of the keygate world is not a creature?

Its essence is the will of the world.

It is unclear whether the will of the world opens up the wisdom or whether the emperor and the will of the world merge. At least when Zhang lie sees the emperor of the key gate, he can be sure that it is definitely not a creature.

It can be called the aggregation of hundreds of millions of worlds, or the integration of hundreds of millions of worlds. It is the door to the integration of hundreds of millions of worlds. Anyway, it is definitely not a creature.

Zhang lie was naturally shocked that an integration of hundreds of millions of worlds could give birth to a son, or a pure alien son.

You said that wooden barrels and pots can produce wooden ladles. Zhang lie may still believe that the integration of hundreds of millions of worlds can produce an alien son. Zhang lie didn't believe it at that time.

The sun god of war frowned and said, "what do you mean? Your words are disrespectful to his majesty keygate. Believe it or not, I'll report it to his majesty keygate."

Zhang lie doesn't think so. The king of the key gate is powerful, but it's not powerful enough to scare Zhang lie.

The big deal is a fight

Seeing Zhang lie's unmoved appearance, the sun god of war became even more angry.

His Majesty's son waved his hand and said, "it doesn't matter. After all, I'm not born to my father."

"Adopted son?"

Great, my prince.

I didn't expect to have such a big melon for a meeting. I know these Royal secrets.

The sun god of war hurriedly said, "Your Highness, since your majesty keygate admits that you are a prince, you are his own son, which has nothing to do with the form of birth."

Zhang lie turned his head and looked at general Bingpeng, with an intention of asking in his eyes.

How to cut this melon to make it most fragrant?

General Bingpeng sighed, "Your Highness Wilbur is the first life created by his majesty keyman in order to understand the profound meaning of life."

Zhang lie was shocked again.

The king of the key gate world can create life. Isn't it true that he has stepped into the field of God?

General Bingpeng slowly explained: "in order to understand the source of life, your majesty keymen kneaded his highness Wilbur with blood and flesh, and lit the fire of life with the power of the super big world."

Zhang lie's surprise faded.

It turns out that life is not created from nothing.

Creating life with flesh and blood and creating life from nothing are two different realms. Creating life from nothing is the domain of God.

Making life with flesh and blood is not difficult as long as you know some means.

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