Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1033

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:34:49 AM

Chapter 1033

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Zhang lie asked, "how is Yunbing doing?"

Zhang Hanshuang nodded without hesitation.

At first, Zhang Hanshuang was the princess of the extreme empire. When Yunbing managed the extreme Empire, Zhang Hanshuang completely became the symbol of the extreme empire.

Although she is the princess of the extreme Empire and the only family member of Zhang lie, she should have existed as a queen.

But Zhang Hanshuang's character and experience are not suitable for managing an empire. If the empire is managed by this girl, it will be a mess.

Zhang Hanshuang has no mind to manage. It is Yun Bing who supports the whole extreme empire with one hand.

When Zhang Hanshuang was still in the imperial Empire, Yun Bing solved all aspects of her problems, so that Zhang Hanshuang could not Royal Highness Princess.

Zhang Hanshuang is not an idiot. She also knows that Yunbing made a lot of efforts to block a lot of conspiracies for her when she was in charge of the ultimate empire.

Royal Highness Princess Zhang Hanshuang is the only imperial Princess of the imperial empire. Many of them want to make use of Zhang Frost's identity to create the imperial Empire, not only the alien but also the Milky way.

No matter how powerful the force of the extreme team is, it can't deter those mice hidden in the dark. Yunbing pulled them out one by one and crushed them to death. He is not afraid to dirty his hands.

It's a little too much to say that Yunbing is a tool man, but there's no way. Yunbing is too easy to use. It's a universal tool man in politics and management.

Zhang lie spread his hand and said, "then what qualifications do you have to say me? This is praise. Do you understand!"

Zhang Hanshuang said excitedly, "I don't have it."

Zhang lie then said, "you have to tell Yunbing that Yunbing won't be a tool man in the future. No, what if he doesn't continue to help us?"

Zhang Hanshuang hesitated.

Zhang lie said: "in the future, there will be another extreme Empire, or even an extreme world. Can you manage it?"

Zhang Hanshuang's index finger and thumb adhered to each other and pulled them in front of his mouth to make a zipper, indicating that he would not say anything.

Sun Mengmeng smiled and said, "you don't have to worry about the frost. Yunbing is still enjoying it."

Zhang Hanshuang asked curiously, "are you willing to be a tool man?"

Sun Mengmeng stood up and said, "one, Yunbing is one of brother lie's admirers. He always hugs brother lie's thigh!"

"Second, Yunbing is good at these aspects. It uses its ability to exchange status and resources. Yunbing, who is relatively not good at fighting, is the best thing."

Zhou Ying agreed: "Yunbing has always enjoyed things that can change the whole world."

Yunbing is not happy to be a tool man, but is happy to change the world.

Zhang Hanshuang thought, "trade labor for resources, such as genetic animals, etc. are you sure this is not a job?"

Yang Ze said mischievously, "Hey, we workers are all human beings."

Xianlong asked, "what do you think when you talk about business and people go up?"

New workers?

"Chu Feng is the only one who is more reliable. There is no better candidate."

Xianlong nodded and said, "well, I'll choose a more secure person among the dragon people. Chu Feng, the human gene warrior, and the dragon people warrior supervise and take care of each other. There should be no problem guarding this black metal area."

Zhang lie nodded and said, "I'll leave it to you."

Zhang lie waved to the people of the extreme team who were chatting there: "we should go."

Sun Mengmeng came quickly and asked, "brother lie, what good food are you taking us to eat?"

"Monarch gene animal meat."


The extreme team was shocked.

"What is monarch level gene animal meat?"

"Is the monarch that monarch?"

Zhang lie said: "through the gene ranch, gene beasts above the natural disaster level have been cultivated. Recently, many more dragon world have been promoted to the Dragon super world. In the process of promoting the super world, gene beasts have gained a lot of benefits!"

"One of the natural disaster gene beasts was promoted to the monarch level and was very big."

After the natural disaster level is promoted to the monarch level, the general volume will not increase, on the contrary, it will decrease, only enough for one or two people to eat.

Zhang lie smiled and said, "this monarch gene beast is quite special. It is very big enough for us to eat."

Sun Xiaowu said excitedly, "brother lie, you have finally succeeded in cultivating a monarch gene beast?"

Sun Mengmeng didn't have a good way: "you forgot to follow the red and Golden Mantis around brother lie. That's the monarch gene beast. Didn't you say it before?"

Sun Xiaowu said excitedly, "it's one thing to follow the red and Golden Mantis beside brother lie. It's another thing to directly cultivate a monarch gene beast, sister, you don't know. What does that mean?"

Cultivating the level above natural disaster is the discovery of changing the pattern of the whole galactic universe. If the monarch gene beast is directly cultivated through the gene ranch, it is equivalent to controlling the pattern of the Galactic universe.

Why is the combat effectiveness of the extreme team always ahead of the Galactic races.

There are a large number of races in the galaxy. There are capable people and different people in all races, among which there are many people who are more talented than the extreme team.

The human race is only a tiny dust among the races in the galaxy. Can it compare with the four strong families in the starry sky?

Even though the Terran has become the most dazzling new star in the Milky Way universe due to the emergence of Zhang lie, the four strong families in the starry sky have existed for many years, and the inside information is hard to estimate.

Why is it that only one human race and six people in a limit team are pressing the entire galaxy and the four strong families that have always dominated the starry sky.

In the second world, the combat effectiveness of the extreme team has exceeded the four strong families in the sky. In the third world, the combat effectiveness of the extreme team has directly surpassed the four strong families in the sky. What can the extreme team do?

One is to rely on extreme genetic drugs, and the other is to promote in the second world with natural disaster life through continuous accumulation.

Then, the natural disaster gene beast has just been announced. Why the extreme team can be promoted with natural disaster life is the gene beast breeding plan developed by Zhang lie.

Who hasn't thought about breeding genetic animals?

Many powerful races in the galaxy have tried to directly cultivate genetic animals through breeding.

There are many people who succeed, but there are more people who fail. Once the genetic beast becomes strong, it is difficult to control it.

Even if we spend a lot of resources and succeed in the end, we will definitely not have Zhang lie's courage and ability to directly breed natural disaster gene animals.

Those so-called successful people can breed the most common gene animals and mutant gene animals. Once they reach the super gene animals, they are difficult to control. Even if they are cultivated from childhood, the gene animals are still wild and difficult to tame

There are a large number of common gene animals and mutant gene animals in the whole world. Instead of investing a lot of resources in training, it is better to hunt them directly.

Finally, all those who tried to breed genetic animals gave up one after another, and the input of resources and time was not directly proportional to the harvest.

This is the reason why other galactic races have no further in-depth research on breeding genetic animals

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