Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1096

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:33:26 AM

Chapter 1096

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Sun Mengmeng came over and asked, "Why are you looking at Hong Ruoxi?"

Zhang lie looked back and said, "that's my student."


Sun Mengmeng answered casually.

Sun Xiaowu came to finish the game and said, "brother lie, we have solved all the super world emperor levels in the frozen super world, but how to deal with the frozen super world is still waiting for you."

Li Feng came over and said, "we're the same over there."

Zhang lie thought and said: "how to deal with this matter, we still have to wait for several other super world emperors to come down."

Zhang lie finds Li Chongming directly.

"How to solve the black rain super world? Do you really want to integrate into the Chongming world?"

Li Chongming said: "still under consideration, it is estimated that it will consume a lot of power of the super world to integrate the Heiyu super world into the Chongming world."

There is nothing wrong with the area of Chongming. Now Chongming air has a lot of power of the super world, but it does not exceed the area of the super world.

Even the area of other super worlds is not comparable, let alone other super worlds that exist forever. Even the area of the two new super worlds is larger than that of Chongming.

Integrating the Heiyu super world into the Chongming community can make up the area of the Chongming community, but to transform the Heiyu super world, we need to spend a lot of power of the super world.

The environment of Heiyu super world is not suitable for the survival of alien and genetic animals, and Li Chongming is also very tangled.

Li Chongming said: "in fact, I want to come back and integrate the big world into the Chongming world, which can also expand the area of the Chongming world. The power of the super big world may not be more than that of the black rain super big world."

To integrate the big world into the super big world, in order to balance the energy level between the big world and the super big world, we need to pay a certain power of the super big world.

"The integration of a black rain super world is equivalent to the integration of ten or twenty worlds, which can be solved in one breath."

Zhang lie waved his hand and said, "just continue to tangle. I'll go with the others first."

Li Chongming quickly pulled Zhang lie.

"Don't go yet. Give me some advice."

Zhang lie spread his hands and said, "anyway, both sides are similar. Make your own decision."

If you don't integrate the black rain super world, you can save the power of the super world.

The integration of Heiyu super world can obtain a huge world area, and both sides are almost where to go.

Although the Chongming world is no less powerful than the super world, no emperor will dislike the lack of power of the super world.

The power of the super world is enough. There are more talents in the world. At the same time, Chongming community does not need to increase the world area in a hurry.

Chongming community has just been promoted to super world. The current world area is enough for Chongming community.

In other words, both sides are good, and neither side is bad. It depends on what Li Chongming thinks.

Li Chongming suggested, "what do you say about other super worlds that exist forever?"

Li Chongming's idea is to play in other super big worlds that exist forever.

"Don't you fight down the other eternal super world, how about the black fog world and the unclean world?"

Zhang lie waved his hand and said, "don't think about these two super worlds. The black fog super world has been destroyed by me, and the world power of the unclean super world has been extracted by me."

Li Chongming was immediately depressed.

Zhang lie said, "even if I didn't destroy the black fog super world and draw the power of the unclean super world, in fact, these two super worlds are not much better than the black rain super world."

Li Chongming was stunned and said, "really?"

That's the super world.

At present, Li Chongming has seen three super worlds, all of which are new super worlds. Without that new super world, the environment is poor.

As a super world that exists forever, Li Chongming instinctively thinks that the environment will be better than the new super world. The appearance of Heiyu super world is due to the invasion of the ghost family.

Zhang lie and the ghost King fought a big war in the Heiyu super world. The environment of other ancient super worlds is no worse than that of the new super world.

Just as farmers who have not been to cities generally believe that the environment in big cities is definitely better than that in rural areas. In fact, only those who have been to two places know the truth.

Zhang lie stood up and said, "they are all called henggu existence. They must be old things. Anyway, I have been to three super worlds and have become fast decaying existence."

"There is no such thing as our three new super worlds. The environment is beautiful. You can see the black rain super world. Even without the war of the ghost clan, the black rain super world is full of cemeteries and dead trees."

Sun Mengmeng thought: "although the super world has existed for countless years, the existence known as henggu doesn't mean that the flow of years has not left a trace in the super world?"

Zhang lie said: "the black fog super world is similar to the unclean super world. The black fog super world has become a ruin, but it is covered by black fog outside!"

"The will of the world and the emperor of the world must die before the emperor of the black fog world will be born. He is just a poor fellow known as the most mysterious emperor of the world. In fact, he is far from the guy of the emperor of the chaos world."

Yang Ze said: "the unclean super world is full of abysses and rocks, and the land at the bottom of the abyss is corroded!"

"Yes, even if brother lie and I cleaned up the evil ancestor emperor, the gray liquid has been cleaned up, but the green poison gas is still spreading in the air."

Yang Ze wanted to vomit at the thought of the unclean environment of the super world.

The unclean super world is really unclean. It makes people feel like vomiting.

Li Chongming looks at the others of the extreme team. Since the environment of the black fog super world and the unclean super world is not much different from that of the black rain super world, Li Chongming wants to know the environment of the ice covered super world and the scorching sun super world.

Anyway, the super world of this battle is not only the black fog super world and the unclean super world, but also the frozen super world and the scorching sun super world?

Sun Mengmeng said, "don't think about the frozen super world. The environment of the frozen super world is worse than the black rain super world!"

"You can see that the black rain super world is broken. At least there's no problem standing alone. If someone walks into the frozen super world, they will immediately become popsicles if they don't have enough strength."

Sun Xiaowu then said, "Heiyu super world has at least space for gene beasts and alien activities. The frozen super world has no possibility of gene beasts and alien activities."

Zhang Hanshuang said: "the only advantage of the frozen super world is that there are still living creatures in the frozen super world, but the number is not much!"

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