Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1107

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:33:11 AM

Chapter 1107

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Ugly appearance, plump lips, light yellow skin full of thick pores, rough curly hair and eccentric thin ears always give people a look like a goat, with a tail and tentacles in the lower body.

It was Wilbur Zhang lie knew well.

After Wilbur came out, he smiled bitterly and said, "Zhang lie said not to meet again. Unexpectedly, we met again."

At the time of parting, Wilbur had thought that when he met Zhang lie again, he would no longer be a comrade in arms, but an enemy.

Zhang lie's strength is so strong that it has threatened every super world emperor in the three thousand world. Even if the reasons and forms are different, his father and Zhang lie will eventually go to the opposite.

Hong Ruoxi frowned and said, "there seems to be something around him?"

Zhang lie looked over and saw a special alien.

It's bigger than a stable. It's full of twisted rope in the lower part of the body. It has dozens of arms, like a bucket with a mouth.

Wilbur said: "this is my brother Walter ray. He is a little different from me... A little shy. People with insufficient strength can't see it."

The body is made up of jelly like things, with protruding eyes, one or two mouths deep at the end of the arm, or like an elephant's nose, which is as big as a chimney tube.

They are as like as two peas, all in gray, and a blue or purple ring, and half a face on the top, almost identical to Wilbur, an elder brother.

When Walter ray walks in the void, his mouth will be half closed.

Yang Ze frowned and said, "what is this, the emperor's new clothes... Although I want to say so, your brother is very special."

In the extreme team, people see that Walter ray also exists unreal, as if he would disappear at any time.

Walter ray wrapped his arm around Wilbur and obviously liked his brother.

Zhang lie said, "you still have a brother. If I remember correctly, you and the king of the keygate world just have a father son relationship."

In Zhang lie's cognition, Wilbur is just the king of the world in order to contact what is called family affection and be closer to the existence of human nature.

Wilbur didn't avoid and didn't explain much.

"So, I said, my brother is a little different from me."

Zhang lie turned his head and asked, "can you see the frost?"

Zhang Hanshuang shook his head and said, "I just saw a shadow."

Zhang lie nodded and said, "it seems that you and Hong Ruoxi can't compete with this guy."

Since Wilbur said his brother was a little different from himself, who knows how many differences there are.

If waterray is not completely hidden now, they can further hide themselves. Zhang Hanshuang and Hong Ruoxi face an enemy who will be invisible anytime and anywhere, but they have no advantage at all.

Wilbur said, "Zhang lie, I don't want to fight. We don't need to fight. Surrender. If I plead, my father won't embarrass you."

Zhang lie snorted coldly, "since you don't want to fight, why don't you surrender?"

Wilbur said reluctantly, "it seems that we can only fight."

"This is your father's choice."

Zhang lie decided.

Hundreds of millions of worlds in the imperial body of the keygate world are rotating at high speed, and a guy with a planet head appears in front of him.

The red light in the whirlpool of the planet's head scanned everyone present like an eye.

"Very lively."

Zhang lie was full of hostility: "is it you who caught the red gold comet?"

The guy with the planet's head smiled and said, "you're the owner of the reddish Gold Mantis. Your pet is really interesting."

Suddenly, a huge planet in the imperial body of the keygate world is slowly moving out of hundreds of millions of worlds. Wherever it passes, all the nearby worlds will be destroyed and exploded.

It is a huge rust red planet, which is composed of gas, ash and hot liquid iron. Its shell is covered with faults and rifts, and often forms a giant eye with the vast ocean of liquid iron under it.

As it moves, it rolls and rumbles, like the sound of heaven. It is like a planet passing through the orbit of countless stars, sounding an air defense alarm to the whole world and the whole void. It is more like a funeral song of destruction. What is buried is the whole world.

As the rusty red planet moves, the world of billions of light spheres is distorted, and all action tracks are deflected, from chaos to order, as if all the worlds are back on their original tracks.

Wilbur's face changed greatly and said, "father, you even woke up gehros?"

The king of the key gate said, "there are enough enemies in front of us."

"The sound of heaven is getting louder and louder. Do all living beings know it? Music is played by God, and mole ants are not solved!"

"Of course, the earth listens. The sunken city, the cave without light, the cave of darkness, the gods listen!"

"God understands his meaning, fades his eternal sleep and welcomes the moment of consciousness!"

Wilbur muttered this sentence to himself.

Zhang lie frowned: "what do you mean?"

Wilbur said, "Zhang lie, you'd better surrender. Previously, you took out eight super world emperors. There's still a chance. If gehros is awakened, you won't have a chance at all."

"Oh, that sounds interesting."

"It comes from the demon temple."

"What is it?"

"Have you heard of chaos hall?"

"Never heard of it."

Wilburton was stunned.

"You have become a super world emperor and become comrades in arms with the night devil. You don't even know the banquet venue and residence of the chaos emperor?"

Zhang lie nodded and said, "I heard it for the first time."

Yang Ze said: "so gehros comes from the demon world and used to be the subordinate of the emperor of chaos?"

Wilbur nodded and said, "gehros is very powerful under the emperor of chaos, but he is not very popular among his men!"

"Of course, it's not that gehros is not popular with the chaos emperor. His majesty treats most of his companions equally, but his subordinates don't like gehros very much!"

"Because he is too strong."

The king didn't stop it. He didn't mind telling gehros. For him, no matter how much intelligence he said, the result was the same.

The extreme team in front of Mingming once eliminated four henggu super worlds. Zhang lie and the extreme team stood in front of him, equivalent to five or more henggu super worlds.

The king of the key gate world is still very calm because of the existence of gehros.

The king of keygate is so confident.

Wilbur said: "gehros is not the strongest one, but it is also very special. He can definitely reach the top three under the emperor of chaos!"

"It's just that it's too powerful to fit in with other subordinates of the chaos emperor. It's too lonely under the chaos emperor, so it left the chaos emperor and was picked up by my father."

The top three under the emperor of chaos are really worthy of attention

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