Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1192

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:31:05 AM

Chapter 1192

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As for Li Chongming.

It can be persuaded. After all, they are smart people.

"About the integration of the three thousand worlds, we will discuss it after we go back."

Zhang lie directly broke the space and opened up a way back to the dragon people super world.

Back in the super world of dragon people, a space transmission of Xianlong appeared in front of Zhang lie and others.

Xianlong hurriedly asked, "is it related to you just now?"

Zhang liebai glanced and said, "as soon as we come back, you will appear directly in front of us. Even if we say it has nothing to do with us, you won't believe it."

Xian long said, "what happened?"

Zhang lie said seriously, "it's a pity that this matter really has nothing to do with us."

Xian long said excitedly, "don't be kidding. What happened?"

Zhang lie didn't have a good way: "what happened in the three thousand world depends on us. It really has nothing to do with us this time."

"During this period of time, many major events have taken place in the three thousand world, which is more lively than in the past few hundred years. You say that several of the major events that have taken place in the three thousand world in recent years have nothing to do with you."

Zhang lie was stunned by Xianlong's question.

Indeed, Zhang lie has been running around in the third world in recent years, causing a lot of things in the three thousand world. Let alone, all the major events in the third world are more or less related to himself.

You say that the outbreak of the ghost king has nothing to do with Zhang lie?

The ghost King broke out because several strongholds of the black spirit family were pulled out and thought that the super world had seen its layout.

In this way, in recent years, there have been big and small events in the third world, which are inseparable from themselves.

Xian long said, "I believe you killed the emperor of chaos to cause such a great disturbance. But you say that the disturbance of the third world has nothing to do with you. I really don't believe it."

Zhang lie said: "it's a pity that I don't have this ability. It really has nothing to do with us. The emperor of the chaotic world takes the demon God hall to the upper world, which will trigger such a movement. Our role in it is only an audience."

Xianlong said with a strange expression, "are you just an audience?"

Zhang lie didn't have a good way: "Hey, hey, is the key wrong? The key is that the emperor of the chaotic world is promoted to the upper world with the demon god palace."

Xianlong seriously confirmed, "you haven't answered my question yet. Are you just an audience?"

Zhang lie nodded and said, "there's nothing wrong."

Xianlong said, "it's not surprising that the emperor of chaos is promoted to the upper world with the demon God hall. After all, he is the strongest emperor of the world."

"There are also a group of super world emperor level strong people in the demon God hall. The number is about dozens."

"The top ten dragons, the top ten?"

"That's it."

After a brief surprise, Xianlong calmly said, "no wonder it will cause so much noise."

"Don't you look too surprised?"

Xianlong said, "I don't have any concept of promotion to the upper bound, let alone any interest. I just know that it's very difficult. Now that I know the reasons for the turmoil in the whole 3000 world, I'll go first."

Zhang lie reminded: "after a while, I will call you, Li Chongming and lie Lin super world emperor again. I have something very important to talk to you."

Xian long said in amazement, "I have a bad feeling when I see your serious expression."

Zhang lie didn't answer, stretched and said, "I'll go back and have a rest first. I fought with the source of passivity and fought with the three kings of chaos. I'm very tired now. I'll have a rest first."

Xianlong beat a spirit and asked, "just said, what's the matter with the three kings of chaos?"

Li Feng turned and said, "I'll have a rest."

Yang zebai glanced and said, "you are looking for your elephant sister."

Li Feng smiled, turned and slipped away.

Xianlong asked, "don't walk yet. Where is the demon God Hall of the chaotic world emperor? What about the demon God super world?"

Zhang Hanshuang said, "I'll send 100% of the power of the super world to ah Zhu."

Xian Long's eyes brightened: "what did you just say, frost, 100% super power of the world?"

Zhang Hanshuang said, "yes, it's a companion gift from the emperor of chaos."

Xian long was surprised and said, "lying on the grass, is there such a good thing to go to the demon temple?"

Fang Yi thumbed up and said, "the emperor of chaos is a good man. He gave me a weapon directly, which is more powerful than the natural disaster gene beast soul jade."

Fang Yi said and took out his long gun.


After telling Xianlong about the demon God hall and the demon God super world, Zhang lie, although very tired, directly finds Li Qianqian.

Tell Li Qianqian about his return. Although Li Qianqian's response is flat, his eyes show longing and excitement.

Zhang lie talked about what happened in the demon temple. Then he went back to rest.

After the rest, press to bear the excitement and take out all the map fragments collected in the third world.

Zhang lie claps his palm in the void, the source force like the sea disperses, and the map fragments rise. Zhang lie sweeps his eyes between the map fragments. Each map fragment is branded in his mind, and a large number of map fragments pass through his mind. They are slowly put together in his mind. Under the wrapping of the source force, the map fragments are rapidly joining in Zhang lie's fine operation.

This fight was a day and a night. Zhang lie didn't come out. Li Qianqian and sun Mengmeng took the initiative to find Zhang lie. They saw that Zhang lie's room was full of map fragments. The whole room was full of source force. The map fragments were wrapped by Zhang lie's source force and kept gathering in the sky. Li Qianqian and sun Mengmeng were stunned.

Zhang lie was sweating, concentrating on putting together the map piece by piece, muttering to himself: "no, no, this is wrong, it must be wrong."

Li Qianqian and sun Mengmeng are shocked. You should know Zhang lie's current physical quality. Even if they kill three or five super world kings, they won't sweat. However, Zhang lie is sweating because of the map spelling.

Obviously, for Zhang lie, it is more difficult to splice the map than to fight with the three super world kings.

Mainly not physical consumption, but mental consumption.

Zhang lie reacted and looked up and said, "Why are you here?"

Zhang lie concentrated on the map. With his strength, he didn't even find two people entering the door.

Sun Mengmeng said, "see brother lie, you haven't been out of the door all day, come and see your situation."

Zhang lie recovered: "it's been a day and a night."

I once heard that many 20000 pieces of jigsaw puzzles need a person to spell for three or five days. It turned out that they were not blown out.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!