Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1324

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:28:26 AM

Chapter 1324

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The huge golden rattan was waved and turned into a whip to tear the sky.

When Zhang lie was preparing for a century collision, Jin Yanyang's body became illusory, turned into virtual smoke and dissipated directly in front of him.

"Lying grass! Can't afford to play like this?"

Zhang lie felt that he had observed enough and was trying to do his best. As a result, Jin Yanyang, the enemy, disappeared in front of him. The enemy suddenly disappeared in front of him. It was like a fist hitting cotton. There was an unspeakable pain.

"If you have the ability to come out and run if you can't fight, what a hero!" Zhang lie shouted excitedly.

At this time, a voice came from the challenge arena: "the sixth trial is completed, and all series of trials are completed."

Zhang lie was stunned: "wait, I haven't killed the enemy just now. Is it over?"

No one answered Zhang lie's question. With a white light falling, Zhang lie felt the change of the surrounding spatial dimension. The next moment, he had disappeared in situ. When he came back, he was already in another independent space. In front of him was a small table, and an old man sat at the other end of the table.

Dressed in white, the old man pointed to the tea cup on the table and said, "come on, little friend, have tea."

At the foot is a plain lawn. On the left is a towering tree. In front of the tree is a huge stone tablet with names engraved in front and stars all over the sky.

Zhang lie looked at the old man in front of him. It was obvious that he was just an ordinary old man, but Zhang lie was shocked by the old man.

The old man clearly stood in front of him, but he had an unrealistic feeling, as if there was an illusion, as if outside time and space, the old man just existed, which made Zhang lie difficult to understand.

The old man took a sip of tea and said, "I didn't expect someone to blow up the sun vase. According to your appearance, you almost killed Jin Yanyang. From my current eyesight, Jin Yanyang may not be your opponent."

Zhang lie snorted coldly, "if it weren't for where the trial ended, people would have died."

The battle was forced to end before it was decided. Zhang lie was very dissatisfied.

The old man exclaimed: "so far, less than 50 people have been able to challenge the sixth test, and only five people have passed the sixth test. Three of them have survived the infinite cutting of the Golden Vase by delaying time, and only two of them can die together with the golden Yanyang under the infinite cutting of the Golden Vase."

Zhang lie frowned and asked, "was it just a test?"

The old man said, "for you, it's just a test. For me, it's an unforgettable memory. I was defeated by the immeasurable chop of the fire Golden Vase."

The limitless cutting of the fire gold vase is really powerful, forcing Zhang lie to use the dragon scale transformation, but if he continues to fight, Zhang lie is still confident of defeating Jin Yanyang.

The old man sighed and regretted the battle that year.

"If I had your strength in those days, the galaxy would not fall into today's field."

Zhang lie was shocked and said, "wait, what did you just say?"

The old man remembered something and said, "Oh, I almost forgot. Now you shouldn't know this."

Zhang lie hurriedly asked, "what did you just say about the Milky Way universe?"

The old man cut off the topic and said, "you look like someone, like someone you met a long time ago."

Zhang lie frowned and asked, "elder, who are you?"

The old man remembered and said, "by the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself. It's too long for anyone to come. For too long, I don't know how to call myself. My name is don't ask the sky. Someone once asked me to ask the emperor of heaven, but now it's just a wisp of remnant soul in the trial space."

It's not asking the sky, but asking the emperor of heaven?

The old man said, "it's been a long time since no one can pass the six trials and come here."

Zhang lie hurriedly asked the questions he wanted to know in the trial space.

"Old man, you just said you've seen someone similar to me?"

The old man said, "there was a couple here a long time ago..."

Zhang lie said excitedly, "where are they?"

The old man smiled and said, "it seems that your relationship with them is not shallow."

Zhang lie asked, "when did they come?"

"Let me see. I'm a little vague about the concept of time. After all, it has existed for too long. Wait first. I'll open the record of the trial space and have a look." The old man opened the record and said, "I found it. It was three hundred years ago."

Three hundred years ago, the time difference between genetic big world time and galactic cosmic time was almost the same, just before their parents disappeared.

Sure enough, my parents disappeared and came here.

It is even possible that the disappearance of parents has a great relationship with this trial space.

Next, the old man's words shocked Zhang lie even more.

The old man said, "the couple left a letter before they left."

Zhang lie quickly reached out for the money.

The old man wondered, "why should I give it to you?"

Zhang lie didn't hide it and revealed his identity directly.

"I am their son."

"This letter is not necessarily for you."

Zhang lie was stunned at once.

Yes, parents leave a letter, not necessarily for themselves.

But the question is, since parents don't leave letters to themselves, who do they want to leave them to?

"Besides, if you say you are their child, I believe it. What evidence can prove that it is their child?"

Zhang lie now doesn't know how to answer.

In the Galactic universe, DNA is directly solved, but in the gene world, although there are genes and DNA technology everywhere, you don't know where to take it out if you want to come up with a way to verify DNA.

The old man said, "but since you want the letter so much, there's no problem giving it to you."

Zhang lie recovered.

No matter who the parents leave the letter to, take the letter first and look at the contents. Zhang lie has a hunch that no matter who the letter is to be left to, the disappearance of his parents must be related to the letter.

The old man said, "as long as you can complete the final test and get the degree of the gold chest, you can give the letter to you as a gift."

"And the final test?"

The old man said, "of course there is a final test, but you can choose whether to participate in the final test. So far, there are six people who have passed the sixth test, only two have participated in the final test, and no one has passed the final test."

Zhang lie looked up and asked, "did my parents attend?"

"If it was the couple, the husband participated and failed at the last level."

Zhang lie said seriously, "in that case, I must try to challenge."

Whether it's for that letter or to follow the road his father once walked, Zhang lie has to try.

The old man said, "OK, I'll open the final test for you."

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