Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1337

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:28:10 AM

Chapter 1337

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At this moment, in the fourth world, the largest ocean is churning endlessly. The sea is shaking and the sea is rising, turning into a huge face.

"Feel that my son is dead. Who did it and who did it."

The sea was raging, the wind was strong, the surging tide pushed the waves ahead, and rows of white tides rushed around. The sound was like thunder and the momentum was like ten thousand horses galloping.

The waves galloped by in unison, and waves were lifted one after another on the sea. From a distance, they looked like countless roaring dragons. The whole sea was surging and thundering in the void.

The sea suddenly became a boundless battlefield. The sea breeze blew a sharp "horn". The waves seemed to be thousands of iron riding warriors, leading "thousands of troops and horses" to attack the coast fiercely and shout loudly. The huge rocks weighing thousands of kilograms on the shore, as long as they are gently brushed by the tide, seem to "sink" to the "seabed" at once.

The Black Sea is intertwined with thunder and lightning forest, and the sea is rolling endlessly. Waves are set off one after another on the sea, layer after layer. From a distance, it looks like a flying sea demon in rows, like thousands of runaway horses, and the sea is surging.

The sea surface spiral forms a vortex, space and time are distorted, and the force of causality extends out, forming a picture in the vortex.

The son of ketayat shouted, "I am one of the apostles of the eternal day, the son of ketayat."

Zhang lie said coldly, "you have said this."

The son of ketayat shouted, "if I die, my father will not let you go, and the eternal day will be against you!"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

The dark source force expanded in an instant. The huge source force ocean covered the whole battlefield sky and covered the dark clouds. The sky was replaced by the dark ocean.


When the sword comes out, the sword gang will instantly turn into a terrible dark sea, the black sword light will be like a roaring black dragon, the sword Qi will be like the churning of the Black Sea, the sword will be surging, the sword potential will be like a million ghosts, the sword strength will be like a hundred ghosts walking at night, the sword spirit will be like a million ghosts wailing, and a million nether demons and snakes will turn into stormy waves.

The dense magic snake eats the mud and wipes out the black clay figurine a little bit.

It is the picture of Zhang lie killing the son of ketayat. The human face of the huge sea is an important member of the eternal day, ketayat.

Seeing the tragic death of his son, ketayat couldn't keep calm and shouted, "my children, go and kill the prisoner."

At this time, on every corner of the fourth world, the rolling lava wriggled and burst, and the lava set off waves one after another. From a distance, it looked like countless roaring volcanic giants.

I saw the sky rotating. The sky was like the sea churning, the turbulent tide, the back wave pushed the front wave, the tide rushed around, and the space turned around. Everything around the sky was like a mirror image. The distorted space kept rotating and turned into a huge vortex.

In the center of the vortex, you can see that the waves gallop past in unison, like a galloping horse or a furious black dragon roaring in the sky.

Waves were lifted one after another on the sea. From a distance, they looked like egrets flying in rows and rows, and like countless roaring mosquito dragons, "Hua Hua" rushed to the shore and hit the rocks, splashing waves more than a foot high and blooming thousands of white and crystal waves.

Layers of sea waves push forward and back to form huge waves. At the moment when each huge wave jumps to its highest height, it opens a cluster of snow-white waves in the air.

Through the vortex, you can see the other side of the sea, full of anger.

The lava turned into a face and looked up and said, "what happened to your father? Who angered you?"

A face appeared on the angry sea: "the black marsh is dead."

The lava flows, and the surrounding volcanoes burst into the sky. The fire is like a thunderbolt. The lava gushes into the sky and dyed everything around red. A large number of genetic beasts are churning in the lava, just like the Yan Long genetic beast rolling in the lava. Each genetic beast is the ultimate level.

"Who is it? Is it so bold to kill my brother that we don't pay attention to the father and our eternal day?"

The face of lava condensation is one of the sons of ketayat.

In fact, ketayat has no specific gender, and his offspring are self divided.

Several sons have no specific names, just named according to the place where they live.

Ferocious lava, such as thousands of runaway beasts, roared and neighed continuously, such as thousands of runaway horses, set off waves one after another, the lava kept rolling, huge lava pillars rose into the sky, and fire rain fell in the sky.

"Is it a new demon temple or an ancient god residence of our old rival?"

"That's the man who killed your brother."

The sea water in the space vortex forms a face, which is Zhang lie himself.

The face condensed by lava is embarrassed: "I have never seen a face or a creature."

Ketayat said: "I am restrained by the ancient god's palace. Recently, there is a new organization called the demon God's palace. I can't act easily. Once I act, the ancient god's palace will do it. The demon God's palace doesn't know what will happen. I'll leave it to you to avenge the black marsh."

The face of the lava agglomerated said, "father, don't worry, I won't let the guy who despises the eternal day live."

"It's up to you." The space vortex converged, and the lava condensed face roared: "go to war! Avenge my brother!"

The lava churned and set off waves one after another. From a distance, it looked like flying sea demons in rows, like thousands of runaway horses, and like countless roaring dragons.

In the lava, there are dense genetic animals, some look like lions, their whole bodies are wrapped by fire, and the lava flows on their bodies. Some are red dragons, which look like flame lizards, some look like giant wolves, but their claws are huge and fierce, and there are red and black birds flying over their heads.

The number of troops pouring out from the lava is more than 100000. The most terrible gene beast army is the lowest level of super gene beast.

The son of ketayat doesn't know where Zhang lie is at the moment, but it doesn't matter. He already knows what Zhang lie looks like. As long as he sees this creature, he will die out immediately.

Before leaving, I didn't ask the sky to remind: "remember that three days after galactic cosmic time, the fourth boundary time is one year later."

"I see!"

Zhang lie came out of the trial space and didn't ask the sky to seal the reward spacecraft into a glass bead. He didn't know what technology and ability he used. Zhang lie didn't hurry to open the spacecraft and enter the natural disaster level dragon whale soul jade space. He saw Zhang lie enter the natural disaster level dragon whale soul jade space again.

Li Qianqian was so surprised that he almost wanted to jump on it, but he still pretended to insist.

"Are you willing to come and think you left me here?"

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