Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1419

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:26:17 AM

Chapter 1419

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"The magic seed is rooted in your spirit. In fact, it is a seed that feeds on your own negative emotions and grows slowly. However, your own will of sun Xiaowu cannot be lost to a mere magic seed. Therefore, the function of the magic seed is more like a mark, which makes the bone spear easy to perceive you. You can also perceive the existence of the bone spear. Once you are close to each other, it will resonate."

Yang Ze patted sun Xiaowu on the shoulder.

"It seems that the black bone spear fell in love with you at first sight."

Sun Xiaowu shouted angrily, "go away."

Sun Mengmeng asked nervously, "is it OK?"

Don't ask the sky, nodded and said: "there's basically no problem. Usually pay attention not to be too excited and keep an optimistic attitude."

Sun xiaowusong said, "senior, you just scared me."

Zhang lie asked, "can you take it out?"

He shook his head and said, "since the impact is small, there is no need to take it out."

Sun Xiaowu touched his eyebrows and said in his heart, "but you said that planting in the spirit feels like a time bomb in his head."

Don't ask the way of heaven: "with your willpower, you won't lose to a small seed."

Sun Xiaowu agreed: "it's true."

Don't ask the way of heaven: "besides, in the fourth world, no one has the corresponding technology and means to take out a small seed in the spirit."

That's the main reason.

Don't ask the way of heaven: "anyway, you have little influence in the fourth world, and there are benefits. I didn't say before. The bone spear is missing. Relying on this demon seed, maybe you will find out the location of the bone spear and become its master in the future."

Sun Xiaowu smiled and said, "I don't expect that kind of magic weapon."

Sun Xiaowu didn't have a big problem. After the inspection, he joked and didn't ask heaven to prepare food. After dinner, Zhang lie asked, "there are only Fang Yi and Yang Ze left. When will it start?"

Fang Yi said, "let's go for a while. It's just time to exercise after cooking."

Yang Ze said, "then I'll be after Fang Yi."

Sun Xiaowu smiled and said, "these guys are not simple. Don't capsize in the gutter."

After dinner, the crowd entered the device one after another. After Fang Yi's match was completed, the crowd came to the audience to watch Fang Yi's game.

Fang Yi's opponent is tall and straight, with purple hair scattered, giving people a feeling of towering and unattainable, powerful and compelling.

Sun Xiaowu said, "I'll ask the people nearby."

The nearby audience replied, "star Protoss."

"Is it strong?"

"The ancient remnant, the race that used to be called God in the starry sky, do you say it's strong or not?"

Sun Xiaowu asked, "how to compare with the kingdom of heaven?"

"The era when the gods swept across the sky is also the era of the kingdom of heaven. They are all peak forces, but the stars change. Now the kingdom of heaven is dying and the gods of the stars are over. They have not been the race that swept the starry sky in those years, but this year there is a visible one called Xingyu."

Another audience wondered, "but the opponent of the star Protoss seems to be an unknown race."

"I think the race that has gained fame recently!"

"Star hunting clan!"

"Come out and fight!"

On the challenge arena, Xingyu said, the voice is magnetic, a little cold, and has a terrible penetration.


In the challenge arena, boulders burst open and rubble rushed up, forming a terrible field, which is extremely frightening.

People were surprised that Xingyu was so solemn without any carelessness. Would he go all out?

Others scoffed and said, "what do you know? This is the consistent performance of Xingyu. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength. He will never underestimate the enemy and carelessness."


Xingyu made a move. He didn't want to waste any time. His palm glowed and fell down five divine clouds, each of which turned into a mountain

At this moment, the void was imprisoned. Only five mountains fell from the sky, emitting different divine clouds and dazzling.

With a low cry, Fang Yi rushed up with a long gun!


There was a roar of wind and thunder.


There was a loud explosion, a long black gun came out, and the wind and thunder danced wildly.

The chaotic spear in the hand triggers the chaotic force, which turns into chaotic lightning and strong wind. Surrounded by wind and thunder, it turns into dozens of gun shadows in an instant.

Five mountains exploded.


A dull sound came out, and the light of God rushed into the sky.


The roar of all animals moved the world, and many people's frightened souls trembled. It was a great pressure and irresistible.

Xingyu shot. He was waving his fist. As a result, there were light in the sky and earth, animal shadows, blocking out the sky and the sun. The breath was so strong that it was unimaginable.

"Beast fist!"

Even some old people are moved. This is the unique skill of the beast sea. It is known as the invincible fist manual!

At this moment, all kinds of animals roared between heaven and earth, including not only civet, white tiger and Jain, but also terrible creatures such as real dragon and Kirin.

There are fierce beasts everywhere in the sky and earth. They all roar, send out divine power and kill forward.

When all the animals ran, they naturally shook the battlefield and affected everyone's mind.

However, what many people did not expect was that Fang Yi was still standing there, fearless of the impact of thousands of animals.

"Dragon and tiger roar!"

With a low cry, the tiger roared and the Dragon chanted. On Fang Yi's long gun, the wind dragon, thunder and tiger appeared and rushed out with great dignity.

The dragon of storm and the tiger of thunder roar and roar, surrounded by storm and lightning, and the spear contends. The chaotic spear given by the emperor of chaos erupts into power. The power of chaos mixes with the wind and lightning and turns into chaotic wind dragon and chaotic Thunder Tiger.

The Thunder Tiger is furious and the wind dragon roars. The Thunder Tiger and the wind dragon rotate in a spiral, which turns into a startling blow, breaks the sky and smashes the shadow of ten thousand animal fists.

Then, Xingyu rushed over like a demon and easily set off the challenge arena. It was as easy as tearing apart the scarecrow. It was so shocking.

Xingyu pulled up a large piece on the huge challenge arena. In Xingyu's hands, the challenge arena was like a wafer. It was used as a weapon and went to the head-on wheel.

"Time is like electricity!"

In an instant, Fang Yi turned into a remnant in the sky, with hundreds of thousands around. In front of Fang Yi, the virtual shadows overlapped and twinkled. The gun shadow covered the sky. The sharp gun was like a rainstorm. The gun shadow ran through the challenge arena and smashed the huge challenge arena into rubble.

Xingyu passed through the rubble and swung his fist. The divine light on his fist condensed into a startling light.


The whole void trembled violently, and the long gun and fist seal collided with each other, emitting a shocking light!

Xingyu shook the spear with his fist, and the galaxy burst into pieces, shaking the void. His fist was as hard as iron.


"It's just beginning. Someone's bleeding!"

People were surprised. Did the fierce fight directly distinguish between life and death?!

Heaven and earth shook, blood splashed, very red, accompanied by rosy clouds, very brilliant.

"Divine blood, have a vision!" Even some old masters look serious, with wisps of fine light in their pupils.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!