Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1424

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:26:10 AM

Chapter 1424

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The Thunder Tiger is furious and the wind dragon roars. It turns into a startling blow. The thunder light is continuous and the wind dances wildly. It attacks indiscriminately in all directions.

"Your struggle is futile. It is the judgment of heaven and earth, the judgment from the stars, depriving light and sound, erasing your physical body and perishing." Xingyu said coldly.

He doesn't know where he is, like a detached God. Overlooking the sad mortals who are reincarnated in the world.

"Time is like electricity"

In an instant, Fang Yi turned into a remnant shadow in the sky, and the wheel of time behind him increased to three, hundreds or thousands around the front and back. In front of Fang Yi, the virtual shadow overlapped, the figure flickered, the gun shadow covered the sky, and the sharp gun was like a rainstorm.

"As I said, all struggles are in vain." The voice of Xingyu is detached from the dust. I don't know where it comes from, but it seems to be everywhere.

A heavy pressure fell from the top of his head, and the residual shadow of Fang Yi disappeared in front of him.

Fang Yi was overwhelmed by a heavy wave. He wanted to fight with the power of time, but he didn't play the role expected.

Even the power embodied in the power of time is easily suppressed by Xingyu.

If you really cross to a higher dimension and affect things under the dimension, as Xingyu said, all resistance is futile.

The suppression of the upper dimension to the lower dimension is absolute. The gap between dimensions is like a firefly and a bright moon, which is absolutely desperate.

Just like human beings as for drawing paper, they can add and depict on the drawing paper at will, and tear the drawing paper directly when they are unhappy.

As for Fang Yi, as for Xingyu at this moment, it's like a cat playing with a mouse. Fang Yi can't meet Xingyu no matter how he resists.

"Ruling of the stars - depriving the soul!" Xingyu shouted. This time, he was serious and cold, and used more terrible means to push his moves to the extreme.

With a buzzing sound, Fang Yi has a splitting headache and severe pain all over his body.

An invisible chain crosses the body and locks the soul in the body.

The soul will be pulled out from the frontal bone and will be separated from the flesh.

This is a very serious matter. Once the two are separated, he will be in danger.

Zhang lie's face changed.

"That's terrible!"

Now is not the spiritual structure, but the projection of the body and soul. The soul is its own root. Once deprived, it is likely to cause serious effects.

No one knows the principle of special space, but the soul is the foundation of everything and the top priority.

When the soul is deprived, the most serious is that Fang Yi in the genetic world will become a vegetable, an empty shell without soul.

What kind of weird magic is this?

Zhang lie's face was ugly and said, "once the situation is bad, he will rush up to save Fang Yi immediately."

Sun Xiaowu asked, "how can brother lie save him?"

Li Feng said, "we're just watching the war. We don't have combat effectiveness at all. How can we rush up and fight? We're just going to deliver vegetables."

Sun Xiaowu comforted: "brother lie, don't worry. You were promoted to the fourth world early, so you didn't see it. After losing to you, Fang Yi worked very hard in the third world. It was not the third world for a long time. At that time, Fang Yi was crushed by you at will."

Yang Zeyu said, "it doesn't look like a means. In fact, it's just a means to scare people."

Zhang lie nodded and said, "I'm too nervous. Fang Yi can find the problem sooner or later."

Fang Yi stood up with difficulty, resisted the pulling force of the chain with his own will, and endured attacks from all sides.

Now they are a little confused. The other party seems invisible. The attack comes from all directions. It acts on his whole body and is difficult to avoid.

He wanted to attack each other, but he couldn't find the target, which made him very passive.


Fang Yi coughed a mouthful of blood, because the deprivation of light, the deprivation of all worldly sounds and the deprivation of the physical body continued. In addition, the current deprivation of the soul made him tired of dealing with it.


During the confrontation, the wheel of time behind has increased to four.

Fang Yi's body was pressed by a grinding plate and grinded fiercely. In addition, his soul was wrapped in a divine chain and pulled away. An invisible knife light lit up in the sky. To make a ruling, he would be cut off.

Fang Yi was injured and bleeding from the corners of his mouth. Although he could not see or hear, it was because of this that the sixth sense became more acute, foreshadowed the arrival of danger and immediately erupted the accumulated strength.


Just at this time, the wheel of time behind you just increased to five.

"Wheel of time · broken!"

The second light wheel was broken, and the light behind him doubled in brightness. The second shadow appeared, overlapping Fang Yi again, and the wind and thunder surrounded by the long gun doubled in power.

The third light wheel was broken, and the light behind him doubled. The third figure appeared and overlapped again. The wind and thunder surrounded by the long gun doubled its power on the basis of the original.

Then, the fourth way

Fifth way

Looking at the broken light wheels, the virtual shadows on Fang Yi's body continue to overlap. The power of wind and thunder permeates the sky and breaks the sky. The thunder light and storm surround, and the power of wind and thunder is superimposed five times.

The roar of the Dragon vibrates the space, the roar of the tiger runs through the time, and the wind, dragon, thunder and tiger appear. The two forces of wind and thunder are wrapped around the long gun and begin to rotate at a high speed, and the thunder flashes.

In the high-speed rotation, the wind dragon, thunder and tiger are involved in the long gun, and the thunder light is entangled with the storm. The wind helps the thunder, the thunder moves around the wind, and the power of chaos is integrated into it. The attack disturbs time and space, and the power of time breaks out one by one, just like forging waves.

In an instant, everything in front of me became blurred.

Not only time, but also space was disturbed. Under the power of the invisible knife, it was broken and an invisible light curtain was opened.


The power that erupts in the wheel of time breaks through the light curtain in an instant.

At this moment, a light flashed across his heart, and a light appeared in front of him. He fully understood that the so-called deprivation of light, various worldly sounds, flesh and soul were all a cover and misled him.

The real moves of the other party are related to space!

In a flash, Fang Yi knows that he is trapped in a void cage. All the attacks just now are appearances. The real move is the use of the power of space.

Fang Yi's expression is as uncomfortable as eating shit.

This is really extraordinary. If you can't wake up, you are doomed to die inexplicably. It's too deceptive.

"It's as dirty as someone."

Fang Yi feels like fighting with Yang Ze, a loach. It doesn't hurt much, but it's insulting. When he understands it, it's just one thing, but if he doesn't understand it, he will be dragged to death.

Instead of triggering the wheel of accumulated time and breaking it with force, I can't think that it is the force of space.

The reason why the previous time like electricity did not work was not that the power of time did not work, but that time like electricity was not in attack, but in acceleration.

In the audience, sun Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief: "Fang Yi finally found out."

Yang Ze grinned and said, "I told you, his means are not very good."

Sun Xiaowu disdained and said, "it's disgusting to see the same kind. You're not as good as that Xingyu!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!