Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1525

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:23:54 AM

Chapter 1525

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The halberd fights against the long sword, the void explodes, the stars explode, and the sword light explodes.


The long sword collided with the halberd, the silver awn flew, and there were cracks in the phalanx!

The blood beads were as red as diamonds and dropped down the steps along the halberd.

Holy dragon breaks the sky

Li Feng held up his sword. The light source forces converged and turned into white light dragons. The stars scattered like the Milky Way circling, the hymn sounded, and a large number of light source forces converged, as if they were the open light wings behind him.

But in the void, the power of the light sign is not much, and the wings gathered behind Li Feng are somewhat illusory.

to see little of each other though living nearby!

Close at hand, the distance is not only a horizon, but also a world.

The power of space!

Li Feng's expression remained unchanged. The sword light in his hand was surrounded by hundreds of dragons, and the light shone brightly over the whole altar. The man in black robe and the golden Yanyang frowned unhappily, waved it and blocked the light in front of him.

The sword opens the gate of heaven!

The blazing white light broke out, and the light center was the holy golden light. Li Feng cut open the gate of heaven with his sword, and from the gate of heaven, it erupted a light like a falling star river.

The fairy King's alternate rushed into the air with the halberd, and the halberd was cut vertically. With the black void wave, the light burst, the void collapsed, the gas of destruction was overwhelming, and the power of the void broke out.

This force is extremely frightening. The people watching the war in the distance are cold and give birth to a layer of small pimples, as if the end is coming, which is frightening.

Tianmen sword!

When the sword comes out, the sword Gang instantly turns into a long river of illusory holy light. The dazzling white light stretches across the sky. The white holy dragon looms in the river. At the end of the holy river, there is a huge light gate. With the light gate opened, the dense white holy Dragon rushes out of the long river and turns into a torrent of white light, and the whole void is reflected into a day.

The sword light shines, and the white light is divided into two.

It was just a sword light, but it was like countless sword light storms intertwined in front of us. The white holy dragon was all broken in front of us, and the white light burst out.

White light is like a sharp blade scattered in all directions. Millions of white holy dragons turn into millions of sword light, which is more dense than rainstorm.

The candidate of the fairy king also sweeps with the halberd, the sword light rolls back, the void collapses, and the black and purple void power explodes to block millions of sword light holy dragons.

Sky covering sword · holy world!

The silvery white source force broke out in an all-round way, and Li Feng held his sword high as if the gods had come.

The silver white light covers the space and is intertwined with the golden light. The hymn is ringing and the sound is sweet. The song contains a holy breath. The two colors of gold and silver are intertwined, and the silver light is like the sun shining in the sky.

Chants echoed in my ears.

At the moment of hearing the hymn, everyone in the extreme team and Zhang lie laughed.

Facing the fighting Impatiens, Green Moon Song and young people holding lanterns... Everyone didn't know why the people of the extreme team and Zhang lie suddenly showed a smile.

The next moment, the faces of all the people opposite changed.

The hymn seems to pierce into the depths of the soul, and the soul unconsciously becomes quiet, as if all disputes become unimportant.

Hearing the sound, everyone in the battle was stunned. The extreme team was prepared. They all fought with Li Feng. They knew the moves used by their companions. When they heard the familiar hymn, they knew what Li Feng was using and quickly kept their mind.

Sure enough, as the hymn lost itself, all the enemies were addicted to the hymn. Whether it was the thunder end with lightning flashes or the gorgeous Impatiens, they all stopped for a moment.

In addition to the extreme team and Zhang lie, one person was prepared.

Also know Li Feng, the fairy King candidate who has fought with Li Feng.

The fairy king is ready early. His frontal bone glows and confronts the hymn.

However, the prelude of Li Feng's move gave the extreme team an opportunity, and a group of people shot one after another.

Wave fist · silence!

Zhang lie punches out and the evil snake moves.

With a low cry, Fang Yi rushed up with a long gun!

The thunder and lightning is full of metal gas, which is covered on the long gun and dyed the long gun into bright gold. The wind is like a sharp blade. It shines around the long gun and is like an enchantment in the game. The attack power of the long gun is improved.


The wind rustled, the thunder roared, the wind and thunder staggered, and roared out with an indomitable momentum.


There was a loud explosion, a long black gun came out, and the wind and thunder danced wildly.

The chaotic spear in the hand triggers the chaotic force, which turns into chaotic lightning and strong wind. Surrounded by wind and thunder, it turns into dozens of gun shadows in an instant.

"Qingmu holy body, Qianlong prison days!"

The power of nature is completely released, and the earth is constantly shaking. In an instant, thousands of bright golden wooden dragons rise and break through the earth. Each wooden dragon has a radius of 300 meters and is suffused with a metallic luster.

Towering sword - imitation chasing waves!

The sword light is like a long river. It spreads with waves in circles. The attack contains the power of space.

"Shua Shua...!"

Three soft sounds and three purple flame arrows shot out rapidly like three tracking missiles.

The man in black robe was also stunned for a short time. He was unhappy with the cold hum. The Impatiens, the Green Moon Song, the young man holding the lamp and the thunder career... All came back from the stunned gods, but they had been seized by the extreme team and Zhang lie, and a group of people were injured one after another.

Zhang lie noticed that in the hymn, he could still keep his mind and not be affected. In addition to the fairy King candidate who fought with Li Feng, another person seemed to be unaffected and could avoid their attack.

The silver light is like a raging tide, and the waves behind push the waves ahead. Rows of silver tides rush around, like thunder and galloping horses.

Silver waves galloped past in unison, like silver white holy dragons soaring in the sky.

The white light set off waves one after another on the sea. From a distance, it looked like flying sea demons in rows, like thousands of runaway horses, like countless roaring dragons, and the whole sea was surging.

Countless holy dragons fly in the white light, hovering in the sky like dense birds.

White Lightning wiped across the sky and roared constantly, like thousands of disasters, blocking the sky, and there was a vast scene of holy world coming overhead.

When a sword comes out, the sword Gang instantly turns into a holy storm. The sword light cuts through the sky like a holy dragon, the sword Qi is like a thunderbolt, the sword intention breaks through the sky, the sword potential is like a thousand dragons coming to the world, the sword strength is like the coming of God, the sword spirit is like the wrath of heaven, and the sword shadow is like the thunder of heaven.

The thunder blew a sharp "horn", and Li Feng's long sword cut through the sky. If the thunder disaster came, it would punish the world from heaven. Millions of holy dragons were integrated into the thunder disaster and turned into heaven to attack.

The sound of thunder conceals the hymn as if it brought the final song to the world.

Immortal King Hou Bu's eyes are bright and his thick hair is flying. He is as brave and invincible as the God of heaven. He urges the halberd in the void.

The glittering and translucent halberd of the void war, which emits boundless light, stabbed into the holy dragon group. With a violent shock, the void really cracked and would trigger a big explosion!

However, surprisingly.

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