Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1736

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:19:13 AM

Chapter 1736

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The giant wooden dragon broke through the ground among the cold spiders, rolled up a cold spider, quickly absorbed life, and in a twinkling of an eye grew branches and leaves into a golden tree. It was only a breathing time, and the mountain plain in front of him turned into a golden leaf forest.

The cold spiders are afraid.

Just a face-to-face, a large number of companions were killed.

There were only three people, while Zhang lie and the night devil added up to more than ten people. The frightened cold spider turned and retracted into the ground.

The extreme team rushed to chase up. Zhang lie wanted to stop it. The night devil showed a cunning smile and said, "I heard there are interesting things under the crypt. Why don't we go and have a look together."

Zhang lie thought about it without refusing, and entered the deep cave together.

The crypt was deep and dark, and the road in front of him could not be seen, but it was cool. Li Feng raised his palm, and a light ball appeared to illuminate the road in front of him.

Seeing several cold spiders coming from the other side of the channel, Yang Ze waved his sword and swept the light, cutting the cold spider in front of him in half.

The passage is wide enough to walk a truck. Seeing that the attack fails, the remaining cold spiders in other directions of the passage scatter and leave. The extreme teams separate, and Zhang lie and night devil choose another way.

"According to information from other sources, this mountain range is called the adelais mountain range, which is located to the north of the eternal day world." The night devil searches the map of the eternal day through separation.

Several cold spiders happened on the way. After seeing Zhang lie, they immediately turned and ran away. The crypt extends in all directions and there are countless roads. The night devil didn't get lost, as if he had mastered the underground environment.

Under the guidance of the night devil, he entered the depths of the crypt. His eyes seemed to be a storage room. When he saw the scene in front of him, Zhang lie was shocked.

The bloated white translucent body, the huge body is almost as big as a bus, and the small spider feet are estimated to be unable to support the huge body. They have different faces of various races. However, the only feature is somewhat similar to human beings. Their eyes are godless and empty, joyless and carefree, as if they have given up their life. There is a spider scar on their back, and white spider silk is produced in their lower abdomen.

Cold spiders, like industrious worker ants, carry away the white spider silk.

The huge translucent human face spider, like a huge production machine, constantly produces white spider silk, and then the cold spider is transported away by workers one by one.

The night devil said, "sure enough, it's a strange sight."

"These are the reasons why ATRAC tricked and forced some alien women to become servants. Of course, the main means is to force them to carve a scar called" spider's seal ". The scar is like a curse. It splits from the scar position, removes the original human skin, and transforms it into a giant spider, which becomes a tool for producing spider silk."

Needless to say, the produced spider silk is used to build a bridge between the eternal day base camp and the fourth world.

Zhang lie knows that the eternal day doesn't need those bridges, as long as he doesn't separate his space from the fourth world.

In order to make the base camp safer, use powerful spatial means to separate the base camp from the fourth world, and then capture a large number of aliens to produce spider silk.

The reason why the spider silk is strong is that the spider silk is strong.

Previously, the night devil said that the eternal day has always been a mole ant among the fourth world creatures. At the beginning, when the stronghold of the gene warrior was destroyed, Zhang lie knew that the eternal day was not a good thing, but today he saw the scene in front of him and had a new understanding of the behavior of the eternal day.

The night devil said, "you have seen that after being lured and forced by ATRAC to bring back alien women, they become giant spider production tools and produce spider silk day and night. When their vitality is exhausted and they can't produce spider silk, they will become cold spider food. They are not only production tools, but also cold spider reserve food."

Zhang lie looked around at the white translucent spider and saw the same face as the Terran. The source force in his body was uncontrolled and surged up. A faint blue whirlwind rolled up in the storage room. The cold spider found that Zhang lie and the night devil immediately hit a spirit and immediately turned to escape.

"The women ATRAC is looking for cater to their own tastes. They all have human faces. They thought that the curse would be solved as soon as ATRAC died. Now it seems that the curse can't be solved."

In order to fight against the eternal day, the night devil obviously investigated a lot of eternal day intelligence in advance.

Zhang lie's mood calmed down, and the dark blue source force became dark, like an evil ghost crawling out of the depths of hell. The dark source force turned into countless magic snakes. They rushed up at the crazy escape cold spider, bit the cold spider, entangled them, and injected poison into their ferocious teeth. The body of the cold spider became dark and rotted a little.

Among them, the Terran face is huge. The spider notices Zhang lie and the night devil, opens his mouth hard, and with a pleading voice: "kill me."

The giant spider in the storage room has become another species, which is completely changed from the genetic level and can not return to the Milky Way universe, but Zhang lie still moved with compassion. Even if he can't bring it back to the Milky Way universe, can he be kept in the realm of dreams.

Just in this posture, continue to live, is it really good for them?

What is not another penalty?

Even if not

Maybe it's better for them to die.

When Zhang lie was tangled, the whole cave was shaking. Zhang lie didn't care too much. It is estimated that it was caused by others in the limit team.

When thinking so, Zhang lie and the night devil jumped away from the rock above his head.

The night devil said discontentedly, "they are too noisy."

Zhang lie frowned and said, "the situation is wrong. The extreme team I know will not be so careless."

Just as Zhang lie's words fell, huge spikes ran through the rocks above his head. Most of the huge spiders in front of him turned into meat and mud. The huge spikes were pulled back, and Zhang lie looked up.

See is an incomparably huge spider.

The adelais mountains have turned into a spider!

The shape is like a huge spider mountain. It is not a mountain at all, but a huge spider sleeping on its stomach.

With its huge body and thick rocks covering itself, it was even more shocked that the giant spider gave off the smell of genetic beast.

The night devil whistled: "it seems that this huge mountain is a pet raised by ATRAC. Because of the existence of this pet, he doesn't care about leaving the eternal day base camp. Even if he encounters any accident, this pet will keep the nest. According to the latest information, this pet has the same name as the mountain and is called adelais."

Obviously, Zhang lie and the extreme team invaded the crypt and killed a large number of cold spiders, so that the adelais giant spider had to wake up in a deep sleep. The same accident happened to the extreme team and attacked the adelais giant spider.

With brilliant light, a large number of attacks hit the adelais giant spider, and the rocks outside the body collapsed. The adelais giant spider launched a crazy counterattack.

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