Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1871

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:16:18 AM

Chapter 1871

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At the firing port of the machine armor chest light gun, the dazzling light envelops the purple and gold giant bird, reflecting the whole stronghold, and even the gene beast in the distance can see the dazzling light.

An energy beam penetrates the body of the purple and golden giant bird and comes out of the body. 80% of the energy of the mecha converges and shoots through the body of the purple and golden giant bird.

Not only shot through the body of the purple and gold giant bird, but after penetrating the body, the energy was not cut off and erupted all the way, just like a jet of light into the sky.

Destroy the land of the stronghold, stir up the wind and cloud, break through the huge Genetic Herd, shoot out all the way through the mountains, extend for hundreds of miles, and penetrate the sky, such as the bright light of a lighthouse. It is estimated that it can be seen in the area near the fourth boundary.

After the light passed, the earth left a deep gap.


The mecha hugged the purple and gold giant bird and fell from the sky. The earth roared and vibrated. The heavy impact shook the earth and hit a big pit on the ground of the stronghold.

"Jun jiuxiao!"

Night fine dust dragged the seriously injured body and walked quickly.

The huge monster slowly stood up in the smoke. Night ciliated dust stopped and immediately became vigilant. His arm pulled away the smoke and saw the black monster behind the smoke. Night ciliated dust immediately couldn't close his mouth with a smile: "you're really lucky."

The broken mecha crawled out of the pit. The degree of dilapidation could not be seen. It was the same attack as before. Jun jiuxiao's voice came from the mecha: "you're dead, I'm not dead yet."

After a fierce battle, both of them were tired and rested, especially Jun jiuxiao. To tell the truth, he didn't even have the strength to speak, but both of them laughed from their hearts.

Although it was a difficult battle, it won in the end.

Night ciliated dust sighed: "fortunately, I didn't lose face to the teacher."

If you bring the extreme martial arts school members to be killed, you really can't tell Zhang lie.

However, they were all dead at that time, and there was no need to explain anything.

Just when they were relieved, under the cover of smoke and dust, a dark shadow appeared behind the mecha. Night cilia dust's face changed greatly and immediately shouted: "be careful, Jun jiuxiao!"

Jun jiuxiao has relaxed. He is too tired to pay attention behind him. When the mecha turns around, a cold light passes through. The speed is so fast that Jun jiuxiao can't even resist, and the mecha is cut back.

The night's fine dust voice was intertwined with grief and anger, and the trembling voice almost roared: "don't joke, why are you still alive!"

In the smoke and dust, the whole body was charred, and the genetic beast and bird even got up again. Even in the impact of falling, the wings were broken out, the neck bones were cut off, the head was almost hanging on the body, and there was a big hole in the chest, and the genetic beast and bird could still stand.

After breaking through the gate of death, a vitality is bred between life and death. Colorful energy light travels all over the body. Vitality and momentum erupt in the body. Scorched black feathers fly away, and dark golden feathers grow again at the speed visible to the naked eye. In the twinkling of an eye, the whole body is covered, and the big hole in the chest has healed in the twinkling of an eye.

The gene beast's breath did not fade. On the contrary, its momentum was like a volcanic eruption. The breath broke through a level, as if the gene beast broke through the barrier, broke through its own life shackles, and buried in a higher level at this moment.

It is not "as if". At this moment, the genetic beast breaks through the level of life and enters the field of imperial genetic beast.

After the previous battle with Jun jiuxiao in pursuit of life and death, in the face of death crisis, the gene beast has strong willpower. Stimulated by the special crystalline energy of the third world, the gene beast breaks through the boundary of life, enters the field of emperor gene beast, and becomes a real emperor gene beast.

The most ironic thing is that after the gene beast was promoted to the emperor level, the color of its feathers was the same as that of the mecha.

Night ciliary dust remembered that the crystal appeared after the reconstruction of the third world. At the same time, a half step emperor gene beast also appeared in the gene beast ranch.

At this moment, night fine dust eyes only despair and anger.

Jun jiuxiao tried his best and even took life as a bet. In the end, he not only didn't kill the gene beast, but also pushed the gene beast to make it further.

This result is unacceptable to individuals.

The roar of night dust attracts the attention of emperor level genetic animals and birds. The crazy red line of sight shows that they are hungry for meat. They have just been promoted at the moment of life and death. They need more meat to supplement themselves.

Being watched by the imperial gene beast, night ciliary dust feels like a little sheep to be slaughtered. She can't even move a finger.

This is from the repression of a higher level of life, or the coercion of absolute strength. Only the strength of night cilia dust can understand that no matter what you do in front of each other, it is a powerless struggle.

Just when night ciliated dust thought he was dead, the mecha with only half body suddenly jumped out from behind and hugged the emperor gene beast and bird.

Night ciliated dust was surprised to find that Jun jiuxiao was not dead. Jun jiuxiao's voice came from the mecha: "night ciliated dust, go!"

Night ciliary dust hesitated, and the mecha could only be scrapped and severely damaged the purple golden giant bird in its complete state.

Now the purple golden giant bird has been promoted to the imperial gene beast, but only half of the mecha is left.

During the previous impact, the cockpit had already cracked a big hole, and the protective layer lost its function. Night cilia dust could see the best partner's resolute expression outside. Jun jiuxiao roared again: "leave with other mechanical martial arts school gene soldiers!"

The machine armor was cut off, and the lower body erupted a burning light. The high heat made the machine armor red. Night cilia dust knew that this was the overload of the power furnace. He knew what Jun jiuxiao was going to do.

At this moment, after receiving the news from sun Mengmeng, Zhang lie used the power of space through the map to jump in the fourth world at a speed of one hundred miles.

Although I have confidence in Jun jiuxiao and ye Qichen, the situation in the fourth world is worse than expected. All genetic animals are crazy. As a teacher, I still can't completely relax after all.

Along the way, Zhang lie has killed no less than ten gene herds, including three and a half step emperor gene beasts. He has seen many monarch gene beasts. Through crazy killing and fighting, the speed of gene beasts is so fast. Although he has not seen it for the time being, Zhang lie can be sure that it will be sooner or later to naturally give birth to an emperor gene beast in the fourth world.

Previously, Zhang lie saw a dazzling light column, which can be roughly identified from the distance and direction. It is likely to be the stronghold of Jun jiuxiao and night ciliary dust.

Zhang lie already knows the stronghold where Jun jiuxiao and ye Qianchen are. Something must have happened.

Therefore, Zhang lie quickened his pace and no longer drove on the ship.

The speed of the spacecraft is not as fast as Zhang lie's full speed jumping in space.

"If you walk another hundred miles, you can reach the stronghold where Jun jiuxiao and night ciliary dust are."

Just then, Zhang lie heard the roar in the distance and saw a dazzling light rising into the sky hundreds of miles away, reflecting the heaven and earth into a pale piece.

This dazzling light is estimated to be visible in most parts of the fourth boundary.

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