Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1930

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:15:00 AM

Chapter 1930

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Fang Yi's shot is indeed stronger than the previous one, but in Zhang lie's eyes - it's not enough.

Similarly, stretch out your finger, and a small finger will break the wind and thunder.

But in this moment, Fang Yi suddenly accelerated the outbreak.

"Liuyun · wind and thunder ring!"

The whole body is wrapped with lightning and storm, forming a ring behind you.

A large number of wind and thunder were emitted from the ring, just like a propeller. In a short distance, it burst out suddenly. There was no action of Zhang lie, but he went straight through.

It seems that Zhang lie is a false existence, and all forces seem meaningless in front of Zhang lie.

But if Zhang lie was false, it would not have been possible to use a small finger to break the wind and thunder.

"Time is like wind, time is like electricity, time gun!"

Fang Yi turned around in mid air with a low cry. The wind of time is still around. Time flashes like electricity on the long gun. Time and time are intertwined like previous lightning and storm. The long gun directly breaks time and space, breaks time and space, and space is penetrated by a black hole. At this moment, time collapses, the surrounding scenery turns gray, and everything is blocked in time.

Yifang only keeps the color and only moves.


In the field of locking time, Zhang lie snapped his fingers.

The force of time collides and locks the gray world of time. In an instant, it is like glass breaking.

Fang Yi threw himself out and rolled on the ground. His long gun was inserted into the ground and was difficult to stabilize.

Zhang lie waved and said, "warm up is almost enough."

Fang Yi wiped his forehead sweating like rain, held the long gun inserted into the soil beside him and said, "brother lie, you should be careful next."

"Wheel of time!"

Time is like wind, and time is like electricity. The power of time turns into electric light and surrounds the spear. The power of time is wrapped around it. Time and years are superimposed on it, and the power of storm and lightning surrounds it.

A light wheel emerged behind him, like a clock.

Yang Ze said with a bitter smile: "brother lie is too abnormal. The power of time and space and the power of the alternation of virtual and real can be displayed between the fingers. If you can't break brother lie's blockade of time and space and force the real brother lie out of the illusion, no one can touch brother lie's clothes."

"It's not true. Fang Yi has worked very hard to make 12 points of strength. So far, he still hasn't let brother lie move half a step." Li Feng's face is dignified. After all, they will all play next.

Everyone began to think about how to break the power of open space and time and illusory defense.

At the same time, he secretly scolded Zhang lie for being abnormal. The test of the beginning alone is a problem that ordinary monarch gene soldiers with full genes can't solve in a lifetime.

The power of time and space is good. Powerful gene soldiers will contact more or less. Everyone in the extreme team has contacted it, but it is too much to use the power of illusion and reality. The power is basically between existence and non existence. There is no scientific basis. The extreme team didn't know the existence of this power before seeing Zhang lie fight with the leader of the ancient god residence.

Zhang Hanshuang, Hong Ruoxi, Jun jiuxiao and ye Qianchen are even more confused. If there is no explanation from the martial uncles around them, they don't even know what the power of illusion and reality is.

The superposition of space-time and virtual and real forces is enough to make countless gene soldiers despair.

However, the challenges and tests in front of Fang Yi and the extreme team are impossible and have no chance to give up. This is Zhang lie's first question for everyone.

I can't even solve the first problem, let alone catch up with Zhang lie.

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

The bell rang and echoed in the independent world.

Zhang lie put his hands on his back and didn't take the initiative. He let Fang Yi play and superimpose the wheel of time.

Fang Yi didn't let Zhang lie wait too long.

At that time, the wheel of light was added to five layers, and Fang Yi moved!

"Liuyun · wrong shadow!"

In an instant, it turned into electric light flashing, the storm rolled up and left a remnant in the sky in the blink of an eye. Fang Yi's figure shuttles between the residual shadows, so that everyone in the extreme team is dazzled. It's hard to think about which direction Fang Yi attacked from.

"Tiangang gun, dragon and tiger roar!"

With a low cry, the tiger roared and the Dragon chanted. On Fang Yi's long gun, the wind dragon, thunder and tiger appeared and rushed out with great dignity. The storm and thunder gathered on the spear, and the sound of the dragon roaring echoed in the sky. The two forces of wind and thunder entangled on the spear, and the thunder light and storm entangled together.

All figures shot at the same time, true or false, it is difficult to distinguish.

The wind helps the thunder, the thunder moves around the wind, the wind and thunder are intertwined, the thunder light shines, the wind roars, the storm is chaotic, the thunder light tears the void, and the dragon and tiger go together. The two forces are entangled together. The explosive power of the long gun is like an electric drill, and the terrorist power penetrates through time and space.

Chaotic storm and chaotic thunder blazed all over the sky. Zhang lie was submerged by countless long guns and chaotic thunder. However, Fang Yi's blow pierced through time and space, but could not pierce the gap between illusion and reality.

Zhang lie stood quietly as if he were bathed in chaos and thunder. No matter how fierce the long gun was, it was just a big raindrop, which only made Zhang lie crooked.

He turned his perception into layers of protection. Fang Yi's Tiangang gun and dragon tiger roar are not enough to break Zhang lie's defense.

Fang Yi said with a wry smile: "brother lie, you're so desperate that you can't let water out. You make me feel that all my efforts so far are on the dog."

Zhang lie waved and said, "I know you're more than that. Make your strongest moves come out. If you can't even break my means, then you're really no different from a dog."

"Brother lie should know what moves I'm going to do next!" Fang Yi made a familiar gun posture.

After hearing Fang Yi's words, the faces of all the members of the extreme team changed greatly. Fang Yi's momentum and long gun start posture.

No doubt, it's coming!

"Tiangang gun · formless!"

The long gun broke the time limit and entered the gray world again.

Behind him, the wheel of time shines. Keeping Fang Yi in the superposition state can use different forces at the same time.

The tiger roars, the Dragon chants, the thunder light is entangled with the storm, and the wind dragon, thunder and tiger appear. The wind dragon, thunder and tiger transformed by the source force is twisted and pulled in the continuous rotation and integrated into the long gun. The lightning and storm rotate around the acceleration, and the power spreads round and round, and the momentum is constantly improved.

Spiral wind and thunder and the force of time are constantly compressing, and the surrounding space is involved. The space is like a paper ball that is kneaded into a ball.

Wind and thunder, time and space all rotate on the long gun, and the power is stacked one by one. This is not a simple one plus one. The intertwined forces promote each other, and the energy is continuously improved.

The spear vibrates, and the chaotic force is triggered.

Years are like wind, time is like electricity, time gun, Tiangang gun, dragon and tiger roar.

Wind and thunder, time and space, the power of chaos into it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!