Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1932

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:14:58 AM

Chapter 1932

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The pressure brought by the long gun forced Zhang lie to reveal himself from the level of illusion and reality. Instead of being angry, he smiled with satisfaction: "well done, you can enter the second test."

The amazing power was thrown into Fang Yi's hands, and the huge energy erupted in an instant. The violent space storm, the empty thunder that devours the energy, the mysterious electricity of time and space, the wind that corrodes all years, and the chaotic power that devours all. All different forces were intertwined, and a huge spiral long gun was thrown at Zhang lie.

Wave fist · towering

The blue source force condenses, the waves spread out in the arm one after another, and the spiral wound on the arm. When the wrist is shocked, the blue source force lingers, and the smell of terror begins to bloom. The sky suddenly darkens, and a swimming fish hovers in the sky like a giant Kun.

The huge waves rose into the sky, with one blow, the giant Kun hit back, the fish's tail slapped, the blue waves lifted, and the sound waves were surging

Layers of towering waves, overwhelming, shocked the momentum and distorted the space. The water phase source force shook the space, such as the furious black dragon. The waves rose layer by layer, and the hundred heavy waves twisted into a ball and collided with the startling spear.


The huge roar reverberated from the sky, and the spatial fluctuations erupted circle after circle. The dark blue sea tide was like a storm, and various forces such as time and space, chaos, wind and thunder broke out. The chaotic storm ravaged everything. The space barrier strengthened several times was shaking violently, and cracks broke out on the space barrier.

Fang Yi throws a spiral gun mixed with multiple forces, which are intertwined. Due to Fang Yi's refinement, he weaves forces one by one, which is better than Zhang lie in the solidity and heaviness of moves, and runs through Zhang lieyou's blue storm.

Seven different forces are woven together, which is really very powerful. Zhang lie's wave fist · taotian can blow up three of them at most, and the remaining four forces are staggered and spiraled towards Zhang lie.

Fang Yi raises his arms successfully. Although he knows that the attack may not be able to do great damage to Zhang lie, his attack can run through Zhang lie's moves. This is the victory of Tiangang gun · formless.

He can finally display the complete Tiangang gun · formless.

In the face of the four power spiral spear, Zhang lie still has a smile on his face.

"Tiangang gun · formless!" It was Fang Yi's original killing move long ago. It was first created in the third world. Compared with the Tiangang gun he was proud of in the previous life, it is not known how many times stronger.

However, because the creative moves are too powerful and multiple forces are mixed, Fang Yi has been unable to fully master them.

Until now, after Fang Yi's hard training for many times and the physical support of God level gene full, Fang Yi can finally display the complete version of Tiangang gun · Wushi.

The finished version of Tiangang gun · formless came out and surprised the extreme team.

Fang Yi's moves can run through Zhang lie's moves.

The huge spiral force distorts everything around, and space-time is involved, as if forming a space-time storm.

Powerful forces distort time and space. Within the scope of this distortion, even the power of time and space will be greatly affected.

Sun Xiaowu asked, "you said, how will brother lie block the next attack?"

Even if there are only four power spiral spears left, they have enough lethality. It's no problem to kill ten or eight emperor level genetic beasts.

Li Feng shook his head and said, "Fang Yi's killing move is too powerful. Even if there are only four forces left, I don't have the confidence to stop it completely."

Yang Ze said: "after all, it's brother lie. There must be a way."

Hong Ruoxi said, "the question is what method the teacher will use to deal with it."

Yang Ze said, "but whether you can completely stop it is another matter."

But then Zhang lie showed his hand and surprised Yang Ze and Fang Yi out of their chin.

With a smile on his face, Zhang lie stretched out his fingers. With a stroke of his sword finger, the space in front of him was torn and broken.


With a huge crack, Zhang lie tore out a huge gap and swallowed the spiral gun at once.

This skill surprised Fang Yi and Yang Ze. Only those who are familiar with the power of space can understand how amazing Zhang lie's simple skill is.

If in the normal state, tearing up the space will not surprise Fang Yi and Yang Ze. Similarly, they can do it, but the amazing thing about Zhang lie is that time and space are distorted.

This is the difference between going to sea in a calm sea and going to sea in a violent storm. The space distortion caused by the four force spiral lance is definitely the sea blowing a level 10 typhoon.

However, Zhang lie not only went to sea in the level 10 typhoon, but also drove smoothly on the sea. Seeing Zhang lie's relaxed appearance, it's no problem to spin, jump and float.

The torn space is like a big mouth, swallowing the power of the quadruple spiral spear, and the space twist spiral closes the entrance.

Different from what everyone in the extreme team thinks, Zhang lie easily dissolves the power of Fang Yi's remaining spiral spear.

The spiral spear with the remaining four forces can't hurt Zhang lie at all.

"Worthy of brother lie."

The extreme team couldn't help sighing.

Fang Yi was stunned and said, "brother lie, how did you do it?"

The proudest killing move was easily dissolved by Zhang lie. It's absolutely false that Fang Yi didn't get hit.

When Fang Yi saw his moves break through the dark blue storm, Fang Yi was very excited and felt that his time had come.

The finished version of Tiangang gun · formless is an invincible spiral long shot. No one can easily stop it. Even the invincible Zhang lie has to pay a price to stop his seven spiral long shot.

Tiangang gun · formless completion marked that from then on, he became the first person under Zhang lie.

Under a real person, above hundreds of millions of people.

However, before Fang Yi was completely happy, he saw Zhang lie tear the space and swallow up the spiral gun.

Zhang lie can even manipulate space when space is extremely distorted. Fang Yi really wants to break his head and can't understand how Zhang lie did it.

Fighting with Zhang lie is always like this. The height he stands is too high and the gap between them is too large. He can't understand the techniques he uses when he wants to break his head.

This is what makes Fang Yi very annoying. He feels that there is an insurmountable and incomprehensible gap between himself and Zhang lie.

Zhang lie smiled and said, "it's just an idea to deepen the space distortion."

The spiral spear distorts the surrounding space-time very badly, like rolling all space-time into it. When Zhang lie sees this scene, he can't help thinking of the previous and semi divine gene beasts. The other party also produces the power to devour everything by distorting the space.

Zhang lie tried to increase the space distortion. The space tear seen by the limit team was caused by excessive space distortion.

It seems that Zhang lie tore the space and swallowed the spiral spear. In fact, Zhang lie deepened the space distortion to reach the unbearable range of space, and finally the spiral spear was swallowed by space.

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