Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 1946

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:14:39 AM

Chapter 1946

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The crystal condensed by the source force pierced through the golden claws and crossed the side of the golden unicorn's head. The golden scales danced, and a large piece of the golden unicorn's head was cut off.

The extreme team realized that it was not good. Sun Mengmeng wrapped in the dark flame whirlwind condensed the black fire wall. Li Feng was surrounded by the silver white light storm, and the light dragon whirled into the sky.

Li Feng's whole body emits silver light, surrounded by silver light and illusory dragon shadows.

Zhang Hanshuang's body was cold and condensed into an ice wall in the package of wooden dragon.

Zhou Ying's long hair is like crystal emerald and emits Yingying green light. Her body is surrounded by golden leaves and emits gray gas at the end of her hair.

Its own strength is in a half open state, surrounded by strong natural force and life force.

"Green spirit holy body, wooden dragon dance!!"

The power of nature was fully released, and the earth shook constantly. In an instant, hundreds of emerald wooden dragons rose up and broke through the earth. Each wooden dragon had a radius of 30 meters, and the wooden dragons were in the air, wrapping the people layer by layer.

As Fang Yi and Yang Ze have not recovered, they can't help.

Eclipse of the sun and the moon!

Hong Ruoxi's eyes are bright. His left eye turns into a black sun and his right eye turns into a silver moon. Behind him, a dark sun and silver moon rise into the sky. The light of the black sun and silver moon reflects the whole sky. There is a golden line between the black sun and silver moon. Under the influence of the golden silk thread, he begins to move closer.

The dark sun and the silver moon began to contact. The sun began to show crimson. The silver moon showed rust red. The center of the umbra was dark black, but the periphery was brighter.

The black sun and the silver moon began to overlap, and the silver moon had a blue edge.

The dark sun overlaps and merges with the silver moon. The moon covers the light of the dark sun and completely absorbs the light of the dark sun into a pale blue moon.

The hanging moon wheel falls and condenses on the back. The moonlight gently reflects and moistens all things. The pale blue moonlight envelops the limit team. The colored flame walls burn more vigorously, the illusory dragon shadow becomes solid, and the green wood dragon has stronger vitality.

Wave fist · silence!

The source force is highly condensed, turning from liquid to solid and into sharp crystal.

The crystal seems to contain a starry universe in which the stars flow and emit unpredictable Aurora, which is so beautiful that people are intoxicated.


The crystal is as fast as a sword blade. This time it directly pierces the golden unicorn.

The explosion power of the God of war Kirin is frightening, and the layers of defense of the limit team collapse. It is hard to imagine how much explosion power Zhang lie, who is at the center of the explosion, bears.

The golden light dispersed, and sure enough, Zhang lie at the center of the explosion was safe. The source force wrapped itself as if wrapped in a starlight crystal. The force of time and space mixed into the source force. The explosion power of the God of war Kirin was twice as powerful as that of Zhang lie.

Zhang lie said: "almost. I know your achievements in the fourth world are more than that. It's time to come up with some decent means. Otherwise, I'll be angry."

"Brother lie, you can see it."

Sun Xiaowu scratched his head with a bitter smile.

Zhang lie asked, "why, do you think brother lie doesn't deserve your full strength?"

Sunxiaowu waved his hand in fear: "how dare you? I just want to test how far it is from now with the former strength and moves."

Zhang lie said impatiently, "stop doing meaningless things. Come on, I want to see how far you have grown now!"

Sun Xiaowu nodded and gave a big drink.

"King Kong immortal · ultimate God of war!"

The virtual shadow of the God of war behind him shrinks, the golden and bright runes overlap and compress continuously, millions of weapons contend in the body, and strands of divine glow overflow, which is very gorgeous, just like falling into pieces of light and rain.

The bright metal air column goes in and out between the mouth and nose, hovers around the body, holds it up, and the source force swims away. The virtual shadow of divine soldiers and fairy swords appears. The overlapping golden divine soldiers and fairy swords appear on the skin, rise with a golden light, interweave with brilliance in the sky, and cover the top of the whole sky.

The golden and bright mark was originally just the mark of the will of the divine soldier and the immortal sword in the temple, but at this moment, it turned into a virtual shadow and resonated with sun Xiaowu himself. Countless weapons covered the top of the sky, and the dense number turned the whole sky into a piece of golden.

Runes flow in sun Xiaowu's body, and small tripods appear one after another in his flesh and blood. They flow like blood and replace runes.


Countless virtual shadows of fairy swords fell from the sky and gathered on Sun Xiaowu.

At the next moment, sun Xiaowu was shining from the body to the spirit. He suddenly became sharp, showed his sharpness, raised his hands and feet, and looked like a Heavenly Sword in the air.

On the body surface and in the body, infinite tiny swords are flowing, like blood. This is the evolution of Shenxi and Wenluo. He seems to have turned into a fairy sword!

With sun Xiaowu's violent drink, the fairy sword rushed out with a bright glow.

Countless immortal swords gathered together and evolved the fierce sword meaning far beyond the understanding of the living spirit. Even Zhang lie, who uses the sword, can't help being dignified.

At this moment, sun Xiaowu is the immortal sword itself.

Wave fist · extinction!

A starry sky appeared above Zhang lie's head, with silver stars shining all over the sky. Each silver star was like a crystal hanging in the sky.

The streamer was shining all over the sky, and the silver meteors fell from the sky and turned into a silver meteor shower.

Sun Xiaowu completely ignored the meteor light shower in front of him. The sword light was like a rainbow and went forward.

Li Feng felt that sun Xiaowu's sword intention broke out and couldn't help sighing: "turn the sword into a body. Once this sword comes out, there is no possibility of taking it back!"

Forged in the ancient hall and bearing the marks of countless fairy swords, sun Xiaowu is not a sword itself, but better than a fairy sword.

Sun Xiaowu closed his hands and turned into the tip of his sword. He crossed in the meteor shower. In the star shower, the sword light cut a road.

Obviously, he is a person, but he has a negative sword meaning. If he had not experienced the forging of the ancient hall and obtained the star inheritance of the special world, sun Xiaowu would have been torn apart. However, after the forging of the ancient hall and the star inheritance of the special world.

At the moment, sun Xiaowu's body is more rigid than any magic weapon in the world.

Sun Xiaowu's body is not a magic weapon, but better than a magic weapon.

In any previous battle, sun Xiaowu didn't really take this card out.

One is that he can't use it skillfully. At that time, his strength can't support countless swords to bless himself and incarnate the sharpness of the sword. However, after the emperor level gene is full, sun Xiaowu's physical strength has increased to a huge level and finally fully bears the sharpness of the incarnated sword.

Obviously, he is only a person, not even a sword, but he cuts out the sword meaning like ten thousand swords belong to the clan.

Sun Xiaowu flew all the way with tens of thousands of different sword meanings.

In the face of sun Xiaowu, who runs like a Heavenly Sword and has countless fierce sword intentions, Zhang lie is gratified and serious at the same time.

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