Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2110

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:11:31 AM

Chapter 2110

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The bluestone road is very quiet and has been so long since ancient times. Except that there are a group of talents when they come in, it is extremely desolate at other times. The dropping of needles can be heard. It is estimated that no one will come back.

A trace of chaos, misty fog, 3000 ancient roads, with years of mottled, silent.

Zhang liepan sat and thought silently.

"Pulling out 108 rules of fire has not reflected anything too special."

Zhang lie whispered and touched his arm. There are scars and blood there.

In the duel with Luo Jianchi, the other party's hair suddenly soared and wrapped around his forearm. Although it was not fatal, it was also injured.

Zhang lie reflected that at present, lighting himself with the flame of the law of Qingshi road has not really reflected the place against the sky. His strength now is entirely based on his own foundation and the accumulation of the past.

"Unless hundreds, even thousands, of them are lit. At that time, there should be different visions?"

How terrible it would be if there were hundreds of thousands!

Zhang lie knows that his road has just begun, everything has just started, and the real crisis and life and death test are still ahead.

"Let's go!"

Zhang lie calmed down and began to shut up.

In the next few days, he didn't move, just like petrified, without any waves.

While adjusting, he will completely recover his previous injury, and will continue to rush through the pass with the highest attitude, ignite the fire of the law and realize transformation.

The breeze blew and the mist spread.

Five days later, Qingshi road was no longer quiet. One road after another sent out weak light, turned into law, spread to one place and entangled a teenager.

One way, two ways

Soon, 108 roads were reached, and the flames flooded him. It was full of vitality here.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are laws in the fire, which are dense, intertwined and constructed, and evolve into vigorous flames and wrap Zhang lie.

This is what he has experienced. At present, he walks again without damaging his body.

"Next, the real crisis has come."

Zhang lie took a deep breath. As a result, the fire roared and entered his stomach from his mouth and nose, and his whole body was full of divine flame.

to be sonorous!

Zhang lie began to use heaven and earth as materials to intercept the void and build a "big weapon" to refine himself.

He was wrapped in the ancient cauldron of heaven and earth, and then he began to form a vague cauldron of heaven and earth.

Other bluestone roads glowed, spread in accordance with the law, and the light of fire condensed, burning the furnace tripod, shining, and rushed into the clouds.

Zhang lie's life and death test began, and the fire of law increased, one after another, which was both hope and like the chain of death.

"109, 110..."

With the increase of one after another, the internal laws are burned at the same time, but the integration of the two world laws is not so easy to burn out.

With the passage of time, it has been added to 150, and the rules of winding in the body have been ignited. Zhang lie feels burning and difficult to stop, and he has sharp pain all over and is about to be burned through.

It's really life and death. It's only added dozens of times. The body is injured, and there are so many behind. How to finish it?

He was neither depressed nor discouraged. He firmly believed that he would succeed step by step. He had hope in his heart, bright eyes and firm faith.

One hundred and seventy, fire burning the sky!

At this moment, all the people outside the world who saw this scene were moved and added dozens of words, but their prestige was much stronger.

When you look at it like this, the fire surges and drowns everything. The law lines are intertwined like lightning. There is a terrible place, which makes people feel creepy just looking at it.


Zhang lie coughed up a mouthful of black blood in his mouth. The fire was so strong that it almost burned through the stove tripod that day and was distorted.

He endured the pain and silently watched the rules in the fire, not to repeat the way of his predecessors.

One hundred and eighty flames, some holes appeared in Zhang lie's body, which was very terrible. Dozens of new flames entered his body and illuminated his whole body.

This is both suffering and opportunity. Dharma patterns burn bones and dozens of rules entangle him, making his body emit Zen singing and rumble.

Some of the laws in the body are burned, and the divine chain of life also plays a role to maintain its own life.

As time went by, Zhang lie didn't know how many days had passed. When the 200th flame was lit, his body dried up, extremely weak and almost lost his vitality.

Even with the blessing of the divine chain of life, the flame of 200 blessings of the power of the law, plus the fire of mixing the law in the body, it is too difficult to burn both inside and outside.

He was blackened all over, worse than the first time. There were many bright holes in the body, which were burned through.

He sat there, motionless and dead. But the eyes have a bright and amazing light. Light up here like two golden lamps.

He stopped adding fire. Bear it silently, understand it carefully, let 200 flames flow, burn blood and bones, and remain silent.

Until many days later, he adapted to this kind of burning, and there was nothing to burn the flesh. The old black skin was wrapped around the bones, and many lines in the fire were branded on the, like a dragon swimming and flowing all over the body.

Zhang lie has a sense of detachment. Although they are going to burn, they seem to jump out and look at all this. Sometimes they forget the pain. There is only one perception of the laws of the world.

After a long time, two hundred flames went out, the cauldron disintegrated, and Zhang lie fell to the ground.

In addition to being human, he could hardly see his appearance. The old black skin was cracked and his eye sockets were deep. He was completely dry.

In addition, there are 200 light masses in the body, and the fire is still burning.

If he had not become a God and made great progress in strength, he would definitely become ashes and die completely.

"I have no time to delay. The foreign enemies of XingKong fortress are eyeing. Everyone is moving forward and improving their strength. Now we must recover as soon as possible." Zhang lie took out a sacred medicine.

Now is not the time to hesitate. Even if the holy medicine is rare, it can only be reduced to rations.

A half meter long black holy vine appeared in Zhang lie's hand. All the leaves were dog shaped. It was the dog leaf vine. When the leaves moved with the wind, the black light was strong, and the mastiff barked.

All the limbs and bones of Zhang Lie were swallowed up, and the body was black and light. This was the essence of rolling medicine, and rushed to his four limbs, which made up for his loss and repaired his wound.

The holy medicine can kill and die human flesh and bones. It has a miraculous effect against the sky and can nourish the soul.

Zhang Lie is changing rapidly, and the breath of life is gradually growing. The old skin is cracked and absorbs the essence of the world, and the whole body is gradually bulging.

However, the cost was also great. It took him several days to take half of the holy medicine, and the hole in his body healed and gradually recovered.

If it's any other injury, just take a bite of the holy medicine. As a result, he ate half of it!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!