Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2274

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:08:43 AM

Chapter 2274

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The liquid metal man retreated and roared. The hot metal liquid appeared and rushed from the ground like a volcanic eruption.

The scene is amazing, bright red slurry. Into various weapons, accompanied by laws, overwhelming and endless. Like a vast expanse of * *

The metal is endless and murderous.

Zhang lie's fist is splashed with metal liquid every time. No matter how hot the slurry is, it can't burn his body. It makes him look like the God of war.


The waves hit the sky, red as blood, like the eruption of magma under the ground, rushing from the crater to the sky.

In fact, these are all metal liquids, but there is a powerful law in them, which turns into rivers and seas, sweeps the world and encircles and suppresses Zhang lie.

In this process, the liquid metal man integrates into it, hides and hands in the dark.

Seeing the two fighting, everyone was dazzled.

"Is that all you have?" Zhang lie said that on his body, the source force of dark blue surrounded him, and the force of rules coincided with the waves and spread out in the sky.

For a moment, the dark blue tide turned into a terrible spiral, crashed into the metal liquid, and then rioted in the body!


The source force erupted in the metal, the metal body expanded, and the ocean current continued to rush in. Finally, the liquid metal man couldn't suppress it. With a dull hum, he exploded on the spot and was blown out.

The world was quiet. He rushed directly to Zhang lie again and fought closely.


It's like striking iron between heaven and earth. It's like God's thunder. It's deafening. The sound is too loud.

Their fists collided, and Zhang lie's palms and fingers were all right.

The liquid metal man was shocked, and his face was full of incredible color. How powerful was this man? His metallized divine body was deformed and in great pain.

"Kill!" He roared angrily and fought with Zhang lie. He didn't believe that the flesh was more powerful than his metal man.

"Dang, dang..."

One metal sound after another, piercing the gold crack stone, the eardrums of the people who shook were about to tear. It was terrible and amazing. When the two people exchanged blows at high altitude, they shook one ripple after another.

Those ripples spread all the way out of the star, and the ripples spread all the way, affecting some buildings in the satellite area, directly cutting down some houses and then bursting into pieces.

You can imagine how powerful they are!

People are stupid and shocked inexplicably.

The palms and fingers of liquid metal people are deformed, and the arms, shoulders, chest and abdomen are sunken in the collision with each other.


When their legs collided with each other, the whole right leg of the liquid metal man was twisted into a fried dough twist and was swept by the other side's whip leg.

"This..." his heart and hair were cold. He was defeated completely in his best field.

He believed that if he were a creature of flesh and blood, he would have been broken into blood and bone, and his metal body had also been deformed and would be broken.


A rough sea turned into a sharp blade, which almost pierced him and cut the liquid metal man in half.

The metal liquid turns into a liquid, flows on the ground and agglomerates again.

Towering sword * *!

The sword's awn is like waves, and the sword's momentum is like the sea. The sword light turns into rough waves. When the sword light is brushed, the wavy sword's awn shatters the metal liquid.

Silver metal liquid is flying on the high platform, but each drop of metal liquid seems to have independent life and consciousness, attract each other, quickly reunite again and turn into a silver metal liquid again.

A student said, "this is the most troublesome part of the metal liquid puppet, which is almost difficult to kill."

Evil snake!

The black magic snake emerged from behind Zhang lie, just like the legendary black snake yemenga, which devoured the world. The source force composition was as solid as the essence, making a threatening rustle and scales.

The dark source force is like dark clouds winding around Zhang lie, like the sea roaring, exploding in 480 directions, covering the high platform. The black fog contacts with the metal liquid and makes a nourishing sound. The dark source force is melting the metal liquid bit by bit.

The metal liquid puppet reunited with the human form again and attacked Zhang lie.

Zhang lie was not afraid at all. The dark source force condensed and the black fog surged, like a vortex converging on Zhang lie.

Wave fist · silence!

The magic snake rises from the sky and runs through the chest of the metal liquid puppet. The dark source force spreads and melts rapidly in the metal liquid.

The metal liquid puppet changed again. Zhang lie was about to take action, but it became four words: "I surrendered."

The change is the text of the starry sky. However, while changing these four words, the metal liquid puppet also sent out an idea to let Zhang lie understand its meaning.

Obviously, the metal liquid puppet knew that he was not Zhang lie's opponent, so he directly chose to surrender.

Zhang lie was surprised that he was a puppet and even had ideas and thinking. He can be regarded as having basic artificial intelligence. It has to be said that the star sky technology is really not simple.


The battle between Zhang lie and the liquid metal puppet ended soon. When the Tianjiao in the depths of the college just set out, the fifth bell wave shook out, which can really be called Huang Zhong Da Lu roaring.

These wizards stayed with several peerless beauties. It was too fast. They hurried to speed up for fear that they would not be able to witness the scene if they went late.

"This... Unprecedented, so fast, breaking the historical record?" Someone is trembling.

As for the entrance of the college, it has already been boiling!

"This is a monster. It has passed five levels, and it's incredible that it's so fast!"

"Isn't there really going to be a big event today?"

Here at the gate of the college, I lost my eyeball, which many people found incredible.

How many years has no one dared to challenge here? It is difficult to cross the road to heaven and defeat the sages of all dynasties. In the past, those gorgeous people and even the gods of heaven have broken through, but they have been defeated.

On the high platform, a mass of light rises, and Zhang lie stretches his arms. In the history of the high platform, a chain of Dharma appears, sending out a crisp metal vibrato to surround him.

This is the sixth level. The opponent is the order God chain. Zhang lie sends out dazzling brilliance. Ruixia keeps rising around him. A hundred divine fire genes in his body are bright, and the divine flame is beating. It is extremely blazing, forcing people with the heroic force against him.


When he was shooting, he made the sound of the roar of the flood and the ringing of the people's ears, which made the world tremble.

The tall figure, like the Supreme God, is invincible and pushes all obstacles horizontally. It shook the place.

"How could... So?" Gou Tianshuang's voice was trembling, and he couldn't accept the reality. He thought of the tit for tat not long ago, and then saw the other party's divine power. His face was white.

Next to him, there were a group of people who shut their mouths. Earlier, they had taunted Zhang lie, ridiculed him for not knowing the greatness of heaven and earth and delusionally wanted to step on the road to heaven.

But what happened now has become the most favorable counterattack. Let them be tongue tied and shocked in their hearts. They were all frightened and flustered, and huge waves surged in their hearts.

"I'm not late." A girl in blue came softly, her pupils were like sapphire, and her hair was also water blue. She swayed gently, like a blue waterfall.

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