Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2276

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:08:40 AM

Chapter 2276

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In the distance, people felt strong pressure, had difficulty breathing and turned pale.

A group of people were shocked. It was so far away from the seventh high platform. Even so, they still couldn't breathe. If they stood on the challenge arena, wouldn't they faint on the spot?

"That's the power of the gods." A true God whispered out the true meaning of this pass.

Zhang lie stood there, his eyebrows glowing, his soul humming like the sun.

The power of the soul is like the sword light rushing into the night, breaking the clouds and cutting off the giant claws. The sword light rushes all the way up and is moaned with a dragon sing.

The soul sword light killed the dragon. The Dragon wept blood. The huge body like the mainland fell from the sky. The huge pressure rolled all the way like a sky avalanche, the space collapsed, and countless meteorites fell from the sky.

Like the death of a dragon, it will crush the sky.

Onlookers screamed one after another and fled in panic. Among them, people with weak will knelt down directly, and a smell came out at their feet. Some people were stunned directly.

The gods in the presence were calm, and the Dragon disappeared slowly in front of us, like a bubble.


A moment later, the bell rang and seven flames rose into the sky, glowing brightly.

Those flustered people suddenly froze in place, like time stopped. At this time, how can they not know that the fallen dragon is just an illusion, not a real existence.

Those guys who were scared to pee blushed and were at a loss for a moment.

Nearby, many people followed the fish pulled out of the water. Even if they were not in the high platform, they still felt the same, especially those students, who were going to faint just now.

This level seems easy, but it is actually a confrontation of spirit and a sharpening of will.

"This kind of pressure can't even bear to light the divine fire. He not only resisted it, but also used the power of his soul to unite the sword and kill!" God was surprised.

"What a terrible sword meaning. What's more terrible is the power of the soul. His soul strength has even reached the level of God!" After hearing the evaluation of the God director, others were even more shocked.

It's not a divine realm, but it has a divine soul. Do you want to fake it a little more?

"Is it a God who lost it?"

The three eyed Heavenly God looked carefully, and the heavenly eye in the center of the eyebrow emitted a bright light, as if he could see through everything. "There is no sense of suture between the soul and the flesh, it shouldn't be, but for the sake of safety, maybe we should ask the old Dean to separate."

"According to his ability, there is no problem passing the eighth level. We'd better prepare." A golden mangniu God said.

"Is everyone here?" Asked the three eyed God.

"The seventh light of fire is on, and I think they know what it means." Said a coquettish goddess.

"I haven't seen anyone go to the Ninth level for a long time."

"The last time I came to the Ninth level, only Luo Jianchen."

"Is that him?" At this time, someone came to serve as the most powerful wizards of the college.

In addition, not far away, there are two beauties on the stunning list who come together. Looking up, they are all beautiful.

This naturally caused an exclamation and provoked them, but soon people turned their heads and didn't pay too much attention, but stared closely at the figure on the high platform, because there were still the last two levels left.

It was dark there, accompanied by a trace of mysterious mist. At this time, Zhang lie's body could not be seen clearly, and even his back became an outline.

"Are we late? We missed a big event. We can't even see his true face." There was a woman who came out of Qingcheng like a picture, with a little regret.

This is the beauty on the stunning list. Another two people came here and stood together with a look of surprise. They looked at the high platform and didn't think that person had actually come to this step.

As for several wizards, they all showed dignified colors and kept silent.

When Zhang lie stepped on the eighth high platform, the flame lit up on the eight stone pillars. In a moment, the space of the high platform expanded and evolved into a arena!

In the center of the high platform, there is a puppet, which coincides with heaven and earth and has flexible eyes. It is hard to imagine that there should be such an extraordinary puppet between heaven and earth.

When you see the puppet, many wizards change color.

"God puppet!"

The gorgeous beauty turned pale in an instant.

On the high platform of the eighth pass, it turned out to be a puppet of God level.

The God of golden mangniu thumbed up and said, "good eyesight. It was a strong God who once provoked the college. He was caught by the Dean, refined into a puppet and put it here as the gatekeeper of the eighth pass."

The lotus Narcissus frowned: "director, I have always wanted to make complaints about the way to heaven."

Fight God?

What am I doing here?

Someone hurriedly said, "it's not too much. If I can enter the divine pool and bathe with ten beauties, if I have this ability, let alone fight the God puppet, I can fight the Lord of the star domain."

Another man nearby revealed: "but you don't have this ability."

Golden mangniu God shook his head and said, "you don't know what the way to heaven means. This is the way to heaven step by step."

The three eyed God said: "although he has excellent performance in dengtian road and will be trained in the college, many people mistakenly think that if they want to enter the college after missing the unified enrollment, they will go to dengtian road. In fact, dengtian road has significance at the beginning, which is not the case."

"What else does it mean?"

"Can't you give him the whole college?"

The teachings of the gods were silent.

Golden mangniu God said, "it's meaningless to say these things. He can't pass the Ninth level."


Just then, a startling thunder echoed, and the light was dazzling, like a dragon rushing into the night. Zhang lie and the puppet of the God of heaven collided with each other. The law collapsed, and the heaven and earth seemed to crack, like the fall of the gods, and the place was blazing in an instant.

Even far from the eighth tower, a large group of people were blown away.

With the sound of breaking through the air, a dark shadow flew out of the high platform with a burst and shock wave, and was bumping into the crowd. The gods taught them to stop the dark shadow.

After seeing the real body of the shadow, the eight gods changed their faces one after another.

It's no one else, it's a puppet of God.

At the moment, the celestial puppet can not see the original appearance. The hands and feet twist and twist like a piece of rag.

Zhang lie stood proudly on the eighth high platform, with chaos and momentum, like the God of war.


A moment later, the bell rang, and eight flames rose into the sky. The light enveloped the whole college planet, and the flame was like a dragon dancing in the air. Under the cover of the fire, Zhang lie looked like an emperor above the gods, more like the arrival of the God of war, standing at the peak of everything, and there was no enemy in heaven and earth.

Now everyone was shocked. Zhang lie was able to defeat the gods and pass the eighth level.

He is clearly not a divine realm, but he has the fighting power of God?

Lin Nan remembered that Zhang lie didn't even have a divine realm, so he came to challenge the road to heaven. Now he really slapped his face.

"This guy can't be a God. He deliberately hides his strength?"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!