Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2310

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:07:51 AM

Chapter 2310

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After Fang Yi bought enough food and various healing herbs, he returned to the temporary stronghold.

At present, the temporary stronghold is in Saturn in the Fufeng galaxy, and Fang Yi and a group of creatures hide under the belt of the planet.

Saturn in the Fufeng galaxy has a bad environment and it is difficult for creatures to survive. Although it is not a good place to rest, it is better in secret.

Seeing Fang Yi coming back, a group of creatures were overjoyed.

"How about tutor?"

"Good news, bad news." Fang Yi stretched out two fingers.

"Mentor, don't play this, will you?"

Fang Yi said: "the good news is that I have bought back the medicinal materials, food, clothes and other items. The bad news is that we are expected to stay in the star domain for a long time."

"What happened to the tutor?"

"The protoss mobilized a lot of abilities to block the whole star domain and lay a snare. From the current situation, they can only continue to hide in the star domain." Fang Yi buys food and medicine, which will be enough in a short time.

Although those creatures feel bad, and after escaping from the mining area, they are completely different from the expected good days. Unrestrained freedom has not come, but there is no way.

Compared with dying in a dark mine and being squeezed by the star Protoss, the situation is much better now than working in the mine day and night like a slave, at least without work.

Although useless, at least free.

Fang Yi began to distribute food and clothes, treat the injured creatures, and give several fighting creatures the medicine Zhou Ying.

Although there are many Zhou Ying potions brought out from the galaxy, they are not enough for everyone to use. They can only be used by fighting creatures first, at least to make this team have self-protection ability.

"Boom, boom!"

Suddenly, the sound of bombing cut through Saturn. The cave was shaking. The earth was like a ground fissure and landslide. Fang Yi immediately took action. The wind, dragon, thunder and tiger roared and swept away the earth and rocks.

"What happened?"

The creatures were terrified.

"I'll go out and have a look."

Fang Yi went out and the light shone down. A resplendent palace was suspended above his head. It was more dazzling than the sun in the sky. The auspicious gas curled up, quite imposing.

Several true gods hang in front of the palace, with light on their backs, like the coming of God, overlooking all living beings.

"The escaped mice are not coming out soon. They want to wait for us?" One of the true gods spoke like thunder, echoing in Saturn, frightening people. All the creatures underground trembled, kneeling down on their feet and eager to rush out.

"Your whereabouts have long been exposed. It's no use hiding." Another true God said.

"Now come out, I can spare you from death. Next time I do it, I will punish all of you, and there will be no one left."

The magnificent palace should be the warship of the star Protoss. There are a lot of star Protoss in front of us. Fang Yi was relieved that there was no breath of God in it.

Obviously, the protoss didn't know Fang Yi was hiding here. They should just judge that the creatures who escaped from the mining area were hiding in Saturn.

If the star Protoss guesses that Fang Yi is here, it's not just this lineup. Why do one or two gods come, not even ten true gods? Don't try to catch Fang Yi.

Fang Yi is just more curious. How did the protoss find them?

"Do you think hiding here is useful?" The true God shouted, and the voice entered the ground through the thick surface.

"It's the greatest honor for you guys to work for our Protoss. If you don't cherish it, think about it all day." A true God Leng hum.

"In the star domain, there is no place that the star Protoss can't find."

"As long as you buy food, medicine and clothes, we can trace your location."

Fang Yi can probably guess that few people will buy a lot of food, medicine and clothes, especially in this kind of tuyere.

Either someone reported it, or the protoss paid special attention to whether someone bought a lot of food, medicine and clothes in the star domain, so as to judge where the fleeing creatures went

When blocking the star domain, the star Protoss still has spare power to pay attention. Fang Yi underestimates the star Protoss.

"Is it just you?!" Fang Yi's eyes were deep. The storm lifted him up like thunder and came across the sky with the sound of explosion.

This is a kind of frivolous language. It is clear that it is not even in the realm of God, but it despises the real God in this way, which makes several experts cold and spread their killing intention. But after seeing Fang Yi's face, his cold face turned into shock.

"It's you!"

Fang Yi is no stranger. Although Fang Yi cut off almost all the true gods in the mining area, there are some missing fish after all.

His face had already spread among the protoss, and the true God recognized it at a glance.

"Hahaha, there's no place to look for broken iron shoes. It takes no effort. You're even with those mining garbage." A group of true gods laughed.

With such fighting power, he can escape from the mining area with strange stones, but stay with creatures like garbage and weeds. The true God of the star Protoss really didn't expect.

Fang Yi squinted, glanced and said, "just because you deserve to call others garbage. Oh, I'm sorry to say you're garbage."

"Those who humiliate the protoss will never live long. Especially if you are arrogant and self righteous, you are doomed to die early!" One said coldly.

If you offend the star Protoss, no matter what wizards they are, they will kill them.

"I didn't expect you to be here!" Someone's eyes soared and repeated the previous words again. With a sneer, the external law was more dazzling.

The protoss have been looking for it all the time, but they have no harvest, but they didn't expect to bump into it here.

The star area is huge. It's almost impossible to find a man Yi. He came here just to take back the garbage escaped from the mining area, but unexpectedly met Fang Yi.

It's like going out to fetch water, but just picking up gold. Taking Fang Yi back is absolutely great.

"Stay." The other man said in a cold voice and his eyes were full.


The grass burst open, and the earth and rock rolled up tens of meters high like a big wave. It spread out from Fang Yi's feet and swept the palace. This is his power.

"Kill him!" The roar sounded, and all the experts here came out.

Fang Yi is fearless and goes forward to kill.

The wind is fast and the lightning is fast. There is a layer of wind and thunder on the body surface. The rocks are broken and the ground is ploughed into a terrible gully.

When he rushed far away, there was a loud sound, because his speed was too fast, far supersonic, and the air behind him burst like thunder in the rear.

A battle starts again, the stratum collapses and the divine light shines. If there is a big sun rising underground, it will be hot and coexist with terror, emitting great authority.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!