Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2427

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:05:05 AM

Chapter 2427

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The fire appeared on the three thousand green road. 1200, 1300, 1400

Two thousand flames burned the clouds and shrouded the sky.

Zhang lie condensed the sword light with source force and spread it in his body.

Towering sword * *!

The sword's edge is like waves, and the sword's momentum is like the sea. The sword light turns into rough waves and suppresses the fire light.

When 2100 flames were burned, Zhang lie swallowed the holy fruit again.

Two thousand and two hundred flames ignite, the law of entanglement in the body resonates and ignites at the same time, and the body attacks each other.

Every step, we must reach the limit.

After 2200 flames burned, Zhang lie was in decline, but after eating a piece of snow-white leaves, his body crackled and his blood gas soon boiled.

Then, Zhang lie lit the fire of 2300 laws again. The fire was like a dragon and ran around in his body.

Wave fist · extinction!

The demon snake rushes into the body and opposes the fire of law. The devoid force erupts in the body and is burned by the fire of law.

When the 2300 fire burned out, he took the holy fruit to recover. As the fire continued to increase, he felt that he was getting stronger!

When the 2400 flames burned out, Zhang lie turned into a corpse again. With the more fire of the law, more holy and miraculous medicines were needed. Zhang lie felt that he might not have enough.

Two thousand and five hundred flames were lit, which was stronger than before. Two thousand and five hundred fireworks were dazzling, sometimes like a phoenix breaking through the clouds, sometimes a giant dragon flying in the sky, sometimes like a layer of red dusk scattered and condensed in the air for a long time

It's like the fire of heaven and earth. It's all condensed around Zhang lie. It's dazzling and makes people can't open their eyes.

Golden Tiger change!

The empty shadow of the golden tiger emerged behind him, and the roar of the tiger echoed. The huge golden tiger was like a metal structure, with a sword mountain on his back. Zhang lie himself also changed, and his hair turned silver and stood up like silver needles.

The source force also becomes sharp. The silver like source force condenses around the body and rises up layer by layer. Golden Tiger spots appear on the arms, like metal. The eyes become tiger eyes, like fierce war animals, more like the violent God of war, and the domineering spirit erupts all over the body.

The purpose of using golden tiger transformation is not to fight, but to strengthen yourself and your body.

Two thousand and six hundred flames were lit, and the sea of fire ran across the sky. One by one, the crazy waves of fire seemed to want to swallow the sky.

Dragon and turtle change!

The virtual shadow of the Dragon turtle emerged behind him. The water in his body belongs to phase, and the nature of the source force began to transform. It evolved into thick solid water, and the source force turned into a dark yellow water source force. The source force scattered circle after circle, such as ripple, sea tide and dark yellow mud.

With the help of the land changing characteristics of dragon and turtle, improve their own defense and fight against the fire of law.

Zhang lie persevered. Every hundred times he added, he would be torn open and blackened inside and outside. It's terrible. I have to stop and cultivate for a while.

Fortunately, he got enough holy fruit to support what he needed. It's as casual as eating radishes and cabbage

When the 2700 God flame appeared, Zhang lie suffered a great disaster and almost died. Many of the burned bones were broken, which was terrible.

It is precisely because of this that he was submerged by the infinite law, baptized his body, and the fire washed away his internal organs, which made his physique more tenacious. As long as he can survive, he will naturally have a great harvest.

In fact, after the 2700 divine fire light rose, Zhang lie's external law divine chain became much thicker and stronger, as if the truth had emerged.

Unfortunately, with a puff, it finally dispersed and blurred.

"Don't try again." The old man persuaded him that it was too dangerous. Just now, Zhang lie almost died and his eyes were dim.

"Don't take risks. The road you take is too difficult. There is a problem. You shouldn't work so hard."

"Others can succeed, and I have no problem." Zhang lie regained his vitality and silently thought about how to get through the difficulties.

Obviously, after stepping out of your own way, you can't make any tricks. You can only fight it step by step. Success is success and failure is failure. Of course, if you lose, you have to die.

"There are hundreds of years of accumulation, and you know he can succeed?" The old man shook his head.

Zhang liecai has lived for less than a few decades, and all his feelings and accumulation are far less than that of the young supreme.

"I've lived a long time. How many people want to take this road, but they all fall on the road." The old man said.

In fact, over the past few days, several young supreme masters have died, both in form and spirit, because they want to take that step.

Zhang lie suddenly said, "I have failed once..."

That time, let me lose my life.

"Just because I have experienced the failure of losing my life, I know one thing clearly. If I really want to give up, I will lose my life."

If you give up because of a few simple words of persuasion, it's not Zhang lie.

Two thousand six hundred God's fire appeared again, covered the sky and the earth, drowned him, and all roads roared together, shaking heaven and earth.

Longgui change · Zhenhai monument!

The ancient huge stone tablet is suspended above the head, and the unknown words are shining, suppressing all the energy of heaven and earth, and even the law is affected.

The firelight of heaven and earth seems to converge here at once, shining brightly and reflecting the three thousand green roads.

Even if Zhenhai stele is suppressed, this time, Zhang lie is still half burned. Although he has passed the dead robbery, the law God chain is still vague and never really appears.

He recovered from his injury for a long time.

Strange to say, the strange and ominous never came, but it was quiet.

Two thousand seven hundred gods burned, and Zhang lie seemed to melt. His flesh and blood were broken, his bones were blackened, and even his soul was about to disperse.

The endless impact of laws will break him down and turn him into dust.

Dragon and tortoise change · four steles fall together!

The four black stone tablets surround the source of passivity to form a black area. The four stone tablets vibrate at the same time, and the ripples scatter in circles. The ripples and space are integrated into one. Gravity, energy and will are suppressed at the same time, and time stagnates in the area.

The dragon and tortoise changed into four steles to fight against the fire of law. This time, the law God chain became stronger, but finally collapsed.

"I'm unwilling!"

The 2800 flames burned, and the cremation of the law turned into a sea of fire, drowning everything.

Wave fist · shake the ground!

The space vibrated, drums sounded from the earth, and three thousand green roads vibrated, but it was of no use at all. The 2800 lights of fire were too strong. Zhang lie was wrapped in the lights of fire, burned under the fire of the law, and even his bones were burned. The law of combustion was wrapped around the whole person, as if he had been pulled into the furnace of hell for casting.

The fire of the law of terror is more blazing than the fire of hell, and the soul is burned. Finally, Zhang lie is burned into a piece of dry firewood, loses consciousness and falls to the ground.

The old man was startled and hurried to Zhang lie to check his injury.

At this time, Zhang lie's bones were burned, his internal organs were burned dry, his soul was dim, his Qi was like a hairspring, and his vitality was almost cut off.

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