Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2470

Published at 18th of June 2022 04:03:58 AM

Chapter 2470

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The sword light rose into the sky, broke through the dark clouds above his head and illuminated the whole void. Under the white light, Li Feng was like a God coming to earth.

The spirit of the Dragon shadow sword in the star master's hand of the sword domain is bright, and countless sword lights emerge around him, just like the stars in the sky. With the wave of the illusory dragon shadow sword in his hand, the sword light converges and rises at night.

The sword light collided, and the sword idea was like a sea. The fierce sword idea fluctuated and spread round and round. The world trembled, and the void shook unceasingly. The sword light wiped away, the surrounding mountains collapsed and flattened, and the endless light burst, which made the whole planet tremble.

The star master of sword domain was shocked, and his sword was suppressed.

"This is absolutely impossible."

He is the star master of the sword field. He once swept the starry sky with one sword.

"You should go back to sleep!"

The radiance converged on the sword. With the cutting out of the sword light, dozens of dragons fell like stars and cut through the sky. Each dragon emitted starlight, like dozens of stars tearing time and space.

Holy dragon breaking the universe · Xinglong sword

The Star River Falls, the stars surround, and the Star River is like a belt.

The star leader of the sword region was beaten back and forth. He was really hard to accept. He was forcibly suppressed by Li Feng on his most confident sword.


The star master of the sword realm roared like a wild dog forced to a dead end. The sword turned the realm into light and cut open the galaxy.

Holy dragon breaks the sky · light dragon chop!

Li Feng held the sword high above his head, and the silver white dragon rushed out from behind and integrated into the sword. The white light burst out and broke through the sky. The dragon and sword were integrated, and the sword light turned into a dragon.

The two fought fiercely in the sky. The sword light was shining in the sky. They cut open the void. The battle was extremely fierce. It seemed that two lights were entangled. They were too fast. They were waving their sharp blades and doing their best to use their sword moves. They fought together. The sword blades collided, the sword lights cut each other, clanged and splashed sparks.

Both of them are destined to stand on the peak of this fierce sword battle.

The unreal dragon shadow sword was inserted into Li Feng's chest, and the arm of the star master in the sword domain was forcibly cut off.

With Li Feng's life intensity, a sword can't kill him. He pulls out the illusory dragon shadow sword. Before the star master in the sword field reacts, Li Feng cuts out with a swift sword.

The soul of the star master in the sword domain was torn and suffered heavy damage.

Holy dragon breaks the universe · Galaxy random dragon chop!

Li Feng cut out dozens of sword lights one after another. The sword light is like the Milky way, Cui Li is brilliant, the white and silver star light is like a river, tens of millions of silver stars spread out, the sword light is as bright as the Milky way, the sword potential is like a dragon, the momentum is surging, the sword shadow is as shining as the stars, and the sword idea is as deep and boundless as the stars.

The starlight hovered and cut out with the Dragon shadow of the Milky way, which was dazzling.

The remnant soul of the star master of the sword region has suffered heavy damage and become fragmented.

Holy dragon breaks the sea!

Li Feng cut out a sword light, and the surging sword idea turned into a light dragon, revealing the momentum of indomitable progress and penetrating the remnant soul of the star master of the sword domain.

After the star master of the sword region suffered heavy damage, the pale soul shrank into a pale flame and suspended in the air.

Li Feng slowly approached the pale flame. At this time, the pale flame suddenly rushed towards Li Feng and crashed into his body. The voice of the star master of the sword domain sounded in his body: "I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time."

The star master of the sword domain deserves to have been wandering in the starry sky for many years. After being suppressed by the sword in Li Feng's hand, the star master of the sword domain immediately changed his plan and showed the enemy that he was weak first. In order to invade Li Feng's body, he seized Li Feng's body from the inside.

Li Feng smiled coldly and said, "how do you know I'm not waiting for you?"

The star Lord of the sword region is waiting for this moment, isn't Li Feng?

A hundred divine fire genes in the body burn, and the sky god prison inflammation besieges the past, so as to ignite the weak ghost of the star master in the sword domain.

"There is something about your special divine fire, which has a strong restraining effect on the soul, but even if I'm just a remnant, I'm also the remnant of the Lord of the star domain."

Based on their own soul power, the star master of sword domain evolved countless sword lights, tearing prison inflammation and attacking Li Feng's soul.

"When did I say I was going to burn you? I forgot to tell you that besides sword, my best skill is soul attack!"

Li Feng evolved sword moves with his own soul.

Holy Dragon Sword - Soul destruction!

The sword light is as fierce as a dragon. The momentum is startling. The white light dragon shadow hovers and the sword intention erupts.

The monarch level Soul Eater soul jade flies out, swallows several soul swords, transmits the soul power to Li Feng, and the prison inflammation is integrated into the attack.

When the sword light was cut out, there was a crack in the sky. It was like a crack in the sky. The divinity was everywhere, like holy light and harmony. It was more like the gate of heaven. The white light dragon shadow rose into the sky, like guiding the soul into the gate of heaven.

Endless prison inflammation erupted, as if to burn all the souls in the world.

The remnant soul of the star master in the sword region suffered heavy damage and lost its previous combat effectiveness.

Li Feng is stronger than him on the sword. There is no reason why he also has a powerful and unparalleled soul. He pulls Li Feng into the soul battlefield he is best at. How can I say that he is also the soul of the master of the star domain. Although he is a remnant soul and even suffered heavy damage, the remnant soul of the master of the star domain is higher than Li Feng, who is not even the God residence.

Where to think of the soul is not Li Feng's weakness at all. On the contrary, it is one of Li Feng's strengths.

After Zhang lie left, it was Li Feng who developed the soul killing move to solve the problem of demigod jelly.

The remnant soul of the star master of the sword domain was ignited in an instant. He screamed miserably, "come on, sword!"

However, Jianling was indifferent.

The remnant soul of the star master of the sword region was shocked and said, "why doesn't my sword spirit listen to me?"

Li Feng sneered: "it seems that your sword spirit prefers the strong."

In the scream of the star master of the sword domain, he was burned by prison inflammation, and Li Feng himself began to change. His bones were like metal and crystal. He was very brilliant. His body was promoted in an all-round way. There was no progression layer by layer, and there was no separation and opposition.

The flesh body is a whole, and the blood is shining, becoming a crystal river to nourish the flesh body. Then the wisps of divine light transpiration from the flesh and blood, baptize the viscera and make them transparent, like jade after jade, and finally the bone shines.

The divinity is displayed on the body. Li Feng transforms the remnant soul of the star master in the sword domain into his own divine fire.

The pale divine fire rose into the sky, broke through the atmosphere of the planet and lit up the whole starry sky. The fire of law burned and the flesh body constantly degenerated. That layer of membrane solidified and combined with flesh, viscera and bones.

There are strange textures in flesh, viscera and bones, which can't see clearly. Ordinary people feel dizzy when they look at it, as if it contains countless mysteries.

The inherent law of flesh and blood is refined and reshaped in all ways. It is tough and elastic, containing explosive power.

The whole planet is shaking. The bright light turns into a heaven ladder and goes straight to the end of the starry sky. The brand of Shendi appears in the starry sky. The dense brand of Shendi is like a lot of stars. Each brand of Shendi is different, some are extremely cold, some are like a big sun, and some are glittering with thunder... All kinds are like stars hanging overhead.

A dazzling dragon sword was branded in the starry sky. The world feedback fell and bathed Li Feng's whole body. He further transformed himself. With a roar, his power shook the starry sky.

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