Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2590

Published at 28th of November 2022 01:00:22 PM

Chapter 2590

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The sword light turned into a giant wave dragon, with scales like ice crystals, and thunder light surrounding it.

The sea of ​​blood churned, the blood water turned into a sea dragon, and the black mist turned into a tsunami.

The clouds of lead came, like the night shrouded, the black fog rolled, the darkness shrouded the earth, everything was swallowed up by the darkness, and everything in front of me lost its light, as if ominous engulfed the earth, as if the end of the world had come.

The sword light dragon, the blood dragon, and the thunder dragon, three different dragons rolled in the black mist, and the black spear erupted, like a demon attack.

The blood dragon and the black dragon are intertwined in the sky, the light of the spiral sword swept to the four directions, and the shadow of the sword and the sword filled the whole world.

The black fog gathered, the demon god suppressed all directions, the sword light giant dragon, the blood dragon, the thunder dragon, the demon god black spear, one after another powerful attack destroyed everything.

This place is rampant, the world is shaking, the thunder is like the sea, the light is endless, and the horror is overwhelming.


The two forces collided together, the law between the two boiled, the light was shining, the black mist was terrifying, the dragon screamed, the sword contended, and the body and soul were destroyed.

The Mingshu was severely damaged, most of its branches were cut off, a large piece of the trunk was gnawed away, and even the roots were torn apart. If the Mingshu hadn't grabbed the ground just now, it would have been attacked by Zhang Lie. Pulled away.

The black mist is surging, the torn parts are being repaired quickly, and the branches are growing again.

The existence and power of the Mingshu itself are extremely strange. Even if a large piece is torn away, as long as there is enough time, it can be restored.

This is not so much a huge and tenacious vitality compared to the World Tree, but a strange ability to survive.

Naturally, Zhang Lie would not give Mingshu time to recover, so he immediately pursued it!

Three cut heaven and earth!

The runes engraved by [Key of Creation] appeared.

The runes are flaming, densely distributed inside and outside the body.

His head is full of black hair, his eyes are like lightning, and the whole body is cloudy. Just like a god, his breath is astonishing.


Suddenly, with a loud shout, the fire of the law burned, the bones crackled, the flesh trembled, and the endless spirit and divine transformation dragon rushed up.


The sound of the gods is endless, and it is even more dazzling, like the emergence of the fairy world, dazzling and amazing, where the divine splendor is boiling.

The Guizang Sword was slowly raised, the whole body was surging with Ruixia, and the color mist was dense. His mind was condensed here.


Finally, he let out a light drink.


Divine power fluctuates, auspicious colors, endless ripples spread, like the roar of the divine voice, the universe is divided into two, above the horizon, the space is torn, the black and white forces erupt like a volcanic tsunami, the white power ascends to the sky, the black power makes to the whole sea shaking.

The sky and the earth are eclipsed, and everything is gathered on this sword mark. The creation of the heaven and the earth, and the changes of all things, are all in it. Chaos and the void appear within the line of sight, and black and white are intertwined.

This blow, which has gone beyond the concept, is a blow that returns everything to the original, and turns the original into a blow to everything.

One is ten thousand, ten thousand is one.

Before the sword light erupted, the might of the sword had already made the Mingshu tremble, his body twisted, and under the heavy pressure of the might of the sword, the body of the tree shattered inch by inch, and the black mist spread out.

The underworld tree broke out again, black mist rose into the sky, the demonic energy was soaring to the sky, and the strange creatures eroded by the demonic energy condensed a huge demon god unicorn.

Surrounded by black mist, it emits a cold and demonic light, which makes people's hair stand up.

The flames of the two thousand laws blazed into the night, covering the entire sky, and a strange and ominous black light illuminated the world.

The black unicorn surrounds more than 2,000 lawful flames, each scale is like a black sun, and the rune brand is burning.

The flames cover it up, as if the holy beast of hell descends, surrounded by black law flames.

The huge wings flapped behind him, and the sword light erupted in the sky, the sword light turned into a tsunami, and the churning black mist turned into a giant dragon.

The black mist mixed with the power of space and thunder, and the hundred-headed dragon erupted with a large amount of sword light.

In the sword light, there are turbulent sword intent, space and thunder, as well as ominous and strange power.

The blood mist gathers around, the black mist and the dark prison flame wrap the fist, and layers of fine dragon scales emerge, and the dragon of black flame circles in the arm, rushing out with the fist.

It turned into a round of eternal black sun, killing it.

The flame of the law surrounded the giant demon unicorn and rushed out.

Zhang Lie's sword light fell, heaven and earth reopened, and all things were destroyed. This was a catastrophe, and no one could escape from this sword.

The sword light was dazzling, slashing all the way, splitting everything.

Whether it is the flame of law surrounding the giant demon unicorn, the eternal black sun, or the sword light with sword intent, space and thunder, as well as the ominous and strange power sword light, they are all split in the sword light.

This sword is enough to open up the world.

On the other hand, Tian Luoxian waved, the blade strength is endless, sharp and fierce, containing the power of collapsing mountains and breaking prisons, cutting rocks and cutting ravines, and shattering all things in the world.

Heaven-devouring nine knives, avalanche knives!

As the domineering sword light fell, the void and air were cracked inch by inch, like a mountain torrent, nothing could stop it, shattering the light of the extreme sun.


The golden light exploded like the sun, everything in front of him was dyed into a piece of gold, and the sky and the earth collapsed.

The underworld tree was chopped up and exploded, and the flame of the law burned, burning all the broken wood to ashes, not allowing it to have any chance of recovery.

The battle is finally over, not only this side, the other extreme squad members, even the battle of the ancient saint is over.

In the starry sky, there are many strong talents who can surpass the future of failure, not only Zhang Lie and the members of the extreme team.

As the dark tree was chopped to pieces, the ominous and eerie black fog faded a lot.

Gu Shengzi looked at Zhang Lie once again, the conflict between him and this group of star powerhouses had reached the point where it could not be resolved.

Just then, there was a sound from above.


Suddenly, the divine brilliance emanated, and the golden light was like a reflection of the sun, illuminating the whole world. The light was like a galaxy of stars.

In the center of Xinghai, there is a golden egg as bright as the sun.

At this moment, the golden egg was beating like a heart, and the cracks on it continued to spread, and golden flames spilled out from the cracks, burning the black mist in all directions. Everyone present knew that the golden egg and its contents were about to come out, and Sun Mengmeng was about to hatch. .


Gu Shengzi moved. He didn't stop, just paid a brief attention, and rushed forward.

He wants to kill Sun Mengmeng before he completes the hatching, and seize the fortune of Xingfeng.

Obviously, the young king of the star hunter also beheaded the failed future, and he disappeared in a flash.

Everyone's eyes are red, and in the face of Xingfeng's creation, who wouldn't be moved?

That is the supreme power that shines with the sun and the moon, coexists with the heaven and the earth, and is indestructible for all eons.

Not to mention them, all the giants in the starry sky have learned that they will fight to the death, and they will fight to the end, with blood flowing into rivers and bones like mountains.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!