Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2598

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:59:56 PM

Chapter 2598

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"Recycling flesh and blood is to become stronger and get rid of the suppression of Xingfeng's inheritance." Sun Mengmeng spread her hands and said: "Although I also inherited some authority, but even Xingfeng's will can't do it, I can only suppress it."

Alienation ominous and strange power separates, guides Qingyuege, breaks Sun Mengmeng's blockade of the ruins, and at a critical time, it even erodes Qingyuege and turns into that strange monster.

"I really didn't expect you to come." Sun Mengmeng recalled the danger at the beginning, and breathed a sigh of relief. If Zhang Lie and the extreme team and others were not there, she would be in danger.

Yang Ze rubbed his nose and said, "Our companions are dangerous, so it is only natural that we rush over, just like knowing that I am dangerous, you will rush over."

Sun Mengmeng looked away: "That's not necessarily true."

Fang Yi nodded and said, "It's not necessarily true."

Sun Xiaowu agreed: "I can't deny it, nor can I be absolutely certain."

Li Feng said: "Some things are not impossible, but maybe."

Yang Ze said in exasperation: "Hey! Can we be good friends? The boat of friendship can be overturned without saying that it is overturned!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and the atmosphere was much lighter.

Although Xingkong has come all the way, everyone has experienced a lot. After a smile, they have changed in two years, and they have not changed. They are still the limit team when they left Xingkong Fortress.

Zhang Lie asked the question he had always been concerned about: "What happened to your eyes before?"

Sun Mengmeng's 100 eyes reappeared on her body. The golden eyes were like torches, and the starlight covered her body like fog. She asked, "Brother Lie, don't you feel familiar?"

After careful observation, Zhang Lie was surprised to discover: "Shen Huo Gene!?"

Sun Mengmeng nodded and said, "I just use the method you taught, Brother Lie, to transform the ominous and strange power left in the inheritance of Xingfeng into divine fire genes."

Zhang Lie said in surprise: "It's really a bold operation."

Even as the creator of the divine fire gene method, he never thought of transforming the ominous and bizarre power into divine fire genes.

Don't even dare to think about it.

Are ominous and weird powers compatible with the human body?

Sun Mengmeng's action is really cool.

"You actually succeeded."

Ze Yang was also very surprised.

The same Wei once tried to transform the power of ominous and strange into divine fire genes. Yang Ze is very aware of the strangeness and intractability of this power, which cannot be mastered by human beings.

As if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Yang Ze couldn't believe it, and even when he saw it with his own eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

Yang Ze came back to his senses and said, "So, you're not a human anymore?"

Sun Mengmeng said: "Actually, my situation is quite special. The power of ominous and strange is not the kind that Xingfeng brought back. After a long time, it has been entangled with Xingfeng's will, and it exists in the inheritance of Xingfeng. Force erodes part of the authority of the Xingfeng Ruins, at the same time, the ominous and strange power is also eroded by the Xingfeng heritage, it should be said that they are integrated with each other."

This was also the reason why Xingfeng's consciousness could not be eliminated. Not only was the power alienated, but it became part of the inheritance and could not be separated.

After a long period of time, the power of ominous and strange experienced the second alienation, and the power of Xingfeng's inheritance became no longer pure, so that Sun Mengmeng, the inheritor, had a chance to take advantage.

"If you didn't come here, I guess I've failed."

Sun Mengmeng has always been confined to the golden egg, fighting against ominous and strange forces. Without Zhang Lie and the extreme team arriving, the magic circle in the core area will be opened.

This was originally a pit, the trap prepared by the ominous and strange power, and the moment the golden egg was broken, the exploration team organized by Qingyuege would all become puppets of the ominous and strange power.

Even if Gu Shengzi, Dark God Son, Hong Hao, Yin Ren, and the Nine Generations of the Immortal King can block the ominous and strange power, it is hard to say who wins and who loses.

From the previous battle, it was seen that the Dark God Son did not know the reason, and had little resistance to ominous and strange forces, and his mind would be corroded at once.

However, no matter what the final result is, Sun Mengmeng is definitely dead.

If Zhang Lie did not arrive in time, even if Sun Mengmeng finally hid in the small world, the inheritance would be robbed by Gu Shengzi, Dark God Son, Hong Hao, and Hidden Blade.

In the end, it is unknown whether the four of them were eroded by the ominous and strange forces of mutation, or whether the four of them worked together to suppress them.

The only thing that is certain is that Sun Mengmeng, the original inheritor, will definitely be beheaded by four people.

Even if the four of them let Sun Mengmeng go, they would take her out of the ruins and give it to Qinglian Maiden in exchange for Qinglian's reward.

"If the alienated Qingyuege hadn't come over and led away some of the alienation's ominous and weird power, I wouldn't be able to get the Xingfeng inheritance."

The power of alienation ominous and strange has always existed in the inheritance of Xingfeng, and Sun Mengmeng suppressed it with all his strength. Even if Zhang Lie had the method of igniting the divine fire gene, Sun Mengmeng would not make a desperate attempt to transform the alienation ominous and strange power into divine fire.

If Qingyuege didn't lead away part of the alienated power, Sun Mengmeng would not be able to transform completely. There was only one result of forcibly igniting it, that is, it was eroded by the ominous and strange power of mutation and turned into a puppet.

Sun Mengmeng once again expressed her gratitude.

Zhang Lie asked, "What's so special about your Shenhuo gene?"

Yang Ze nodded and said, "When you were beating Gu Shengzi earlier, your divine fire genes seemed to be a bit special."

Sun Mengmeng didn't hide it from her most trusted partner.

"I can see the other party's future, and reflect the power of the other party's future to the present. However, it is not an infinite steal, but there is a limit, or a limit."

Yang Ze frowned and asked, "Is it also a future of failure?"

Sun Mengmeng shook her head and said, "It's not a future of failure, but I can't tell exactly what kind of future it is. The limit depends on my own strength, and I can't steal more than five times my own strength. A future that can steal three times its own strength."

If you directly steal five times the future, Sun Mengmeng will collapse immediately.

Fang Yi couldn't help but ask: "What is that ominous and strange power, and why can it evolve us into a failed future."

Sun Mengmeng shook her head and said, "All I know is that the information left by Xingfeng's consciousness is related to reincarnation. It is a terrible enemy that the Xiancang era once faced."

Zhang Lie knew more, but he didn't plan to say it, he wasn't sure yet.

Sun Mengmeng said: "I've said so much about myself. It's your turn, brother lie, what did you encounter in Tianxing College? Your strength has improved a lot."

Zhang Lie said: "Study, archaeology, and going to the starry sky."

Except for Sun Mengmeng, who had hardly come into contact with many creatures in the starry sky, all the members of the extreme team were shocked.

Fang Yi was shocked and said, "brother lie, you actually went to the starry sky!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!