Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2600

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:59:52 PM

Chapter 2600

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The mighty battlefield is like a meat grinder. Whether it is the Starry Sky Fortress or the Gene Beast Starfield, almost all the power from the bottom of the box is put into the battlefield. , is totally worthless.

Jun Jiuxiao's performance on the battlefield was outstanding, and because he was so conspicuous, he was surrounded by a group of genetic beasts.

Ink Claws!

Inky black smoke shrouded, black claw shadows emerged from the smoke, like ghost claws in the dark night, extremely strange and ubiquitous, blood flowers splashed in the black mist, and a head of genetic beast fell.

Jun Jiuxiao turned his head to the black mist and said, "Thank you."


Ye Xianchen's voice came from the black fog, and the black fog turned into figures.

Night Demon Sword!

Ye Xianchen, who was transformed by the black mist, held a sharp blade, like a demon descending, and the black source rose up into the sky, turning into a hideous demon face, the black magic sword was about to be cut off, and genetic beasts continued to die under her sword.

Ye Xianchen and Jun Jiuxiao swept across the battlefield. With the combined efforts of the two, they tore a hole in the army of genetic beasts. The warriors of the extreme martial arts hall were like a sharp blade, piercing the battlefield and charging.

In the extreme martial arts hall, the members work together to tear apart the battlefield and gain an advantage for the star fortress.

But as more god-level genetic beasts entered the battlefield, this advantage was quickly suppressed.

Jun Jiuxiao said angrily, "How many god-level gene beasts are there on the gene beast side!"

Ye Xianchen said: "It is estimated that the genetic beast has taken out all the family's assets."

Although the Star Fortress has two years to recuperate, it is still too weak compared to the huge genetic beast group.

The starry sky suddenly turned pale, and countless silver-white stars appeared above the head, shining all over the sky, and countless silver-light meteors shot towards the extreme martial arts team.

The extreme martial arts team was too conspicuous and suffered strong hunting.

A figure rushed out of the team and raised a large shield.

The source of power above the big shield erupted and turned into a big shield, covering the top of the team in the extreme martial arts hall.

The meteor smashed on the big shield, constantly bursting open, the silver light was brilliant, and the big shield oscillated, but it was abruptly blocked.

Jun Jiuxiao gave a thumbs up and said, "Nasi did a great job."

"Don't worry about us, you all do your best!" A woman raised a large shield, blocking all attacks.

Nancy Kam

The guardian of the fantasy realm at the time has become the guardian of the extreme martial arts team at this time.

He was given the title of Guardian Martial Emperor by Buwentian, and within two years, he has become the Guardian Martial Emperor.

Regardless of the evaluation of the sky, she may become the guardian of the starry sky fortress.

"Don't tell me, we will too!"

Ye Xianchen and Jun Jiuxiao both looked at the figure of the super god-level genetic beast in the distance.

The background of the gene beast star field exceeded the expectations of the two, and the super god-level gene beast that they had been hard to see before appeared today as if it were not worth the money.

Jun Jiuxiao grinned and said, "Isn't this a good thing?"

"It's really a good thing, it just replenishes our super god-level genes!" Ye Xianchen suddenly took a step back and said, "Help me clear the field, and protect me!"

Jun Jiuxiao asked, "Do you want to use that trick again?"

However, Ye Xianchen's eyes had turned jet black, and he was preparing.

Jun Jiuxiao spreads his wings, the wind and thunder are terrifying, the thunder and thunder drown the world, and the splendor is incomparable. In an instant, the wind and thunder are strong, the wind is mighty, and the golden light is surging, inspiring the world-shaking speed. time.

Heaven and earth were slashed open by a golden light, and the sword light swept across a large area of ​​Gene Beast, emptying this piece of Gene Beast.

The black ghost gas turned into a ghost face, hovering around the body, Ye Xianchen seemed to be the incarnation of the ghost of the underworld, the black smoke enveloped the sky, and the dark magic tome was evolved to the extreme by Ye Xianchen.

Darkness descended, devouring the world, countless ghost claws attacked from all directions, the genetic beasts in all directions were forcibly torn apart, and blood and souls converged.

Ye Xianchen was holding an ancient book from nowhere, with an old cover and a hideous devil's head embedded in the writing.

As the chanting started, it sounded like a rumbling sound at first, a little peaceful, but later it turned out to be gloomy, accompanied by the sound of ghosts crying and howling.

The soul of the genetic beast was ignited, the bodies of the genetic beast burst open, and the blood mist gathered.


The strong wind is blowing, coming from all directions, and there are many ghosts!

As if the gate of hell was opened, the group of demons rushed over, too many ghosts and shadows.

Ye Xianchen alone created an army to kill the genetic beast.

Every time a ghost kills a Gene Beast, it becomes stronger. Conversely, if a Gene Beast kills a ghost, it will only usher in another ghost hunt.

As long as Ye Xianchen was still standing on the battlefield, there would be a steady stream of ghosts.

The army of gene beasts also realized this problem. The silver-white super god-level gene beast once again burst into a dazzling light. The silver-white light shot up into the sky, and countless pale stars appeared above their heads.

Jun Jiuxiao let out a long roar, the wind and thunder were deafening, the divine light rushed into the sky, the thunder was like the sea, the wings of the wind and thunder spread out, the wind and thunder made a great effort, and they rushed past, and the sword glowed.

The streamer shines all over the sky, and the silver-light meteors fall from the sky, densely turning into a silver-light meteor shower.

The sword light danced, smashing the meteor, the wings made a sound of wind and thunder, bursting with golden light, the wind and thunder burst, the thunder dragon flew into the sky, the wind and thunder made a great deal, and the terror was overwhelming, drowning the front.

The stars in the four directions of the battlefield are all vacant, thunder like the sea, a pair of wind and thunder wings spread, if two broad swords come, and the lightning is blazing, crackling, like a thunder god erupting, killing the silver-white super god-level genetic beast.

Jun Jiuxiao was covered in golden flames, and the pair of wind and thunder wings behind him were even more brilliant. If they were made of divine gold, when they slapped, there were thousands of electric lights, covering the sky.

The wind and thunder wings slapped, and lightning flashed across the sky. Jun Jiuxiao took out a soul jade longbow and opened the bowstring with a buzzing sound.

A golden arrow flew out, sharp and threatening.

Everyone was taken aback, this was not like an arrow, but more like a mountain coming down, rolling and roaring, and the breath was amazing.

But this arrow was blocked.

Jun Jiuxiao didn't panic, he quickly pulled the bow and arrows, and with the sound of the bowstring, the golden arrows shot out, and the bright golden light streaked across the sky.

The first arrow was like a thunderstorm, setting off a terrifying wave, each wave being higher than the next, very terrifying.


The first arrow was shot, and the sky-shattering sound broke out, and the dazzling light covered the sky and the earth.

The second arrow attacked, and it became stronger and smashed the super god-level genetic beast. Then the third arrow lashed out, and the light rose a lot again.

And so on, an arrow is more powerful than a sword, the light is bright, and the soul is compelling.

The power is superimposing and continuously increasing. When the eighth arrow comes, it is like a sea of ​​​​wind and thunder, and it is terrifying!

The super god-level genetic beast's eyes were full of fear, and he never thought that Jun Jiuxiao would be so fierce, and he used all his strength to block the eighth arrow.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!