Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2622

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:59:12 PM

Chapter 2622

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"Even if the secret is brought into the coffin, it is also brought by the body. I am just a clone, and I only know so much."

Zhang Lie gritted his teeth.

Buwen Tian had been a riddleman for half his life, but he never thought that he would continue to be a riddleman after he died.

Zhang Lie thought he already knew most of the secrets of the Milky Way universe and all the riddles of Wuwentian. As a result, after this guy died, he even came up with new riddles.

I don't know if the seniors were unintentional or malicious.

In the end, Zhang Lie went back full of questions, and Yang Ze hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What is the management core of the gene world?"

"I don't know if I see it."

The members of the extreme squad were all stunned.

Heck! ?

Not long ago, they all attended Wuwentian's funeral, but now Zhang Lie said that seeing Wuwentian, the members of the extreme team naturally had a hellish expression.

Yang Ze couldn't help but ask, "He jumped out of the coffin?"

"Just a clone."

After hearing Zhang Lie's words, the members of the extreme team understood and breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they felt regretful.

Yang Ze asked, "Now that the gene world belongs to you, brother lie, how do you plan to use it?"

"I don't plan to use it, just keep it like this for the time being." Zhang Lie shook his head, turned and flew towards the earth.

With the speed of Zhang Lie and the others, they had arrived on Earth China in a blink of an eye, and Zhang Lie went to the Extreme Martial Arts Hall immediately.

Back at the familiar place, scenes from the past came to my mind, Zhang Hong just came out of the martial arts hall, and Zhang Lie was about to come forward to say hello.

"Sister Hong, there is a document here, you can review it." The figure who was thinking about it all day long appeared in the line of sight.

Even in the past two hundred years, she is still so beautiful.

Before he came, Zhang Lie thought about a lot, thought about a lot of romantic ways to meet again, thought about a lot of things to say, but he didn't know what to say when they met suddenly. Holding that thin and weak body, a thousand words turned into one sentence: "I'm back."


Li Qianqian was surprised at first, that familiar warm feeling that she could never forget in her life, she hugged Zhang Lie tightly with her backhand, as if she wanted to merge into his body, all thoughts and thoughts turned into One word: "Welcome home."

The two hugged tightly for a long time, Zhang Lie found that his shoulders were wet with tears, Li Qianqian Lihua said with rain: "I'm not dreaming, you won't disappear as soon as I let go?"

Zhang Lie said softly, "You're not dreaming, I'm back, Qianqian."

Li Qianqian hugged tightly and didn't want to let go.

"It's okay to dream, let me hold you for a while longer."

Even if it's a dream, I just want to hug Zhang Lie for a while and feel the warmth he conveys.

For Zhang Lie, it was only two or three years apart from Li Qianqian, but there is a difference in the time between the gene world and the starry sky. Li Qianqian has been there for two hundred years.

Zhang Lie made up his mind, gently pushed Li Qianqian away, knelt down on one knee, stretched out his hand to the sky, surrounded by blue light, his divine power surging and condensed into a ring, and in his hand there was an extra ring like a sapphire crystal.

The law of divine fire emerged, cast on the ring, and turned into a golden ring.

With Zhang Lie's strength and divine power, the ring will remain unchanged for thousands of years, and the rules of casting will not guarantee immortality, but it will not diminish for thousands of years, which represents Zhang Lie's love.

"marry me."

They have waited too long.

Zhang Lie waited for two lifetimes.

Li Qianqian waited for two hundred years.

Zhang Lie has never proposed marriage, that is because the two are not from the same world after all, he is from the galaxy universe, and Li Qianqian was born into the gene world.

There is a huge time difference between the two worlds. Zhang Lie has been in the galaxy for one year, and the gene world does not know how many years have passed.

Zhang Lie couldn't stop, he didn't want Li Qianqian to wait, he just wanted her to be happy, even if the person around him wasn't him.

He didn't want to look back suddenly, he was still the same, she was old.

But Li Qianqian told Zhang Lie with action that love for him can break through the walls of two worlds.

He is willing to live a lifetime for Li Qianqian, and Li Qianqian is also willing to travel the world for Zhang Lie.

Li Qianqian's tears flowed out, "Wow," like a flood without a dike. She covered her face and asked, "I'm not dreaming, right?"

Zhang Lie raised his head and asked sincerely, "I may be a poor fiancé, but I am willing to spend two lifetimes loving you, whether it is the last life, this life, or maybe the next life, I will love you, and you are willing to marry you. Am I a wife like this?"

Li Qianqian reached out and picked up the ring and was about to say, "I wished a long time ago..."

"Dad, what game are you playing?" With a flash of green light, Zhou Hui jumped over and asked curiously.

Zhou Ying hurriedly shouted: "Brother lie, I'm sorry, I'm not optimistic about Zhou Hui, she must want to see her father's hometown."

Li Qianqian's whole body trembled, and that face was like a ghost possessed.

Zhang Lie hurriedly said: "I didn't...I'm not...You misunderstand...I really don't!"

Zhang Hong said: "Oh, Zhang Lie, you are really... I don't even know how to say hello, you are too heartless, I know that a successful man like you, there are a few women who are very It's normal, but you have to know that Qianqian came to the galaxy universe for you from the gene world, without any relatives, and also worked hard day and night to take care of the family business, how can you..."

Zhang Lie shouted: "I don't... I'm not... I really don't!"


"It's a quagmire."

Yun Bing sat on the table at the family meeting, watching the group of elders making coaxing roars.

"Yun Bing, you must obtain more quotas for our family's gene beasts, especially the emperor-level and monarch-level genes."

"You are a member of our Yun family, try your best to strive for the interests of our family."

"We must fight for greater power in the power."

Yun Bing secretly sighed.

Why did it become like this?

Yun Bing admitted that she put all her thoughts on the gene world, ignoring the reasons on the family side, but she didn't expect it to turn into this.

Originally, when he joined Zhang Lie's side, Yun Bing was ready to cut himself off from the family. Later, the empire and the parliament became bigger and bigger, and some of the Yun family's children joined.

At that time, Yun Bing didn't think too much, and just followed the general procedure and arranged the capable people in the corresponding positions.

After Yun Bing was in a high position, the Yun family was firmly attached to the extreme martial arts hall.

She even used her reputation in the gene world and the extreme martial arts hall to gain some benefits in the empire, parliament, and fantasy realm.

Because the Yun family was very secretive and they didn't do anything out of the ordinary, Yun Bing didn't notice it. When they found out, there were many figures of the Yun family in the empire, the parliament, and the fantasy realm.

At first, I thought it was not a big problem. The empire, the parliament, and the core of the fantasy realm were still in the hands of the extreme martial arts hall.

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