Ultragene Warlord - Chapter 2692

Published at 28th of November 2022 12:57:02 PM

Chapter 2692

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The remaining power has passed three thousand epochs, and it still exists clearly, and the past is indelible, like an eternal lamp that will last forever in the world.

This kind of terrifying power has ten strands, and among them, he also feels the same source of ice power as Zhang Hanshuang. Of course, it does not come from his own sister, and the breath is different.

But that kind of power that stands on top of all laws, freezes time and space and laws, and freezes everything, Zhang Lie knows what this power is.

God body!

No, it is a level higher than the power of the divine body.

In Zhang Lie's cognition, there is only one that can have this kind of power throughout the ages.

No, there were as many as ten during the Immortal Cang period.

Ten Immortal Emperors.

"Even the Ten Immortal Emperors have come here?"

This is the legend of the Xiancang period that records that all the powerhouses have come here once.

"Is it... calling me?!" Zhang Lie's heart trembled.

The bones and the like could not attract his mind, but something else. In the center of this abyss, it is very clean, none of those skeletons have fallen there, and a soft radiance is shrouded.

There is an altar there, incomparably grand, unusually ancient, exuding chaos, like coexisting with heaven and earth, and it has been like this forever.

The altar is damaged and half-destroyed, but the breath and the vicissitudes of life still make people tremble, and they want to kneel down immediately and kowtow to it.

There was blood on the altar, some silver, some black, some purple, some blue, some bright red...

So far, it has never dried up, as if it has experienced the most tragic battle. Even if the blood is enveloped by the soft light of the altar, it has endless murderous intent!

The soul is throbbing. For the first time, I feel how terrifying the creatures of Xiancang are. It is obvious that the laws of blood are still there, and the murderous aura has not subsided, so it is extremely terrifying.

There is a feeling that any drop of this kind of blood is enough to kill the Lord of the Star Territory, etc. It is too tyrannical and incomparable.

In addition, there are broken golden branches and broken feathers on the altar, which is a terrifying sight.

"Are you calling me, why is that, and what does it have to do with me?" After Zhang Lie was shocked, it took a long time to calm down and asked softly.

The altar was blurred, and various void cracks appeared around it. In a trance, Zhang Lie felt that time and space were distorted, and the river of time seemed to be reversed.


Zhang Lie stepped back, feeling a strange and indescribable feeling.

The rumbling sound came, and in a trance, the altar was complete, no longer incomplete, and the ancient atmosphere was permeating, and it was blurred here.

"That is......!?"

The Tian Luo Immortal Saber in his hand was whispering softly, as if it was resonating, Zhang Lie's heart trembled, and he was so frightened that he almost threw the Tian Luo Immortal Saber out of his hand.

In the haze, he saw some living beings fighting, and someone broke through the blockade from this altar with Tianluo Xiandao.

"Zhou Hui and the others were defeated? Immortal Cang was destroyed? Is this...they escaped?" Zhang Lie looked at the vague scene like a dream.

Is that a re-enactment of the past? He stays here.

Zhang Lie was so shocked that he couldn't control himself, the whole person was petrified, and he froze in place.

This has nothing to do with the history he knows.

Although I haven't seen the evidence and the truth, but the servant of the Frozen Emperor who survived from Xiancang, the old grandmother knew that the Ten Immortal Emperors kept foreign enemies out of the starry sky....

"Failed, they lost..." Zhang Lie repeated this sentence.

With a shock of hum, tranquility was restored here, and the altar was broken again, no longer complete, and a soft light enveloped it.

On the altar, all kinds of blood are shocking.

Zhang Lie's whole body was messed up, and his mood was very chaotic.

"One is the present with a tragic victory, and the other is the past of the tragic defeat..." Zhang Lie didn't think the appearance of the altar was false, and Heiyuan came all the way to prove it all.

Although there is no evidence for the disastrous victory now, there are witnesses, and there were no witnesses in the past of the disastrous defeat, because everyone who knew it was already dead, but there are countless evidences to prove that all of this really happened.

It seems as if the past history is all false.

When you heard people in the past say that they won the victory at a heavy price and established the current order, but one day, someone brought all kinds of evidence in front of them and told you the real history, they did not win any victory, everything was is false.

At this time, do you believe in people from the past, or do you put evidence in front of you?

Zhang Lie soon realized that the past is not the only one. He knows that the past can be changed.

He is the best proof and evidence!

Who can change the past?

Zhang Lie sensed the power of time around him, and instantly thought of a person, or a strong person in the Immortal Cang period.

Time Immortal Emperor!

The legendary immortal emperor who can travel through time and space at will, change the past, and predict the future can change the past.

But the void distorts the display screen, not like what happened in the past, but more like everything that is happening now....

Is a failed future ahead?

The man held the Tianluo Immortal Saber, the blade was dazzling and unstoppable, and he forcibly cut a bloody path.

The knife glow is amazing, but it is full of cracks, revealing a sadness.

It was obviously a fierce battle. Even the Tianluo Immortal Saber cut off the edge of any weapon, and the metal used to forge the Immortal Saber could not withstand the terrifying and earth-shattering battle.

It was fighting against everything alone, cutting everything, and in the end, only the sadness of despair remained.

The Tian Luo Immortal Saber trembled more violently, moaning incessantly, as if it was resonating violently, more like calling him.

"Why, it makes no sense to call me here?" Zhang Lie said to himself after sobering up.

The time and space in the altar are distorted, Zhang Lie does not know whether the altar is linked to the fairy or the future.

Suddenly, the altar glowed again, it was even more blurred, and the time seemed to be disordered, and an earth-shattering change had taken place!

On the broken altar, the void is distorted, and the whole world seems to disappear.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide in surprise, looking at the ancient dilapidated altar.

The call was far, faint, barely audible, but real, not a hallucination.

Zhang Lie stood here, his body and heart were shaking, he really wanted to walk over, but what could he do after he really stepped on the altar?

In addition, the altar is broken, it is too old, and in addition to the previous war, half of it has been lost, and it is impossible to transmit living creatures and artifacts at all.

The Tianluo Immortal Saber resonated even more violently, and Zhang Lie could hardly hold it.


The altar glows, the laws are ancient, none of them are recognizable, all are mysterious.


Through the resonance of the two Tianluo fairy knives, it is like an altar locating the time and space where Dao Zhang Lie is, and through the resonance, a road connecting two different time and space is opened, coming from a far away place, doing everything possible, to be on the altar Manifestation, but always difficult to actually appear.

"Zhang Lie..."

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