Published at 5th of June 2024 09:32:31 AM

Chapter 953: A giant puppy

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Chapter 953 A giant puppy

The silence that welcomed the room was engulfed with awkwardness. A silence that made one feel like they were in a dream. It is not a dream one doesn't want to wake up from, but a dream one wishes is only a dream.

That was precisely how Yue Ling felt at that very moment.

She had wished that her situation was only a dream and she would wake up soon.

However, knowing that this was all real, she let out a long and depressing sigh.

She stares at the white ceiling of her office, and she closes her eyes. She needed to gather her thoughts.

She and Lu Tian were so absorbed in their heated moment that neither thought they would be interrupted.

Knowing there was nothing she could do to turn back time, she opened her eyes and sat up.

"Alright. Let's go."

She readjusted her shirt since she fixed it in a hurry, then reached for her belt on the table.

"What do you feel like having for lunch?"

Before, when her hand was in midair, Lu Tian stopped her by grabbing her arm. She turned to look at him, and she was dumbfounded.

Lu Tian didn't look at her but held his head down. He was known as a ruthless man who found joy at the sight of blood, but his entire posture and expression were like a giant puppy.

He looked pitiful to the point that Yue Ling felt a sense of pity for him.

She sighs a soft chuckle and decides not to get her belt. She adjusted her body to him and held his hand.

"What is it? Are you embarrassed because Liu Shan walked in? Don't worry, he won't tell anyone."

She had this thought because she doubted something like this had ever happened to someone like him.

Her other hand gently pats the back of his hand, and she reassures him.

"I promise. If words get out, I'll take full responsibility."

The more she spoke, the more Lu Tian sulked like a little boy who was not satisfied with something.

However, not overthinking it, she decided not to say anymore and stood up.

"We should go. You still have to go home and finish your work."

She had only stood up when she was pulled back down by the man. This time, she didn't land on the couch but on his lap.

Lu Tian wrapped his arms around his wife and pressed his head on her shoulder.

"I'm not embarrassed if others find out. Better yet, I hope they know. I want the whole world to know how much I long for you."

His words made Yue Ling smile. She pats him on the head like he was a puppy before tilting her head against his.

"Then why are you sulking? It's not like..."

Before she could say anymore, she felt something hard and throbbing pressed against her thigh. She froze in his arms as blood crept to her cheeks again.

"Tian... you..."

Lu Tian hugs her tighter, pulling her closer to him as if to knead her into one with him.

He moves from her shoulder before his lips find her ear, and he whispers.

"Do you have a lot of work?"

He knew his wife was busy, but he didn't think she was this busy. From what he was aware, she was in the process of launching a new merch.

The tablet drew his attention more, and he saw a notebook. It was filled with the notes she had taken, but what it was for caught his attention.

"You're designing a new dress?"

Yue Ling wasn't bothered by the fact that he was looking at her work things. She walked over to her desk and stood next to him.

"This is the list Mr. Liu sent regarding the employees at An Qing. I was looking through it before you came."

She didn't need to hide anything from him, and she continued.

"As for this..."

She pointed to the tablet, black design book, and notebook but pursed her lips.

"There's been a situation with the dress I picked out for the engagement, but there's nothing to worry about. My design team is helping me create a new dress for the event."

Lu Tian was slightly taken aback by how open-minded his wife was with him. She would explain things to him even when he didn't ask.

This was what he loved about her.

He responded faintly, but his eyes darkened at the tablet. He will have to find out what caused the situation with her dress.

Someone will meet his wrath if he doesn't like what he finds.

"Let's go. I feel like having soup from your aunt and uncle's restaurant."

Yue Ling is unaware of his thoughts and walks away. She was beginning to feel her stomach rumble.

"Yue Ling."

Having taken only three steps, she stopped when she heard Lu Tian's deep voice. She turns around to look at him, and the corners of her lips arc into a smile.

The dark expression on Lu Tian's face had disappeared and was replaced with softness. His left hand stretched out towards her like a helpless little boy.

He didn't need to say anything as Yue Ling laughed.

She walks back to him and places her right palm over his. She held his hand and laughed again.



Lu Tian felt content. He never liked the empty feeling of being unable to hold her hand when they were so close.

His steps were small to match her pace, but he remained on her. It was as if he was a blind man putting his trust in her to guide the way for him.

As they left her office, a sense of guilt seeped inside him.

His wife was always honest with him, and he never wanted to hide anything from her. He hopes that Grandfather Ji will hurry and tell her about his illness.

If the old man doesn't think about doing it anytime soon, he will have no choice but to break his promise and tell his wife.

He doesn't even dare to imagine the painful expression she will make when she finds out.

Thinking this, he puts her hand on his lip and kisses it.

"I hope you know that I'll always be here for you. I'll never leave you."

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