Published at 10th of May 2024 09:25:15 AM

Chapter 2482: Chapter 2482 - Chapter 2482: Forbidden Guard’s Captain, Naraka, Uplifting

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Chapter 2482: Forbidden Guard’s Captain, Naraka, Uplifting

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Once Chu Kuangren had successfully become the Sword Overlord on the Sword Great Dao, his aura grew stronger and resonated with the Sword Great Dao better.

Jian Jueshi, on the other hand, was mortified by the scene.

He never thought that someone else would ascend to Sword Overlord while he ruled the Sword Great Dao or that Chu Kuangren would defeat him on the Sword Great Dao!

One Dao with two Overlords was an extremely rare occurrence, yet it happened.

“One Dao with two Overlords?”

Chu Kuangren grinned when he heard the others talking about him. “No. From now on, 1 will be the one and only Sword Overlord!”

Then, he pointed his sword hand sign forward.

Millions of Sword Daoist law energy merged with the sword intent of past and present and gathered at his fingertip, forming a massive sword shadow that swung down at Jian Jueshi.


As the Sword Great Dao trembled, Jian Jueshi was blasted out of the Sword Great Dao.

That slash was several times stronger than Jian Jueshi’s attack.

Even though Chu Kuangren had just ascended into the Sword Overlord, he already possessed such terrifying power.

He might be the only one throughout history to be able to do that.

Back in the Primal Kingdom, Jian Jueshi opened his eyes in shock.

His sword intent erupted uncontrollably, and his expression turned grim.

“Chu Kuangren!”

Jian Jueshi’s eyes gleamed fiercely as he shouted.

Fortunately, he was able to calm down rather quickly. After a deep breath, he went to the God Prince and the other Nine Honors to inform them of Chu Kuangren’s ascension.

The Primal Gods were silenced when they heard the news.

“Chu Kuangren’s growth is far quicker than we thought.”

“He’s already an Overlord. Even though the Source has faded and it’s impossible to have another Overlord who can control the Source energy, if he could complete what the Human Ancestor started by breaking through three thousand Daos into the Overlord Realm, the God Emperor might not be able to stop him.”

“Hmph. The God Emperor energy is not unfathomable.”

“The God Emperor may be invincible, but Chu Kuangren remains a force to be reckoned with. We must think of a way to remove him as soon as possible.”

“But if not the God Emperor, who can rival him?”

“1 think only Samsara King and the Grim Reaper of the Nine Honors can rival him, but they’re still recovering.”

The Primal Gods were discussing among themselves.

Not only was Chu Kuangren ridiculously powerful, but he also had the Descendant Self Sword and All Creation Cauldron, which were both Source Supreme Treasures.

It was not an exaggeration to say that only the God Emperor could rival him.

It was the reason the Primal Kingdom had been quietly recruiting soldiers to boost their own strength instead of provoking the Pan Gu Kingdom in recent years.

The Infinity War had begun, but most of them were small-scale battles.

The real war had yet to start.

“Maybe I can have a try.”

A voice sounded from the void.

Then, an intense murderous qi erupted, and scenes depicting gods falling and demons crying started to conjure.

From within the mountains of bodies and sea of blood, a man in black robes, emanating an intense murderous aura, came forward.

He had long gray hair that symbolized death, while his gray eyes were frosty, and the reflection from them felt more chilling than ice.

It was actually a bloody murderous qi mixed with battle intent.

“Oh? The captain of the Forbidden Guards, Blade of Despair, Tian Lu!”

The God Prince narrowed his eyes at the man

Tian Lu, the captain of the Forbidden Guards, bested some of the Nine Honors in the past and was absolutely loyal to the God Emperor. His only wish was to serve the God Emperor for life, so he rejected a spot in the Nine Honors and became the captain of the Forbidden Guards instead.

He was powerful.

Every time he appeared on the battlefield, there would be a bloodbath. He rivaled even the Primal God, God of Slaughter, hence his title, Blade of Despair.

“God Prince.”

Tian Lu bowed to the God Prince.

“I didn’t expect you to wake up now. How much power do you have left?” the God Prince asked with anticipation.

“Eighty percent,” Tian Lu said.

When the old Infinity War ended, he was barely hurt, so he was able to recover faster than the other Primal Gods.

The Blade of Despair with eighty percent of his power should not be underestimated because, even with just eighty percent of power left, he was stronger than Primal Flame at his prime.


God Prince nodded and then continued, “Instead of sending you to test Chu Kuangren, I have something 1 want you to do.”

“What is it?”

“Go to Naraka.”

The moment the name was mentioned, everyone in the room, including the Primal Gods, was shocked.

With furrowed brows, Primal Flame said, “Naraka? The place where the Tribulation Lord rests? Why send him there?”

The name Tribulation Lord was quite a taboo among the Primal Gods.

No one knew how powerful he really was. However, it was said that he once fought the God Emperor, and to everyone’s surprise, the almighty and invincible God Emperor was hurt in that battle.

After that, everyone saw the Tribulation Lord to be as dangerous as the Human Ancestor, and no one dared to challenge him alone.

Fortunately, the Tribulation Lord was a neutral force during the Infinity War.

He did not take sides.

Even until Infinity War ended and all the Primal Gods went into slumber, he did not show up.

His intention was a mystery.

“The Tribulation Lord controls over all the tribulations in the universe. The Three Disasters, Nine Tribulations, the Heavenly Deterioration, and all the bad things related to a cultivator are in his control.

“His neutral position remains vague, so 1 want you to test him and find out if he still remains neutral this time,” God Prince said.

The Tribulation Lord was a ticking time bomb.

No one knew when he, with his unimaginable power, would explode.

Therefore, it would be wise to test him first.

If he refused to become an ally, it would also be great to not make an enemy out of him.

“I understand.”

Tian Lu nodded and then disappeared from his spot.

Back in the Pan Gu Kingdom, Chu Kuangren had returned from the Sword Great Dao.

He had ascended to become a Sword Overlord, and in addition to his three thousand Daos, common Overlords were no longer his match.

He could even defeat Primal Gods who wielded the Source energy.

“I wonder how many hits I can take from the God Emperor now,” Chu Kuangren murmured.

He was not blindly confident, but he knew he was slowly getting closer to the God Emperor’s standard.

He believed he could be strong enough to rival or even defeat the God Emperor one day.

The news of Chu Kuangren breaking through to the Overlord Realm spread across the kingdom, and it uplifted everyone’s spirit.

“Our ruler has broken through to the Overlord Realm, which means he’s a lot stronger. The Primals are no longer a threat!”

“Yeah! Our ruler is truly invincible!”

“Under his lead, we will surely win the Infinity War!”

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