Published at 15th of January 2024 10:45:54 AM

Chapter 623: Departing For The Mountains

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Chapter 623 Departing For The Mountains

Orion understood this and held himself back, as he didn't want anything to jeopardise the well-being of his children. He nodded and proceeded to take his bath outside, having been informed by Aunt Greta that they had already prepared the water for him.

After completing his bath, Orion returned and reclined comfortably on his mat. This material is derived from n0v£lbin•

Suddenly, a figure rushed to his side, tightly hugging his arms. Looking at Gina, Orion greeted her, "Good night, Gina." Another figure appeared beside him, and Orion turned to see Fiona holding his hand, saying, "Goodnight, Fiona."

Then, a cheerful Lyra threw herself on top of him, prompting a smile from Orion, who wished her, "Goodnight, Lyra." Feeling kisses on both cheeks, he looked up and saw his mother and Reena. "Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Reena."

A kiss on the forehead followed from Grandma Vivian. "Goodnight, Vivian." Another kiss landed on Orion's lips, and he reciprocated as Derry pulled back, saying, "Goodnight, Derry."

Afterwards, Aunt Greta, Ayla, Grandma Ingrid, Ursa, Sura, and Grandma Celia each bid him goodnight in their own way; he reciprocated before they all gradually drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile, from the other side of the room, Grandma Meldra observed their interactions with a warm smile before arranging her mat and settling down to sleep.

With all the women now pregnant, she understood that they would increasingly depend on her assistance in the future. Knowing this, she prepared herself mentally to wake up early the next day and get used to the responsibilities that awaited her.

"Haaa..." Grandma Meldra sighed tiredly, for the stress that awaited her before she quickly fell asleep.


"Goodbye, Orion. Please be safe," Saria said with worry as she observed Orion boarding the Orion's sky.

Having traversed the dead forest to reach the mountains, she knew the dangers that awaited them there.

Even though they previously faced several three-star Vylkr vines on their way back from the mountains due to Saria's tree, Orion understood Saria's concerns. He offered a reassuring nod, "I will," before turning his attention to Caretaker Shani, who held Rick in her arms among the other Key figures gathered to see them off.

Observing the familiar armour worn by the guards, Orion identified them as members of the Crystalforge Clan. He immediately figured that the Queen had stationed guards in the upper regions of the mountain to safeguard and monitor the area, especially now that White Flame was no more.

Nonetheless, they didn't need to trace their way back to the previous passageway they had created to leave the Prismerian kingdom, as they could have one of the guards lead them back to it.

As though understanding Orion's thoughts, the lead guard gestured for them to follow. "This way," he said, leading them through the passage they had created, ultimately bringing them back to the Prismerian kingdom.

Upon their arrival at the beautiful crystal castle, two figures suddenly appeared within view and suddenly drove into Orion, pushing him towards the ground.



Orion lifted his head to see that the two figures were Maya and Merida.

"How are you two doing?" Orion asked before he gently got up from the floor and embraced them. He wasn't surprised that Maya and Merida were still residing in the castle with Crystalia and the others and had yet to return to their clans.

"I'm okay now that you've returned," Maya replied with a relaxed expression.

"Me too. It's difficult to rest knowing that your partner is somewhere out there, among the Vylkr vines," Merida added.

"Okay, I'm back now, so there's no need for you to worry," Orion reassured Merida as he gently rubbed her back before continuing to walk forward.

Although he would have preferred to speak with Queen Selene immediately upon his arrival, he decided to head to the garden first and handle some 1important matters before anything else.

Within a few minutes, they all stood before the entrance to the garden, guarded by two Crystalforge Clan guards.

"You guys can go and inform Crystalia and the others that I have arrived," Orion instructed Maya and Merida.

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