Published at 6th of February 2024 12:06:53 PM

Chapter 660: Home And Kinks

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Chapter 660 Home And Kinks

660 Home And Kinks

Lyra hesitated initially when she saw Orion's expression but eventually nodded in response. She was determined to find out what had led her daughter to enjoy such an act, no matter what.

Witnessing this scene, Celeste couldn't help but shake her head and frown. She could tell that Lyra had fallen into a trap set by her son; however, she didn't interrupt. After all, it wasn't a lie to say that they were all curious about the reasons behind Ingrid's and Ursa's behaviour that night.

So, she merely observed to see how this was going to unfold. The others shared the same idea and did the same, observing.

Orion extended his hand toward Lyra and raised an eyebrow before proceeding to lightly pinch her nipple.

"... Hee!" Lyra flinched as she felt Orion's fingers graze over her sensitive nipple.

It's worth noting that after childbirth, their breasts had undergone a significant increase, accompanied by a slight increase in sensitivity, which was natural as they had already started producing breast milk.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

Suddenly, drops of clear white milky breast milk spilt from her pinched breast, staining her fingers and thighs. Surprisingly, it didn't take long before her other motherly breast released several drops of breast milk. Orion raised a brow in surprise as he watched this scene.

He had only intended to divert Lyra's attention towards something else since there was no way he could explain how Ingrid and Ursa had awakened their dominant sides during kushi. He had chosen to play along that time to see how far their new tendencies would influence their kushi together.

Surprisingly, it made the experience even better.

Orion slightly increased the amount of force he applied to her breast, causing Lyra to moan loudly.

"Did I say that you could moan?" Orion asked with a harsh tone and a deep, displeased expression.

Derry was about to respond; however, Celeste intervened, "He's right. We need to wrap this up quickly so we can get some sleep and be ready to handle the kids tomorrow," Celeste said. "Whatever secrets they're keeping is their business. We all have secrets, and I'm sure none of us would appreciate someone digging into them."

Orion acknowledged his mother's adept handling of the situation, mentally giving her a thumbs up for maintaining order among the women.

In recent months, her leadership role had become firmly established, dissuading anyone from causing trouble in her presence to avoid her wrath. Crystalia and Elysia, however, remained exceptions.

As a former princess unaccustomed to obeying rules, Crystalia retained a rebellious demeanour, leading to occasional clashes with his mother. Meanwhile, Elysia supported Crystalia and only stepped in to correct her when she felt she had crossed some boundaries.

Despite Orion's efforts to mediate and prevent physical altercations, they insisted on handling the matter themselves, asking him to stay out. He had no choice but to observe how they would resolve the issue.

Derry sighed deeply and nodded in response. She was already at odds with Greta and Vivian and had the necessary backing to go against Celeste, so she chose to remain quiet.

Lyra sighed but continued to look at Orion throughout the meeting, pondering the meaning behind his words.

Although she was worried about whether Orion had discovered her secret, she chose to wait and see what he had in mind.

During the meeting, Orion learned that his women had been discussing the Orion Cities. They proposed managing it as a family business, an idea he didn't object to as long as the cities operated efficiently.

In fact, Orion had previously shared details about how he managed the city with one of them, highlighting the screened villagers and Prismerions providing him with a complete report of everything going on with each city every week, which he had to constantly check.

When he mentioned their considerable payment, they were surprised and even joked about doing the work and keeping the wealth for themselves instead of always using the family wealth as they pleased.

Apart from Anara, whom the women had called for advice because she was the only one overseeing a territory and several hundred individuals for the longest time, Celeste was present out of curiosity, interested in ensuring the home was in order.

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