Published at 11th of April 2024 12:53:39 PM

Chapter 777: Aegis Of The Arctic Deity Past

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Chapter 777 Aegis Of The Arctic Deity Past

Aegis of the Arctic Deity shook his head in disagreement, "No, he didn't. Though I can say for certain that a few of the Seven Greats Gods had a transplant of an Omnithrallian within them, a few of them, like White Flame, did not. Although the Omnithrallians created the Human race to be unable to utilize various types of energies, as they were unwilling to let history repeat itself and see their own creation rebel against them, humans are still direct descendants of the Omnithrallians."

"As such, they possess a particular dormant power within them that, when awakened, has the potential to rival the strength of the Omnithrallians. However, this dormant power isn't equal in all humans, with some being stronger than others. This is why the human race had managed to awaken various strange abilities and strengths after being exposed to sudden, immense influences of various types of energies when the gods and their children broke into this world through the Stellar gates."

Orion nodded again in realization at the revelation that the only reason he or anyone else could awaken a gift was because of his direct lineage to the Omnithrallians.

Despite that, he decided to visit the Village Chief's Compound after this to see what the ethereal fruits that they had eaten from the tree that emerged from the Village Chief's compound had to do with their gifts. He intended to figure out how tied it was to Naka.

He hadn't done so already because the tree had already piqued his attention beforehand, prompting him to speak with the Village Chief about it. However, the Village Chief had informed him that the spiritual tree only blooms once a year during the awakening ceremony, so he hadn't been able to look at it again.

But he was determined now to find out if there was another way of doing so.

Nevertheless, he asked his next question, "And what about Naka? How did you encounter him?" Orion asked curiously.

"As time passed, we emerged from our underground icy cave beneath the sea, not only to search for survivors but also to explore the new world we found ourselves in, seeking any race that could aid us in seeking revenge, even if it meant becoming their slaves."

"However, that proved to be a grave mistake. Upon emerging, we were immediately attacked not only by the pursuers but also by their god, who had sensed the divine artefact we possessed and waited patiently for us to emerge."

"Before he could strike, however, another god intervened—Naka emerged and saved us, offering us refuge without any demands. Initially, I was wary, having never heard of a god named Naka and fearing he might have ulterior motives, perhaps also desiring the divine artefacts in my possession."

"However, I was wrong; he didn't even show the slightest interest in it and was only searching the corpses of the Omnithrallians. After hearing the description of what he was looking for, I led him to it as gratitude for saving me and the remaining members of my race."

"At first, I thought our debt had been repaid since the two corpses seemed valuable to him. However, he shocked me by promising to grant me the strength to protect my race and be as powerful as the gods."

"At first, I thought he was joking and had some hidden motives, but he didn't seem to possess any terrible motives towards me and my race. He still chooses to protect us even if I refuse his offer. It was only after I learned about the shocking identity of the corpses in his hands that I finally understood and, in my thirst for power, decided to risk it all."

"We were a godless race under the protection of an unknown god, so I had nothing to lose. My strength would be insufficient to protect the remaining members of my race should we be attacked again. Rather, I had everything to gain if we were successful."

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