Published at 11th of April 2024 12:52:33 PM

Chapter 803: Orion's Pending Decision

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Chapter 803 Orion's Pending Decision

Isadora turned to her father, who stood beside her and shook her head gently. "Father, this is our best course of action right now. We shouldn't be focusing on rebuilding the Four-eared elven race to its former glory. Instead, we should focus on integrating into the Orion's Cities and proving that we're not merely refugees. Taking this step is just the beginning. Besides, we've already lost everything valuable we once had, so what do we have to lose except our lives? Isn't it worth seizing every opportunity we find?" she explained.

Patriarch Rylan was taken aback by her words and realized her deep insight. For the sake of their entire race, she was willing to take the lead and secure their uncertain future.

Though Patriarch Rylan knew his daughter was smart, having been taught by the best teachers in the Four-eared Lone Rabbit Runaway City, he had never imagined she would devise such a plan on her own.

'Yes... Yes, it had to be,' Patriarch Rylan thought, nodding inwardly.

He realized that his daughter might have matured significantly during the attack on their runaway city and the loss of many of their people along the way. They had hidden their emotions to spare him worry about their well-being, but now, looking at the determined gaze in his daughter's eyes, he could see she had changed more than he had expected.

Gritting his teeth in frustration, Patriarch Rylan quietly nodded in understanding.

Isadora sighed in relief, a faint smile gracing her lips as she turned her attention back to Orion, awaiting his response.

Orion pondered Isadora's words deeply. Having observed their conversation, he understood her intentions. He saw her suggestion not as a problem but as an opportunity to better integrate the Four-eared elves into the Orion's Cities. After all, Isadora's influence appeared to rival her father's.

Whether Isadora could prove the value of the Four-eared elven race during her time working under him depended solely on her abilities. If successful, the Orion's Cities would gain another group of hardworking and valuable members.

However, if she failed, he would have to revert to his previous plan: gradually relegating them to the bottom rung of society, assigning them menial tasks, and dividing them among the other races in the city, thereby ensuring their contribution to the Orion's Cities.

"Though I trust in Aegis of the Arctic Deity's shield to protect us from this phenomenon, I believe it's safer to work from home during these times. That way, I can take care of the children and family while still being productive," she sighed lightly.

After spending a considerable amount of time working with the Vylkr vines and their energy, she had come to understand their unpredictability and ferocity. Therefore, she wasn't willing to take any chances with a literally terrifying Vylkr phenomenon looming over their heads, even with the protection of a god.

Orion nodded understandingly. He knew he couldn't convince her that everything would be fine, so he respected her decision to take precautions, especially given the nature of her project. "Would you like me to escort you back home?" he offered.

"Of course. Why do you think I'm still waiting here? Let's go. I need to get home early so I can continue my work," Seraphina replied, smiling brightly.

Orion grinned in response to her enthusiasm. He approached her and scooped her up in a princess carry before taking off into the sky, heading towards their home.


Third Border City


Beneath the Divine Essence Lake

A middle-aged man, draped in a long green robe and adorned with a pair of sandals seemingly crafted by the forest itself, lay tired and injured on a grass bed within a vast garden.

Two stunning sets of translucent Pixie wings sprouted from his back while golden bracelets adorned his upper arms and each wrist. Despite his weariness, he gazed fondly at the thousands of Pixies dancing through the air, his warm smile reflecting the affection of a parent beholding their beloved children.

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