Published at 16th of May 2024 05:54:57 AM

Chapter 862: A New

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Chapter 862 A New Chapter

The Princess of the Garden's voice remained silent across the space this time.

"... I remember you... You are me, aren't you?" the woman?lying?on her feathers suddenly asked, her eyes staring at Aerialia with bright intensity before swiftly shaking her head. "No, it's the other way around. I'm you."

Aerialia tried to open her mouth to speak. Still, she found that she couldn't, not because?she?had nothing to say, but as the woman lying comfortably on her wings stopped weeping and spoke with her, she slowly diminished in size and appearance, looking noticeably younger than before.

"No," Aerialia shook her head in disagreement, finally finding her voice. "You are not me. There is only one person you can be, which is you."

The woman, now transformed into a young girl, blinked in confusion. "I don't understand. After all, I'm a failed replica of you. If I'm not you, then I'm nobody," she responded.

Aerialia gradually dried her tears. "You can't be a nobody because I'm holding you, right? Also, you were never me. I'm much older than you, much more knowledgeable, and wiser. So how can you be me when you are still so young?" Aerialia responded, watching as the young girl transformed into a 12-year-old and stopped there.

"If what you say is true, then who am I?" the young girl asked curiously.

Aerialia stretched and gently placed her trembling hands against the girl's cheeks. "I've thought about it deeply and decided that since you are everything I am, would you like to be my daughter?" she asked.

The young girl's eyes widened, her brows furrowing as she spoke. "Your daughter?" she questioned, surprised.

"Yes," Aerialia nodded, her expression gentle yet determined. "Apart from my children, I've never had anyone?else?directly related to me except you. So, what do you think about it? Do you want to be my daughter?"

"Your daughter!" The young girl sat upright, her curiosity piqued as she looked at Aerialia with wide eyes.

Aerialia turned around, her gaze falling upon the more mature Aurora weeping on her bosom. She wrapped her arms around her, embracing her tightly.

"It's alright. I know it must have been hard, but everything will be alright from today onwards," Aerialia responded, gently wiping away Aurora's tears from her eyes like a caring mother would. "Come on, it's time we get out of here and announce to everyone who the new you are," she added, smiling brightly.

Aurora nodded, her voice soft but resolute. "Okay, mother," she responded.



"Uhm! Are you sure she is going to be okay?" Gina asked, her concern apparent as she looked at the weeping Princess of the Garden, who strangely also wore a bright smile.

"Well, Orion said that no matter what happens, we shouldn't touch or awaken her until she wakes up herself," Celeste responded. Though she shared Gina's worry, Celeste trusted Orion's judgment, knowing he wouldn't give such an order without reason.

A bright light suddenly flashed before them, revealing the appearance of an incredibly tall woman, much taller than Fifi, with large brilliant white wings stretched outwards. She was clad in clothing that appearedto beloosely wrapped around her body.

Crystalia widened her eyes, immediately recognizing who the woman was.

Meanwhile, the other women cautiously took several steps back, forming a defensive stance against the Princess of the Garden. Fifi, Ursa, Seraphina, Anara, and the tree nymphs stood ready to attack if anything went wrong.

Soon, Aurora gradually stirred awake and sat upright. She observed everyone, noting the wariness in their postures. Instantly, she understood that Aerialia had chosen to reveal herself to everyone present.

Aurora pulled herself to her feet and dusted herself off before standing beside Aerialia. She then addressed the surrounding women. "Everyone, I want you all to meet my mother, Aerialia, the goddess of the hunting moon," she announced, directing her hand towards the woman hovering beside her.

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