Published at 16th of May 2024 05:54:55 AM

Chapter 864: Aegis Of The Arctic Deity's Final Stand (2)

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Chapter 864 Aegis Of The Arctic Deity's Final Stand (2)

She didn't want a situation where the territory would suddenly collapse from the sky, killing everyone in the process.

Aurora, her heart pounding, took a step forward.

Orion proceeded to explain the current situation to both of them.

They nodded understanding and focused on Aegis of the Arctic Deity, preparing to leave the barrier. They realized this was the last time they would ever see him again.

Aurora bowed towards his direction, saying, "Thank you. I'll never forget your sacrifice and all you've done for us," her voice tinged with sadness.

"I'm sorry for ever looking down on you because you were a manmade god. Despite everything that has transpired in the past, you've proven to be worthy of your divinity over and over again. I'm sure god Aerendir would be proud to learn that his children had inherited his ideals without flaws," Aerialia also said, looking straight at Aegis of the Arctic Deity with a nod.

Aegis of the Arctic Deity nodded at Aurora and Aerialia one last time before shifting his attention towards Orion.

"I don't have much to say except thank you. It's been amazing knowing the kind of person you are, Oberon," Orion said, bowing slightly towards Oberon.

"Take care of the Orion Cities and the Pixie race, Orion. I know they might be a handful at times, but as long as they remain useful, which I'm sure they always will, I know you won't have a problem handling them," Aegis of the Arctic Deity responded before nodding one last time at Orion.

He focused his gaze skyward and instantly vanished from their sight, materializing outside the barrier.

Before the Vylkr spawns could attack again, Aegis of the Arctic Deity opened his lips and muttered, "Mirror realm." Instantly, all three Vylkr spawns before him were sucked into the Mirror realm so their attacks would not affect the world around them.

Below, Orion observed the scene and sighed, "It's finally over," he remarked.

Aerialia and Aurora nodded in response. Aurora turned her attention towards Orion and cleared her throat, catching his attention.

Aerialia soon turned her gaze upward and watched the ongoing battle solemnly, hoping for the victory of Aegis of the Arctic Deity despite his weakened state.

Orion and Aurora also calmed down, their focus shifting to the sky, where the territory continued to rise. They shared Aerialia's concerns; losing this battle meant being trapped within the barrier even after the Vylkr veil phenomenon ended, which was a future they wished to avoid.

After twenty minutes, the sky above them suddenly trembled again, showcasing that the 'Mirror realm' had been broken.

Aegis of the Arctic Deity appeared, visibly grasping the neck of the ashen-skinned man whose lower body had now been brutally torn off. The other two assailants were nowhere to be seen, making it evident that Aegis had successfully taken care of them. After a few seconds, the ashen-skinned man was dead, his body scattering into the air.

Witnessing this scene, Orion, Aurora, and Aerialia sighed in relief.

"He did it," Orion remarked.

Aurora and Aerialia nodded in agreement.

They had been worried that Aegis of the Arctic Deity would be too weak to dispose of their assailants, but their worries had been for nought. Suddenly, as Aegis of the Arctic Deity slowly descended towards the barrier, the stormy clouds above them grewstronger.

Aegis of the Arctic Deity halted his movement and furrowed his brows, shifting his attention towards the storm clouds and the frenzied lightning and thunder flashing through the sky simultaneously.


Orion, Aerialia, and Aurora immediately sensed something was amiss, and a surge of suspicion filled their hearts.

"Don't tell me there are more of them," Orion muttered, his throat feeling heavy as he spoke.

Aurora and Aerialia clenched their fists tightly together, quietly coming to the same conclusion as Orion.

As if in response to their questions,several bolts of lightning and thunder gathered in the sky like lances and struck down at the Aegis of the Arctic Deity.

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