Published at 16th of May 2024 05:54:21 AM

Chapter 870: Newcomers to Consider

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Chapter 870 Newcomers to Consider

"Warrior Orion, we humbly offer our service as warriors to the Orion Cities. We pledge to defend this territory with all our strength!" they announced in unison.

Orion was taken aback by their unified statement. He glanced at each of the six Four-eared Elves' chosen gods, Captain Seig, Evadne, and Princess Isadora, and it dawned on him why they had made this bold move. The presence of Aegis of the Arctic Deity and his fight against the Vylk spawns and the floating territory had clearly spurred them into action.

They must have realized that to secure their place in these cities and enjoy the privileges they offered, they needed to prove themselves or risk expulsion from this territory, which was arguably the safest refuge they knew.

At that moment, Orion inwardly smiled. Even though Isadora, Captain Seig, and his lieutenant had previously made their intentions clear to him, he couldn't easily grant such a request, especially to the other gods'?chosens?among the Four-eared Elves, for fear of potential misuse.

Orion turned his head to the side and called over Stronghold Leader Zogar and Seth.

"Since you all are eager to join the warriors in safeguarding this territory, I'll give you the chance to prove yourselves. I'll entrust you to the care of Stronghold Leader Zogar and Seth, as I believe they are the best judges of whether you are qualified for this task," Orion said, gesturing towards Stronghold Leader Zogar and Seth, who had arrived before them.

Hearing Orion's words, Captain Seig and the others' expressions darkened. Despite understanding that Stronghold Leader Zogar and Seth were not the?strongest?individuals within the village, they were still aware of their formidable strength due to their gift, which made them terrifying opponents. They couldn't help but wonder what kind of trials they would subject them to to determine their qualification to guard the Orion's Cities.

"Do any of you have any problems with that?" Orion asked, awaiting their response.

They hesitated before shaking their heads in unison.

"That's good. Stronghold Leader Zogar and Stronghold Leader Seth, I'll be leaving them in your capable hands. Please ensure that they are qualified enough to protect this territory and the Orion's Cities," Orion said, his eyes fixed on Stronghold Leader Zogar and Seth with a smile on his lips.

Stronghold Leader Zogar and Seth understood the hidden intent behind Orion's words and actions. Their expressions lit up with a smile almost instantly.

"Don't worry; if they are truly prepared to lay down their lives for this territory, then we'll handle them to the best of our abilities," Stronghold Leader Seth responded, a sharp glint in his eyes.

"Are you sure she'll be able to handle such demanding work?" Aurora asked, observing Isadora as she walked away before shifting her attention towards Orion.

"No, not when she hasn't gotten used to Orion's cities yet. But since she wants to prove herself, this is her first chance to surpass my expectations. Then I'll look for a less demanding position for her where she can continue to help maintain the prosperity of the Orion City and ensure the well-being of the Four-eared elves," Orion responded, carrying Aurora in a Princess carry as they prepared to head back to the Garden to meet up with his wives and children.

Also, their post-crisis meeting will take two days, so he has time to spend with his family until then.

Aurora nodded in understanding. "She seems like a good person, so don't go too hard on her," she replied.

Orion halted his steps and looked down at Aurora with a raised brow. He had never heard her talk about someone she had never met in such a good way. The least he usually received was unbiased opinions of an individual.

Nonetheless, he nodded. "I'll keep that in mind," he said before leaping into the sky.


Two days later

In a spacious chamber, the key figures of the Orion Cities—

Orion, the Village Chief, the Village Chieftess, Stronghold Leader Seth and Seth, Queen Selene, and the Caretakers—sat in their respective seats.

Orion recounted everything that had transpired with Aegis of the Arctic Deity, including the secrets within his sealed memories. He didn't hold back any details from the past, including Naka's identity and the events that led to their current situation.

After discussing it with Aerialia, he concluded there was no reason to keep Aegis of the Arctic Deity's revelations a secret, especially since recent events may have exposed their location. It would be foolish to withhold this knowledge from the others now.

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