Published at 21st of May 2024 07:40:49 AM

Chapter 882: Savoring Maeve (2)**

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Chapter 882 Savoring Maeve (2)**

Soon, Orion's entire size was inside Maeve's folded lips. Just as he was about to pull out, he sensed a strange wave of power tingling from his hardened penis and spreading through the rest of his body.

Orion immediately halted, deciding to investigate. After focusing his senses inward, he discovered the emergence of a new energy within his veins, resting at the corner of his body, overpowered by the Primordial, Vylkr, and Celestial energy already within him.

"I forgot to mention that Pixies share a slight amount of their strength, or rather their nature energy, with their partners. This is one reason why a Pixie must marry within their respective hierarchy. Nonetheless, the amount of nature energy lost is immediately recovered after a few hours or days, so you don't have to worry. Also, I'm sorry for telling you this now; I was so focused on ensuring everything was prepared that it slipped my mind," Maeve said, shifting her attention to the side to avoid eye contact with Orion.

Orion's brows furrowed deeply as he listened to Maeve's words. Despite how minuscule it was, he never imagined that he would acquire nature energy in such a manner, especially considering the effort he had expended to obtain the Celestial and Vylkr energies.

"Is there anything else you might have forgotten I need to know?" Orion asked, refocusing his gaze on Maeve.

"Normally, the Pixie male is supposed to grant his first ejaculation to his partner since it would also contain some of his nature energy. However, since you are not a Pixie male, I don't think it would work that way, so there is no reason to worry about it," Maeve responded.

This method was also used to check if either of the two Pixies indeed only had one partner. However, considering Orion had multiple wives and was not a member of the Pixie race, such a thing would undoubtedly not work.

"So, you're saying that your chances of getting a partner would drop to zero after this?" Orion asked, his wide eyes fixed on Maeve as he came to the sudden realization.

The other two pixie women tried to speak but quickly swallowed back their words, not daring to utter a sound under Orion's intense scrutiny.

Suddenly, Orion felt a hand gently wrapping around his right arm. He refocused his eyes on Maeve and noticed the moisture in her eyes.

"Mr. Orion, please, we no longer want to dwell on that. Let's continue so we can all have a taste of your semen and find out what is wrong with us. You can't imagine how my tongue is tingling and trembling right now, having you inside me. All I want is for you to fill me up and allow my tongue and insides to relish the taste of your semen again. So please, let's continue and forget about this conversation; this is our choice,"Maeve pleaded, her eyes moistening even more.

'This is definitely an addiction,'Orion thought, looking at Maeve and the others with a newfound understanding.

Initially, he had seen this as merely a way to explore how a Pixie pussy felt like, disregarding their desire for his semen as something trivial that could be addressed later.

However, realizing how far they were willing to go to satisfy their craving for his semen, he understood that this was a matter he needed to take seriously.

'I need to get them to Seraphina and Greta so they can quickly assess their condition,' Orion thought, exhaling wearily. Part of him wanted to stop and immediately take them to Seraphina and Greta, while another part urged him to continue and indulge in the Pixie pussy before him.

Orion refocused his attention on Maeve and said, "I'm sorry. I should have taken this more seriouslyfrom the startinstead of letting it linger until now."

Hearing Orion's words, Maeve's eyes widened significantly. She couldn't pinpoint when or why, but she suddenly felt her cheeks becoming moist. Quickly shaking her head, she began, "As I said before, Mr. Orion, this is entirely..."Maeve tried to speak, but Orionplaced a finger onher lips, silencing her.

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