Published at 31st of May 2024 08:19:39 AM

Chapter 884: Cornering Isadora

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Chapter 884 Cornering Isadora

When the receptionist arrived at the source of the screaming on the first floor, she immediately noticed the doors of one room wide open, with various metallic objects strewn around it. Inside, a couple was frantically chasing a small, agile, snow-furred creature.

The unknown entity clung to walls and ceilings, dodging their attacks with surprising ease. Its jaws opened wide, spewing out strange metallic objects several times its size in retaliation.

The receptionist stood speechless, unsure how to calm the chaotic scene before her and fearful of what this mysterious creature might be.

Witnessing this scene from afar, Isadora felt her brows twitch. Her magical beast, Boba, had always been able to accomplish his tasks perfectly, so she couldn't help but wonder how he had managed to fail such an important one.

'Maybe it's because he isn't used to being in this form or in such an unfamiliar place,' Isadora thought before swiftly pulling out a wooden whistle and blowing on it irregularly as she soared forward.

Her primary means of communication with Boba was the wooden whistle, a silent instrument used to communicate with various magical beasts.

As though sensing the whistle's tone, Boba immediately broke away from the chaotic scene, smashing through the window and escaping outside the building.

Witnessing this scene, the receptionist and the couple chasing the creature were stunned by what happened.

The receptionist, however, quickly snapped out of it and rushed toward the couple. "I'm deeply sorry for what just occurred. I assure you our inn had no hand in whatever that thing was. I would really appreciate it if you could join me in reporting this to the guards so they can handle the situation," she said, apologising.

Meanwhile, Isadora had already reached the fourth floor, carefully scanning each room with her restrained nature energy to avoid detection by Orion. Unable to find Orion and Maeve, she decided to head swiftly to the top of the building.

However, as she was about to pass through the sixth floor, she collided with someone with a resounding "Bam!" The impact caused her to stumble and fall to the ground, losing control of her wings.

"Ouch!" a familiar voice sounded in her ears.


Maeve, however, felt her anger rising. Sensing Orion's gaze, she shifted her attention to the side.

"Since it's like this, I and the girls will be going first and will meet you on the other side of the Pixie Kingdom," Maeve said, directing the four Pixie women to follow her as she soared forward.

The four of them nodded and swiftly followed behind her, quickly exiting the inn least suspiciously.

"Come on, let's go,"Orion said, soaring forward.

Isadora nodded, calming down her turbulent emotions, and immediately followed after him.

Before the receptionist's shocked and bewildered expressions, who was conversingwith the guards and noticed Isadora's emergence from the top floor, Isadora and Orion swiftly exited the inn.

Under Orion's watchful gaze, Isadora caught Boba as he jumped into her grasp and hid him within her leaves attire. ng.

They exited the Pixie Kingdom together.


"Perhaps you're right; Seraphina and Greta might be able to figure out what is wrong with them?"Aurora said, glancing at the five familiar Pixie women sitting on the side of Orion's pocket.

"But, if you carry all of them to the manor at once, I'm afraid that even my sisters might come to some other conclusion before you even complete your explanation,"she added lightly.

Orion showcased a wry smile at her words. Despite understanding what would happen when he returned home with Maeve and the others, he couldn't disagree—they weren't that far from the truth, especially since he had already proposed to Maeve.

Isadora observed the scene from the side, furrowing her brows as she pondered everything she had just heard.In fact, if she hadn't heard the words from Orion himself, she would have found it hard to believe and might have thought someone was trying to make up a poorly formulated story on his behalf.

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