Published at 31st of May 2024 08:19:12 AM

Chapter 896: Orion's Recovery

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Chapter 896 Orion's Recovery

In this form, he was no longer shackled by physical limitations or gravity but had become a living embodiment of lightning - the purest and most untamed force of nature.

The clouds—cirrus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus, altostratus, altocumulus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, fractus, and mammatus, all infested with the Vylkr energy, parted and shone with an almost blinding brilliance that illuminated his presence. And in response to the emergence of lightning—DissCoover updated novels on n(o)v.e/lbin(.)com


Thunder rumbled through the heavens.

Suddenly, Orion noticed the silhouette of an object in the centre of countless swirling Vylkr vine variants within a swirl of Vylkr-infested clouds.

The Vylkr artifact!

He wanted to look closer at the Vylkr artefact to see what it was. However, after advancing into a new stage and testing his abilities, he began to feel fatigue catching up.

After accurately pinpointing its location, his body dissolved into countless streaks of lightning bolts and returned to the floating island at an unimaginable speed.



Aurora observed the scene above as the clouds were brightened with brilliant bluish lightning bolts that consistently stretched their grasp far and wide, a smile lighting up her face. She was aware that Orion had survived and successfully advanced to the next stage, given his new form and extraordinary abilities.

"Thank goodness," Aurora muttered, sighing under her breath.

She glanced at the position where the Crimson Greatsword had been before it disappeared, feeling grateful that her mother had succeeded in saving Orion.


Aurora turned to the side and looked at Fifi, who had just landed within the Garden.

Fifi nodded, as she was already about to do so. Immediately, she leapt into the sky toward the Second Border City.


As Orion roused from his slumber and opened his eyes, he was immediately greeted by Aerialia's tranquil expression.

"You are finally awake," Aerialia remarked, her hand combing through his hair while her other hand rested on his chest as he lay on her thighs.

Orion gradually sat up, feeling less tired than before. "What happened?" he asked, glancing around and noticing they were in the space within the small crimson Greatsword mark before refocusing on Aerialia.

"After you completed your advancement and tested your new abilities, you immediately lost consciousness and have been like this for a few days now," Aerialia responded.

"How many days have I been unconscious?" Orion asked, frowning.

"Six days. It would have been a week if you hadn't awoken today. But thank goodness you did," Aerialia responded.

Orion's shoulders slumped as he understood what Aerialia was trying to convey. Considering the spectacle he had created, if he had remained unconscious for a week, regardless of his current well-being, his partners and others close to him wouldsurelyhave questioned his health.

"Can you tell me what happened during the advancement? Unfortunately, my memory is fuzzy, and I can't remember anything," Orion asked, refocusing on Aerialia.

Aerialia nodded, "It happened like this..." she began, explaining everything that had transpired, from how he had almost died to her attempt to save him, unknowingly triggering the ember of White Flame within him and causing it to retaliate. She described how it dispelled her efforts and expelled her divine energy before immediately subduing the chaotic Vylkr energy, which then helped him fully form his two Vylkr containers.

After that, how he had fallen unconscious because of the strain he had accumulated going through the process.

"But I thought you said it would remain dormant unless I someday step on my journey to become a god?" Orion asked, furrowing his brows in confusion.

"Yes, I mentioned that. However, that was the only logical solution, considering that it's only a remnant of White Flame and has nothing of its former self. However, it seems I was wrong. I should have known that it would be the case considering who White Flame was and how he had almost ascended into becoming a true god," Aerialia responded, sighing in defeat.

Orion frowned, his mind racing as he tried to figure out what other things the ember of White Flame could be able to do in his body. After all, if it could heal him, then it must surely be able to do the opposite.

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